Friday, 14 December 2012

December 21, 2012; The Shift of Consciousness...

Media exposure prophesying the catastrophic destruction of our planet on Friday, December 21, 2012 has, as planned, whipped up a global fervor. One could only assume, most citizenry of the Western world are, at the very least, familiar the end date of the 5,125 year cycle in the Mesoamerican Mayan calendar long count. Pounding heavily on their drums of fear; mainstream media has overtly manipulated coverage of this profound date. America's favorite physicist Michio Kaku, (whom I affectionately call Poo Poo Ka Ka), popularized for Anderson Cooper (whom I affectionately call Pooper Scooper) and CNN news watchers, a disastrous solar storm for December 2012. The solar storm would have us suffer CME's (Coronal Mass Ejections) the likes of which our Earth has never seen; all satellites will be wiped out, as well, the sun facing part of Earth will be scorched to a crispy wasteland.

Two more grievous examples of main stream media deceit are The History Channel 2012 coverage, and Roland Emmerich's  2009 movie "2012", both of which, suggest the Mayans were warning us the complete destruction of earth is inevitable. Regarding the movie; we have all seen enough cinema to walk away knowing, it was just a flick. None the less; the added propagandising of fear certainly has not gone amiss in furthering the elite agenda of manufactured chaos. The History Channel is a completely different affair; some people actually believe the shit peddled by this manipulative network. People assume; because "The History Channel" is dedicated to reporting history, it must be accurate, much the same as history class at school. Now there is a prickly reference; I wouldn't want to get started on high school history, that topic needs to be an essay on its own!

Peeking down the "alternate media" Internet rabbit holes; we find confusion abounds. New-agers believe in ascension to the fifth dimension. Quasi science junkies like Greg Braden anticipate the world will stop and revolve in the opposite direction. Countless Christians are whipped into a religious fervor in anticipation of the rapture. Further investigation reveals; there are those who expect dimensional time travel portals to open in the sky, whilst others suggest our alien ancestors, who seeded the species, will return. Others yet are convinced that Niburu, or planet X to some, will crash into Earth with predictably destructive results. Just yesterday; my wife and I were listening to "Mr. Webbot", Cliff High. Cliff, a self proclaimed, semi famous, prognosticator is convinced the end is coming this February or March. Cliff has been following the work of a few "remote viewing" groups who have emphatically established, at least in their minds, there will be a global flood catastrophe prior to mid summer 2013. They maintain; almost all coastal cities will be completely submerged under water, Cliff is sure the deaths of many millions is inevitable.

If the above listed mayhem is not enough for you; then you may be interested in wringing your hands over the inevitable, crustal shift caused by a polarity reversal. In this morbid portrayal, the Earths magnetic field fails causing the Earth's crust to completely shift upon the sphere. Much like an orange peel sliding to and fro upon the orange. This scenario causes, you guessed it, untold destruction and the end of the world as we know it. Finally; some of you may know Daniel Pinchbeck from the website Evolver, or its sister site, Reality Sandwich. Daniel, a self proclaimed know it all, promotes in his book; "The Return of Quetzalcoatl"; that crop circles, alien abductions and time travelers are signs our alien brethren have returned to lead humanity to its spiritual salvation, that is, if you are spiritually prepared for the journey. We can wish Daniel, and his crew of merry revelers, well as they sail down the Nile into what they expect will be a new world of awakened souls. Having briefly touched upon the most popular destruction scenarios, it is no surprise many people around the world are somewhat concerned about this most auspicious time. How prevalent is the global hysteria?

Are We Afraid Yet?

Adept as main stream media is at predicting doom; it is the Internet which has been the greatest promulgator of fear. Versions of the end of times phenomena can be viewed on an estimated 500,000 plus sites. NASA's astro- biology department have already received thousands of information requests, some inquirers asking if they should just kill themselves, their children or pets. In May of this year; an Ipsos poll of 16, 000 adults in 21 countries found that 8% of respondents experienced anxiety over the 2012 end of the world. To offer an idea as to how many believe in the end times prediction; China 20%, Russia, Turkey, Japan and Korea 13%. U.S.A. 12%, with a booming business being done in the sales of underground bunkers. October 11th, 2012 in Teresina, Brazil, police stopped a mass suicide attempt of a cult headed by prophet Luis Pereire Dos Santos (I don't think he is a relative of mine) who precicted the end of time as the feast day of Our Lady of Aparecida. The mayors of some Brazillian cities are urging peoples to stock up on food. Certain Brazilian communities are uniting to build a colony for survivors, a project which is gaining much local traction and support. 

What are we to think?

Is armageddon just around the corner?

Invariably; as the fateful day grows near, each of us who do have the Mayan 2012 phenomena on our radar, will compile in our minds a personal vision of what the Mayan end date, and the upcoming 2013 year, will entail. Digging through the cluttered closets of my mind; I construct expectation in the form of a wish list. Intrigued I am, to observe my mind wondering to and fro. No different than a child awaiting Christmas, I cannot help but conjure images of natural gifts carrying us on wings of great pleasure. Never in my life have I been more excited about the future; this feeling takes me back to when I was a little boy, possibly 8 or 9 years old.

Walking along Gauvin street in my home town; my destination was the house of Lyle Richardette, my best friend. The autumn leaves, strewn hither and tither, created a beautiful smelling visual kaleidoscope of colour. One big whiff of the crisp and invigorating air foretold of hockey season right around the corner; life couldn't get any better, or could it? Just as I approached the apex of the corner; my eyes spied a crisp 5 dollar bill. It was half covered by a big red wet Maple leaf, however; undoubtedly it was a bill. My heart jumped a beat or two; furtively spying my surround to ensure no witness prevailed, I scooped up the note with unbound excitement. I never made it to Lyle's house that morning; instead, I raced across the subdivision as fast as my little feet could carry me. My new destination was "L'epicerie de Jean", or John's Store to the few local English living in the area. Although these images are better than four decades past; I can still capture the thoughts and feelings as if it were only yesterday. The first thing I did was show Jean my wealth, his eyes popped open wide, proving beyond any doubt, my find was definitely monumental. "This is all mine; and I can buy whatever I want!", I proudly stated. Jean smiled, nodding his head, which always caused the four or five bands of carefully groomed hair to fall from their matted place perched upon his quickly balding head. To this day, I always think of Jean and smile when I see a balding man loose control of his comb over.

"It's not Christmas yet my boy, did you get dat for your birthday?" Jean asked. His query caused me pause, my heart jumped a couple of feet landing directly in my throat. Flashing through my mind was a feeling I had done wrong; this inexplicable sensation of guilt had been nagging me ever since I picked up the note. "My grandmother gave it to me!", I blurted, choking on my words as they fell carelessly from my lips. My lie came out of nowhere, as lies tend to do when the perpetrator is caught unaware. I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks; the shuffling of my feet, with my head slung low, were the final tells indicating deception. Jean, sniffing my unease, fixed his hair, then smiled his big toothy grin. "My store is yours little man, buy your candies, but don't spend all of dat today." The French have a penchant for turning "th" into a "d", it is always quaint, however, Jean had a special way of really making a mess of English. Respect in the province of Quebec, means we choose to speak each others languages. I am sure Jean had plenty of chuckles over the years listening to me ruin the French language. None the less; respect was gained from always doing ones best.  

I smiled uneasily; without even muttering a response, I set my aim to the task of choosing some candy. One must remember in 1969 five dollars went a long way; Sweetarts, Bazooka Joe bubblegum and Fireballs were a penny a piece. Candy necklaces were five cents, a chocolate bar, a bottle of pop or a bag of chips, the big ticket items for a child my age, were 15 cents. I walked around, scanning my options, picking up some things only to put them back a little later when something better caught my eye. Having spent an eternity unsuccessfully dwelling over the expensive selections, I found myself standing empty handed in front of Jean. How could I have missed it; right in front of my eyes were my good old friends the penny candy jars. Renewed with excitement; I started filling my hands. Jean smiled, and passed me one of the little brown paper bags, he paused, smiled again, then passed me a second. I filled both bags to the brim, all of my favorites and three from each of the big glass jars. The total price I cannot quite recall, however, I do remember it was a little under two dollars. Holding my prize almost made me pee my pants with excitement, moreover my mind was spinning with the realisation I still had three dollars left and could do it all over again, if I wished.

I ran across the subdivision, making my way across the field, careful not to drop any of my little treasures. Finally, I arrived at my tree house in the forest. I took out each and every candy, carefully placed them in neat and tidy rows, like I used to do when setting up my toy soldiers or a line of freshly painted dinky cars. This triumphant moment proved to be, in my little world, an ultimate expression of unbridled excitement. Without having eaten even one of the nearly two hundred candies, I was experiencing childhood bliss.

Presently, as the Mayan calendar end date quickly approaches, I find myself reaching back to those childhood days of bubbling bubblegum excitement. I don't know what the next year will bring, but I do know anticipatory butterflies keep dancing in my belly, much like they did those many years past. Why am I excited, even elated, when so many of my brethren believe the end of time is here? Simply stated, I do not subscribe to the main stream media depiction of catastrophe.

Corroborating Evidence?:

I Ching:

First and foremost, I believe the Mayan calendar in it's depiction of a consciousness shift from fourth to a fifth world does in fact illustrate imminent and significant change. When asked what causes me to trust in the Mayan ethos, I find myself pressed to admit my beliefs are somewhat scientifically unfounded. Having admitted to walking on thin scientific ice; allow me to suggest there are components of logic which do dovetail with the Mayan foretelling. The first bit of information which does fall somewhat in sync with the Mayan prediction is the I Ching. The I Ching, as many of you may know, is an ancient tool for prophetic fortune telling. Terence McKenna, a famous American philosopher, used The King Wen sequence, which is an arrangement of a 64 hexagram format. Terence went on to assign mathematical values to each of the 384 lines in the hexagram. MeKenna then plotted on a graph the mathematical values which he later used to illustrate what he considered a curve of enhancing novelty. Terence was convinced the universe has a teleological component of time that increases the inter connectivity and complexity of matter until a singularity of time occurs. McKenna's purview of this "Timewave Zero" illustrates a point in consciousness where everything and anything occurs simultaneously. McKenna used his graph to compare historical events with the mathematical ebb and flow of his Timewave theory. Believing time resonates in such a way that novelty progression can be bench marked by social and geological events he theorised Nagasaki and Hiroshima undoubtedly allowed him to point to the future in his predicition Timewave Zero would occur November 2012. Upon discovering the Mayan prediction, Terence later corrected his end date to match the Mayans. It should be noted that the Chinese do not regard the I Ching as a prophetic doomsday clock. In fact, the Chinese believe the December 21st 2012 date portends a wise man will appear to make the world prosperous and peaceful for the year of the Black Dragon. Below is the Chinese calender for this most auspicious day of change.

Male WoodMale FireMale WaterMale Water
Female Water
Fire DragonWater RatWater Dragon
Winter Solstice - December 21, 2012

Precession of the Equinox:

Slicing a cross section of our solar system causes one to notice that our planets and the Sun lie roughly in a similar flat plane known as the plane of ecliptic. Lining the ecliptic are the twelve Zodiacal signs. The Sun passes through each of the Zodiac constellations. Whilst the Sun exerts it's annual cycle, Earths tilting axis causes the Sun to slowly recede backward by one constellation every 2,160 years. The slow slipping backward of the Sun is called to precession; after 25,800 years the Sun completes her journey of cycles and retrogrades through all twelve Zodiacs. This ultimate cycle of the constellation is known in Western astrological philosophy as The Great Year. Presently, the Sun is in Pisces and is moving back into the famous Age of Aquarius thereby ending one astrological "Great Year", while at the same time, commencing another. It is commonly accepted the day of transition from the last Great Year to the next is, you guessed it, December 21st 2012. Most astrophysicists will balk when they hear December 21 as the procession equinox. Righteously so, when you realise how ridiculous it is to assign one specific day as a date of alignment of our Sun's path through the cross section of its galactic playground. Surely one would consider this alignment to be represented in years, even decades would not be untoward in ones rational consideration, certainly not one specific day. Having rationalised this proviso, I pause to think of the arc of a ball as defined by gravity. There is always a hinge; the decimal point at a galactic perspective may just need to be magnified considerably beyond our present purview before we could factually ponder the validity of December 21 as the true centering of the Sun juxtaposed to the galaxy.

Traditional Shamanic Revelations:

The Hopi Indians believe a Blue Star will signify an end of the fourth world and the beginning of the fifth. They have 9 signs which must be met prior to the arrival of a great prophet named Pahana. Pahana it is said will bear symbols of peaceful transition so that humanity can be lead to a new beginning. It must be noted that although most people tie this lore to the 2012 December date, there is no evidence to suggest the Hopi Indians foretold of a specific calendar date. With that said, most will attempt to validate that 8 of the 9 signs have been fulfilled.

Indian guru Kalki Bhagavan brings a warmer theory to the table in his promotion of 2012 as humanities rise to enlightenment. For those who scoff at this suggestion, their flip attitude may be quelled by the fact over 15 million Indian people believe Bhagavan is the true incarnation of the God Vishnu and that 2012 will mark the end of the Kali Yuga, known by many as the age of darkness. It is expected that when the new Yuga begins, it will mark a change in the way humanity expresses love and compassion, whereas, a new age of light will have commenced.

My Perspective:

As mentioned earlier in this essay; when thinking of this auspicious date, I can only conjure up images of  a wonderful transition into a new expression of consciousness. Excited as I am; I do not believe we will see a discernible change on December 21st, 2012. Furthermore; I do not believe we will discover any noticeable change in 2013. Much like we fail to conjure the true galactic alignment; we will inevitably fail to discern the slow changes humanity will take toward darkness. Galactic alignment may be observed in the context of years or decades, as I believe the path consciousness takes toward Godself realisation will also be. Like McKenna and many other philosophers, I have been searching for a curve which will realistically define the advance of humanities awareness. I believe we can look backward over the last fifteen years and notice the expression of Godself consciousness seems to have enjoyed its weakest tenure with humanity. Compassion, love and unity seem at their lowest; we appear to have fallen the limits of darkness.

I was thinking the other day; World Health Organisation records indicate over 2 billion of our brothers and sister live a lifestyle considerably less rich than my pussycat Spot. More than 1.3 billion people will starve to death on our planet. Nearly 2 billion people on our planet have no roof over their heads. Looking at the bird flying above; it has a home, it is being fed.

What does this say about you and I?

Do you not agree; a reasonable person would suggest, this must represent our lowest possible state of being?

We can easily depict in our recent fifteen year history a exponential drive toward ignorance, materialism, greed and darkness of self knowledge. I trust in my intuition which tells me the rise to light will manifest in a somewhat mirror like bell curve. If my hypothesis is correct, I do believe we will start to see significant movement toward heightened consciousness by late 2014 and certainly we will be well on our way by 2015. The next eight years will see humanity embark upon a complete transformation of our societal values. Much as a butterfly emerges from its chrysalis, we will emerge from our long slumber with ego. Humanity will rediscover its true Godself nature; ego will slip from the mantle and shatter upon the hearth, thereby releasing us from its tumultuous dualistic patterning. By the year 2027 we will find ourselves looking back upon our grevious past with a loving knowledge, this was the only path conscoiusness could have entertained. We truly were, and are, the leaves which flow upon the graceful river.

What makes me most excited; is knowing that humanity has finally reached its climax of ignorance, unveiling of darkness and light will now begin in earnest. For those of us who have been on the outside looking in; our urging for unconditional love will no longer be rebuked by the masses. When attempting to unveil darkness for the benefit of our brethren; it is less likely we will be scoffed or turned aside. Each day after December 21st will represent a movement, ever so slight, toward unconditional love. There will come a time, within a decade or two I believe, when our sense of awareness of the true nature of our Godself will reach a point of critical mass, at this time, our species will fully embrace our divine light body.

The signs of an enlightening society will be slow but steady; firstly the matrix of enslavement will start to unravel. Austerity measures common to our present day world will be rebuffed by society. Corporate and governmental malfeasance will become more apparent, as well, more disgusting to the average person. Revolution of the masses will occur in a peaceful defiant manner. Day by day; violence, greed, ignorance and fear will slip from the demeanor of humanity. Constructs of maya from the root of ego will lose their hold upon the minds of the weak. We will emerge as a caring loving people; we will abhor all manner of enslavement be it physical, mental or emotional. Money will be seen as the true root of the many horrors foisted upon our brethren; as such, we will entirely eliminate it as a global social expression. Religions will be seen as constructs of mind control; we will chose to eliminate all formal religion in favour of spiritual truisms. Peoples of the world will finally understand the meaning of the phrase In Lak'ech. We will motivate ourselves, and brethren, to feed, clothe, love and care, for all peoples and all aspects of consciousness, none excluded.

There will be no need for retribution nor atonement. The destructive element of our society will no longer gain from their machinations; nor will they desire the egoic control, domination and devastation they presently wreak upon society. Governments will finally serve the people. Corporations will feed the poor; the rich will freely give to the disadvantaged. When walking down the street; we will no longer see enemies, opponents and strangers, we will only see brothers and sisters, echoes of ourselves.

Destiny & Choice:

This shift of the ages we are about to embark upon is a reflection of the winds of consciousness. We are like leaves upon a stream flowing on a path which is preordained by energies we know nothing of. We believe we make choices; however, our path is the path of a singular consciousness. Presently we trust ego in its revelation of the finite body; seven billion distinct souls each forming their personal futures. Humanity will come to understand consciousness as one future, one soul, one entity. The choices we make over the next decade will take us closer to unconditional love and a true singularity of expression. Choice is what 2012 is all about; nothing more than consciousness taking a new path as part of a preordained cycle of darkness and light, awareness and ignorance, fear and love. The rivers have raged from mountain tops battering our tiny leaf. Roiling maya wreaking destruction in its wake, eroding banks, tearing asunder the terra firma which we thought would never yield.

Everything yields, everything transforms, nothing ever remains the same, this is consciousness, this is you. Having traveled great distances; consciousness, the leaf of beingness, now flows unabated into calm, slow moving, rivers. Closer to the source; the leaf we know as consciousness will soon merge with all others in picking a natural path toward unity. Whence we arrive at the ocean united; we will have discovered what we knew all along, we never left, we were never separated, we are ONE. Celebrate the 2012 date with joy; embrace love on this special day, for love is your future, love is your identity. This is a time for the egoic self to begin releasing its grip on humanity; a time when ignorance will slowly give birth to a new paradigm of awareness. Materialism will no longer be our master, fear will no longer lead us to pain. Love will heal us all, compassion will be our banner, peace will embrace humanity as we collectively enter the golden age of the Godself. You have made it; there is nothing for you to do but discover your true nature, find yourself, find unconditional love.  

In Lak'ech Dearest Brethren, you are the God I AM..

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Money Enough To Suffer Part 1.

They say money is the root of all evil. My philosophy does not easily entertain paradigms of good and evil, therefore, I choose to identify money as a root of suffering. Opening this can of worms causes me to pause. My goodness, countless authors have etched into the literary landscape observations, warnings and condemnations of money. Humanity has a very enigmatic relationship with money, whereas, we have been bred to idolise money, whilst at the same time, it is en vogue to publicly vilify it's role in societal destruction. Very strange indeed how we humans saw fit to create a paper God in the first place. More bizarre behaviour is expressed as society tacitly teaches each generation to unconditionally love, adore and worship this God. Besotted by it's gilded attire, we seem content to accept our paper God should be a harbinger of death, destruction and chaos. The extent of human sacrifice laid at the feet of our God is criminally insane. Presently, more than one third of the global population is sacrificed to our imaginary icon.

Do you think it inappropriate to label money as a paper God?

By definition, a God is a creator of the universe, a supreme entity. An alternate definition suggests that God is an idol. Define the word idol, you will discover it represents a person or object which is loved, adored, admired and revered. Observe the reverence humanity bestows upon money, see how money is coveted. Just like I said, money is a paper God!

In the wake of untold destruction, common sense strongly suggests we evaluate, and question, the relationship we have with this consumptive God. Firmly grasping my investigative sword, I ask myself, what kata will slay this beast? Depicting the history of money, as well as, the vulgarity of fractional reserve banking, allows us to slice at our God, but does it bleed? Don't forget the Illuminati, their sordid history of elite bankers staging sectarian and world wars merely to reap profits. How about the old chestnut we term corporatism, profit mandated at the expense of humanity whilst rendering our environment a wasteland. Possibly, I could write about those degenerate Wall street commodity traders, we all know they earn millions speculating on the rise and fall of foodstuff whist their greed directly translates into millions of starving people. Would I eviscerate this God if I revealed the nuts and bolts of debt slavery, mind programmed consumerism, or the fallout caused by global austerity? Briefly pondering this subject causes me to realise that if I were to total all the injustices related to money, the list compiled would fill a bookshelf. My guess is, I am no different than you. Don't you think you could fill an entire book with revelations of how and why money creates suffering? Sure you could, even a child can see what is happening.

Daily, each of us face the relentless horrors associated with money. Having thought this out, I realise whatever argument I bring to the table, grotesque or illustrative as it may be, will inevitably represent an impotent message. Impotent merely because you are already full of the understanding money causes suffering. You don't need me to bang the drum, you know it's familiar tune all too well. Try as I might, such arguments could never smite the beast, in fact, parries of this sort amount to nothing more than glancing blows. Serious strikes against the paper God must come from a solution biased perspective. Our attention may be best served imagining avenues of opportunity which encourage us to transcend the orgy of consumptive greed we have developed in servitude to this archon deity.

Solutions are plenty, constantly I hear people barking ideas from their soap box, colourfully illustrating various roads the 99% should follow in order to recoup their fair share of wealth. Some articulate the need to keep corporations from filling the pockets of government officials, while others suggest a cessation of usury lending associated with fractional reserve banking will do the job. We could eliminate the status of corporation as citizen, also, it would serve a common good if we stopped illegal taxation. Certainly the aforementioned solutions would help balance wealth, however, as long as money or its facsimile exists, we will have failed in destroying the root of suffering. Most people trust the Darwinian expression of society as inevitable. These same individuals accept one man's power should prevail over his weaker neighbour. Trite cliche's the likes of "It's human nature" get thoughtlessly bantered about as lame excuses for the villainous attributes of the relationship we have with our monetary God. Main stream media programs us to believe nothing can, or should, be done to restructure wealth. Deluded people relentlessly remind us; short of changing human behavioural tendencies, there will always be winners and losers. Strength is meant to defeat weakness, this is how we evolve, it is the basis of our collective survival. Consider how our world would change if we broke out of the box Darwin and his cronies have falsely established as fact? What if we were taught the role of the humanity is for the strong to carry the weak? Perhaps, we should find other drums to beat, fresh perspectives might be all that is needed to emancipate our species from monetary slavery.

What would you say if I told you I have the solution?

Would you believe me if I said we could resolve the problem in a matter of months?

What if I painted for you a world devoid of money?

Ask yourself, would I want to live in a world without money?

I have a challenge for you to consider, a philosophical experiment if you will. Ask the average person to describe for you their impression of a world without money. More than likely, they will think you have lost your mind. However, once they realise you are serious, they will crank up their imagination and have some fun with the concept. As soon as your interviewee cozies up to the idea, you will see a grin cross their face as they realise all the usury lenders, Wall street traders and money pigs of the world will loose the ability to manufacture wealth. Embracing a money-less society further, they will note starvation would end, as would the corporate rape of our planetary environment. Gaining momentum, they will also revel in the idea of corporations manufacturing goods and providing services free of charge. Before long, the winds of excitement will eventually dissipate from once full sails and those interviewed will speak voices of programmed reason. "It's all just a fantasy, the powers that be would never let that happen." "It would never work because everyone would want everything, our planet could never sustain the mass consumption."

Possibly you will hear a statement from mind programmed sops who believe in money, "Money makes the playing field level. People who work harder, who are smarter, or more fit, should earn more money." "Anyone can get enough money to survive, if they can't it's because they are bums or drug addicts. Let them get off their butt and find a job, like I did!" "Why should a lazy person get the same entitlements as their neighbour who works harder? "Who would do all the work if everything was free?

How about this corker I heard from a real demented mind, "What about all the banks, corporations, small business owners and other wealthy people? They have invested and risked so much, how could you consider denying them what they worked for and earned fair and square?

Every person has a different perspective on this touchy subject. Regardless of how the conversation meanders, you will have some fun, also you will discover a great deal about the people who choose to debate this subject. Moreover, you will come to realise how completely our enslaved minds accept this is, was, and always will be, our reality. Countering the ethos of lost hope, I present to you my world without a paper God.

Slaying The Beast:

The first step in ridding the world of money will have to involve a complete destruction of the current monetary system. In this regard we are very fortunate, most countries are presently carrying a debt to GDP ratio of 1:1 or higher, this unsustainable debt load inevitably translates into economic failure. We know America cannot manage it's state or federal debt, collapse of their 17 trillion dollar nightmare is slated for this year or early next. Europe teeters precariously as Ireland, Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal have already faltered beyond salvage. Japan is hanging by economic threads, as is most of the Asian Pacific rim. China and India are the only monetary giants, however, the manufacturing engine driving their success is about to blow a head gasket. Once rampant global consumerism takes a back seat to national and personal survival, every nation, including the rich, will submit to economic chaos. Humanity seeing our paper God on it's knees will motivate us to collectively realise the power to change this portrait of doom and gloom lies in the choices we make. Usury lending and corporate greed stops the moment we refuse to participate. Global solidarity will facilitate the move to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all.

The rich will know of our power when we all stop paying taxes, credit cards and mortgages.

Freedom from oppression will be ours when we finally acknowledge 33% of our brothers and sisters have no proper home, food, clothing or education. Presently, we refuse to carry the burden of knowing 14% of our brethren are fated to starvation, when this changes, we will be compelled to rise against the machine so that we may smite our ruinous God. Calamity is upon us, humanity has been sleeping far too long. This very moment, none of us are immune to the contempt and wrath of fattened money masters. Austerity, the buzz word of this decade, has taken the masses to the precipice of despair. Marching orders from the top are clear, privatise, centralise, globalise, strip wealth from the masses. Today is merely the start of collapse, soon we will be fully engulfed in a global depression the likes of which we cannot even begin to envision. Corporate Rome burns while we collectively play the fiddle. However oppressed, incapable and apathetic we seem now, the destruction of our economy will cause us to wake from our slumber organised. Rising from the ashes, we will stand united partaking in the spectacle of our burning paper God.

Naysayers want to know, how could one expect such a society to function?

Without money, anarchy would prevail, no one would work, everyone would want a free ride! We have been programmed by main stream media to assume a "Mad Max" expression would automatically morph out of a society devoid of a paper God. In answer to such nonsensical assertions, I maintain we have ample evidence, both ancient and modern, to suggest humanity devoid of monetary considerations would conduct their social affairs in exactly the opposite vein. Two such evidentiary examples of communal living in the absence of money can be found by observing both village and family living. Historians avidly grind their collective axe by illustrating ancient aboriginal lifestyles as little more than tribalism charred by the inevitable Darwinian expression of savage sectarian violence. For many years I bought into the official tribal model, that is, until I had chance to experience tribal living first hand. Deep in the jungles of sub Saharan Africa there does exist a few back country communities fortunate enough to live out their lives relatively untarnished by the chaotic ideologies of the western world. Surviving from the fruits of their jungle habitat, they luxuriate in a communal bond which manifests as an extended family.

Twenty three years ago, I found myself immersed in the womb of one such village. I like the metaphor of a womb, the images rendered offer an illustrative adjunct highlighting the security, serenity, insulation and love I felt whilst in their care. Another apropos extension of the metaphor allows one to appreciate my presence in the village was representative of a journey to a foreign world. This world was alien to anything I had experienced before or since. Living with Congolese villagers enabled me to step backward in time over one thousand years thereby experientially absorbing the ideologies of ancient tribal society. Science fiction writers love to invoke the return of time travelers from a distant future who gloriously reveal the hindsight needed to save mankind from it's inevitable self destruction. The aforementioned literary motif always assumes salvation must be derived from knowledge yet to be acquired. Modern society has a tendency to trust science and innovative technology will always manage to keep humanity one step ahead of oblivion. The race to illuminate solutions, in the nick of time, is what we brazenly referred to as progress. My assertion is such that our species cannot truly consider itself progressive if we carelessly disregard what has already been learned. Iterative development requires we advance the entirety of learned knowledge as a collective output. The totality of output from a given generation then becomes the input foundation for the next generation to build upon.

Modern society acquires knowledge at a rate of speed significantly outpacing our ability to assimilate it's various gains or consider the many disastrous ramifications. An appropriate simile finds us racing down the knowledge highway incapable of knowing the full extent of what the scenery offers. The faster we travel, the less complete is the knowledge we gain. To appreciate the extent of lost detail, one could imagine walking from L.A. to New York, juxtaposed, to taking a F15 fighter jet. Having raced across the country in a jet, can you tell me how beautiful the desert appears under a starry sky, or describe the smell of morning dew resting upon a forest of pine? What would our world be like if modern society had metaphorically walked to New York? We can find answers to this important question by closely examining the Congolese model of tribal society. If we consider modern society the jet, then surely village life represents the pedestrian version of societal progress. How do they differ from us? What lessons can they teach us? Can their structure of belief lead to solutions capable of freeing us from this monetary insanity long enough to thrive as an emancipated species? Instead of the futuristic sci-fi matrix of a time traveler saving the day, let's entertain a historical hero, a village saviour who offers us wisdom from our distant forgotten past.

Wisdom Of Village Living:

Dancing flames cast warm orange hues against a dark starry blanket as I listened intently to the village elder philosophically describe the essence of his people. Without benefit of a recording device, I am left to rely upon memory to offer this loosely paraphrased rendition.

What is daily life like for your people?

Life in our village begins here! Cupping a handful of soil, he allows it to slowly filter through his fingers. Our Mother earth gives life to us all. Without her we have nothing, we are nothing. Extending both arms, he includes the entire jungle. All living things come from her, from the smallest bug to the greatest beast, we are all her children. Every moment of every day she chooses to give us life or take it away. There are times she decides to take life from one child, he holds up a papaya, so that she may feed another child, he takes a bite and rubs his belly with a smile. Her spirit lives with all her children, water, rocks, trees, plants, even the wind carries her wishes. Our Mother desires we love and respect all her children, if we do, she promises each child we meet will give us gifts. Whether on legs, wings or roots, no children are taken, each is free to roam about on Mother's back. Peoples of our tribe are family, every man and woman of age is the father and mother of all the village children. In kind, each child knows every adult to be their father or mother. We share everything Mother earth gives us, all gifts given to me are also meant for my brothers, sisters and my children. We do not work, not in the sense of your people. Everyone gathers food, each as is best suited to the task needing completion. Women and our children fish, gather vegetables, spices, medicine plants, fruit, nuts, snakes and small beasts. Men make traps, poisons, and medicines. Men also hunt with the spear, dart, knife, bow and sling. Our homes are managed by everyone, thatch and grass is gathered by the children, elders weave repairs, and our women keep the huts swept.

Mother plays the greatest role in your village life, please tell me more of her nature.

As I spoke earlier, there is nothing that does not come from mother. She makes us, she feeds, clothes and houses us. Mother also watches what we do and rewards or punishes us. If we waste the life of her children, or if we take freedom from her children, then Mother will be upset. When Mother is angry with us she insists we journey far into the jungle for food. She may allow her children from the sky to wash away or blow down our homes. Mother also asks we keep and protect some of her special children, one such special child is a lake not far from here that is only for Mother's pleasure. We are forbidden to take from this lake. If you visit her and try to enter her she will run away. If you try to cast a net into her water she will consume your net, or, she will run away. Take a bucket and try to fill from her wealth, she will empty the bucket so her water can travel back to her. Mother also has trees we cannot harvest from, she tells us by taking the fruit away as we reach for it, or by spoiling the fruit before it can be prepared.

How do you and Mother feel about foreigners, like myself, who visit your village?

Those, like yourself, who Mother brings to our village as guests are here to receive her gifts. When we feed you, Mother refills all our bowls. Giving you place to rest your head encourages Mother to provide us all with safety during the night. Caring for your needs today will mean Mother will care for all our needs tomorrow.

Mother seems to be the equivalent of what many in the west call God. Is God another name for Mother?

God, from what I am told, is someone who cares for the children of the greater world. We know of your religion but do not understand why your God needs to gather love for his son Jesus. If Jesus was a child of mother's, like myself and you, then he would have known the love of all Mother's children. Jesus, if he was as great as I am told, must have know he existed only because Mother chose to feed and love him. Jesus lived many ages ago, we could be standing on Jesus now, we don't know what Mother did with him. I do not know your God, but I have been told we must love him or he will torment us now, and in the afterlife. Your God appears to demand love from you for his son and himself, this is not the way of Mother. Mother does not demand anything of her children, but she does desire that all her children love, cherish and respect each other always. When her children misbehave, Mother will make their life more difficult, this way we know she is unhappy. There was this tree which would not allow beast children to live in it, every time one tried, she tosses it to the ground. Mother was not happy with her child's behaviour so she took from the tree her fruit. Knowing of Mother's unhappiness upset the tree so much it allowed beast children to make a home. No sooner had Mother noticed the change in the ways of the tree, she gave back the fruit she took away the season before. Mother does not ever desire to bring harm to her children, however, there are times when Mother must guide her children toward unity and love.

How do you define Love?

Love in your heart and mine must be the same. For me, love is the harmony Mother wishes for all her children to experience. When we choose to live by Mother's wishes, we are choosing to love.

Having had the opportunity to dip my ladle into the hearts and minds of these unique peoples provided invaluable lessons instructing me in ways to live life with honour, respect, and most importantly, love. In the course of a few short days, Mother had turned my world upside down. Conversations with the village elder caused me to realise our Anglo American lifestyle had corrupted my mind with complexity, avarice, consumerism and separation. I came to understand Mother had given me audience with her child so that her teachings could become the rudder steering my ship to new horizons of unconditional love. Mother had shown me what it truly means to be family, moreover, she taught me to comprehend all manifest reality is in fact her children. Family does not begin and end with those who carry our blood, family is represented by the totality of beingness. Extending our conceptualisation of family is the essential key to happiness, health and freedom for our species. Imagine if the ideology of this tribe were to be adopted by all peoples of the earth.

What great accomplishments could we create with the comprehension that we are all brothers and sisters?

This wonderful village man taught me many lessons, all confirming the age old expression which states, "Mother knows best."

Relating the story of village life to others often yields the comment, "I appreciate how they could manage to live that way in a jungle community of a few hundred people. However, in my city of three million, with government and corporation running the show, you would have to be an idiot to believe we could live without money like jungle people do!" For those who maintain village living is unattainable in the modern city environment, I always reply, "you already live like they do, except that your sense of family is restricted to those blood relatives you love."

Wisdom Of Family Living:

Look at the way your family behaves, do you, your wife and children exchange money for your services? In every home around the world, humanity lives in cashless harmony within the loving confines of their nuclear family. Without reservation, or care for recompense, we constantly tend to the needs of our spouse and children. We choose to feed, clothe, house, educate, nurture, and love our children, all in the knowledge money will not factor in the exchange.

When my wife prepares dinner for the family, she does not later present a bill to each family member. If my daughter needs a new coat, I would not send her into the street to earn the money for the purchase. How big will the bill be that you present to your son when he leaves home? Twenty or so years to raise a child at a cost of $15,000 per year, does that mean your child should owe you $300,000? Imagine how ludicrous it would be if every family unit had an auditor managing family assets and debits whilst ensuring dividends from the family income only go to members who produced wealth or offered the family collective redeemable services. In such a bizarre setting, the family sits down to dinner, father and mother get massive helpings whilst the non productive children stand naked at the table staring at crumbs. Funny how we think such a scenario to be insane, while at the same time we fail to recognise one third of the global population does not have sufficient food, clothing or a roof over their head. Family living is about gifting love, caring for each other, reveling in the good times whilst remaining united through hardship. If we simply chose to extend the definition of family beyond the confines of the nuclear experience then we would see fit to provide all neighbours far and near with the unconditional entitlement of equal opportunity. Seeing the nuclear family in harmony should be enough to convince the most ardent of skeptics that solving inequality, and ridding the world of money, is all about the philosophical choices we make as a society.

What if we were to embrace Mother's definition of family, would that not be enough to convince us money has no place in our world?

How A World Without Money Will Happen:

First and foremost you must understand society will move to a money less society. The reason I am certain of such a statement is because the economic model of a debt based monetary system is, by the very nature of it's design, unsustainable. There is no doubt a complete dissemination of the monetary system is presently being managed by elite moguls of the corporate banking industry. Their plan has always been to orchestrate global destruction of the monetary system as part of a problem, reaction, solution scenario designed to enable the establishment of a one world government. Time and again, we have seen corporate rats use monetary depression as a segue to world war. When the dust settles, these same vermin stand on their soapbox cleverly spewing solutions designed to calm the masses into believing the age old promise "If you take our advice, we can assure you, this will never happen again!" WWI and WWII were perfect examples of how they created problems, then used the chaos of war to illustrate the need for centralised power. Historically, we know the post war environment seeded organisations like the U.N., World Bank, Bank of International Settlements, International Monetary Foundation and the World Health Organisation to name a few. Initiating the transformation to a money less society will be realised by humanity taking on of the following three roads; corporate controlled new world order, social anarchy, or spiritual enlightenment.

Part two of this post will peek into our future by taking a quick stroll down the three aforementioned roads. Prior to the next installment, I would be very interested to know what you think a society without money would look like?

Do you agree one of the three roads is a viable or probable outcome?

Do you feel we will always have some sort of monetary system?

Possibly you could tell us what happened with the experiment I asked you to consider undertaking?

In Lak'ech, believing in unconditional love....

Friday, 10 August 2012

Money Enough To Suffer, Part 2...

In an effort to quickly recap part one, we note this essay has focused on the inevitable collapse of the global monetary system. Our assumption of imminent economic doom can easily be substantiated by gaining a brief understanding of how a debt based system exponentially inflates. By design, each breath into this ever expanding economic balloon is larger than the previous. Due to deregulation of the global banking industry, from the Thatcher/Reagan era to present day, we find ourselves participating in a global economy where 97% of all newly created money is debt based. Moreover, this 97% is not printed currency, rather it is electronic numbers conveniently typed into existence, out of thin air, by privately owned banks. Individuals, towns, municipalities, and governments throughout the world cannot cope under the ever tightening belt of unsustainable monetary debt. We now find ourselves facing the last two or three breaths before the  global economy, along with it, the structure of money itself, blows up forever.

Having glanced briefly at the role money plays in society, we must accept humanity is completely enslaved by  illicit, immoral, and unnecessary debt. We have merely scratched the surface of alternative solutions, however, we all know humanity stands at a crossroads. The choices made by each person over the next few years will undoubtedly manifest as the seeds of a tomorrow which will be substantially different than anything we have ever believed possible. We cannot continue to hide our heads in the sand hoping for the best! Now is the time for all good souls to come to the aid of their brethren. What will you choose?

1./ Further enslavement, starvation, destruction and mind manipulation?

2./ Emancipation through riotous non compliance?

3./ Spiritual unity via the realisation of what love truly means?

Presently, we are faced with the demise of our material God. New paradigms of global cohabitation will be forged from the ashes of this timely economic destruction. Challenge yourself to grab hold the reigns of social evolution today, or by tomorrow, you will certainly wish you had!

Three roads to travel, where do you wish to go?    

New World Order:

There appears to be many paths which could lead humanity toward total enslavement under the fascist regime of a corporate New World Order (NWO). Having carefully followed, for many years, the machinations of NWO participants, may I offer this rather unpleasant scenario as a potential portrait of humanities rise from the ashes of global economic collapse.

Plunked in front of their high definition plasma televisions, humanity will once again be mind manipulated by media puppets who easily convince us the economic collapse was a result of governmental debt loads stressed from financing WWIII. The war, dubbed in the media as, "The last stand for freedom, democracy and justice", will become the scapegoat upon which we hang all economic, political and social upheaval. Helplessly gawking at the jaw wagging Anderson Cooper's of the world, we will be programmed to believe subsequent devastation to trading markets, the national GDP, and consumer confidence represented the final nails in the global economic coffin. Streets will fill with rioters, protesters, and homeless, all demanding the throats of elitist pigs. Cries will be heard around the world, abolish fractional reserve lending, debt slavery and government corruption, return dignity to the people! Governing power bases will appear in disarray, however, controlled economic destruction is exactly what the elite have planned for decades. Elite money masters know all too well, in the absence of a global economic collapse, the banking elite would never fully wrestle enough political control to entirely supplant individual nation sovereignty.

Manipulating small jungle countries by establishing puppet military dictatorships is not the same as taking over control of countries like Germany, Japan and the U.S.A. The path toward overrunning first world nations involves creating massive unmanageable national debt. Whence the interest load of debt outpaces the countries GDP then the only salvation is an international banker bail out package. We need only look at Ireland and Greece to illustratively note the process of how elite private bankers use the small print in bail out loan agreements to gut the distressed countries social safety net, hijack their unharvested resources and privatise national services. Austerity, mandates citizens bleed for their country in an effort to maintain the ever escalating interest demands. Cookie cutter formulae, as used in Greece, are well applied to all nations, it's only a matter of time. America by example, a country many believe to be an economic world power, will soon find itself staring down the same IMF barrel as their GDP becomes entirely overwhelmed by interest  demands on their 17 trillion dollars of debt.  The objective of debt servitude is to enable national enslavement, NWO domination must hinge on the total destruction of national sovereignty which can only be peacefully accomplished with the hammer of debt obligation.

Our masters are keenly aware, sneaking a totalitarian global governance passed an awakening public will not be easy, however, they have prepared, they are definitely ready. Elite masters, wanting an easy transition, will most certainly employ a variety of deceptive maneuvers, as well as, psychological operations, each designed to enhance their chances of smoothly sliding the NWO capstone in place. If, by chance, we do not go easy into that long dark night, then rest assured our elite masters will surely avail themselves of bizarre new age military toys designed to ensure martial law paves the road to totalitarian enslavement. Long ago, our politicians have sold out to corporate fascism, this should have become self evident when we witnessed countries around the world purchase small arms by the tens of millions, install millions of CCTV cameras, build thousands of detention camps, prepare millions of make shift coffins, develop massive infrastructures of authoritative control and fill our skies with many thousands of deadly drones.

Tell me you know the last twenty years has been all about creating Orwellian mastery!

Please, tell me you have noticed the militia build up and supply!

You must know by now, your government has been silently preparing for a war against you?

Even if you have failed to see the aforementioned sign posts of social oblivion, you can rest easy in knowing many of your brethren are aware, are preparing, and will not be easily quelled. The Arab spring and Wall street movement proved to the elite Internet mobility, especially over the last decade, has enabled humanity to awaken from their collective slumber. The big question they must be asking themselves is, how can we implement the NWO with the least resistance?

Think hard about that one question!

If you were an elitist banking bastard looking for brownie points, what would you advise must be done to implement the Orwellian capstone of  the NWO one world governance?

History tells us there is only one real hurdle which must be managed, don't let the masses go Gandhi on your ass, or it's all over. Mass rioting is tumultuous, but can be dealt with. Physical turmoil in the form of armed anarchy is unwanted, but manageable. Hand holding, flower power type of peaceful non compliance is the beast that must be put down at all cost. Love, unity, and cessation of productivity are weapons the elite cannot defend against, this is humanity's strength.

“All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near.”.... SunTzu, "The Art of Warfare"

If I were an elite grand master of war seeking global domination, I would position myself so that I appear to die on the battlefield. My death would calm my enemy into a false belief they have won victory. Using the deception of my death as a lure, I would draw from the ranks of my enemy a great leader who would appear to represent the quintessential opposite of my stated desires. This newly created faux leader would rally the masses of the globe under a single banner of hope, love and unity. I would arrange for many lame ducks to be sacrificed upon the altar of the newly elected leader. Main stream media would appear to fall, cleverly replaced by well controlled alternate media. Corrupt bankers would be jailed and tried for crimes against humanity. Armies and military machines would be abolished, the hungry would be fed and housed. Debt servitude would be eliminated, as would money itself. I would ensure the entire world sings along to a new age orchestra bellowing out the words to John Lennon's title song "Imagine". My leader in sheep's clothing would be hailed as the greatest humanitarian ever to have walked the earth.

Give them what they want, give them Gandhi!  

My advice to the elite would suggest that it would be suicide to proceed without the peoples approval. For their ultimate benefit, I would maintain the NWO itself must arise as an answer to the demands of the global masses. Elite money masters, if they are intelligently sly, must set themselves up so they appear to fall from public grace. The masses must be made to believe they are finally gaining a foothold against the elite power structure. Furthering the elite's cause, I would suggest that placated masses will themselves slide the NWO capstone in place if they can be tricked into believing emancipation from debt slavery is at hand. Every battle requires a strategy, operation Opossum may be closer to reality than we think.


Phase One; "Exposing The Wolf":

1./ Destroy the global economy replacing it with unrelenting depression. Implement a crushing slate of austerity, the likes of which humanity has have never known.
2./ Issue a U.N. directive to introduce a violent system of global martial law. Make the masses suffer; show no mercy, take away their freedom, and most importantly, destroy their sense of hope.
3./ Distract the masses with WWIII.
4./ Conduct and extend a murderous rampage. Tear down the youth movement and reduce mass unemployment by having each nation introduce the military draft.
5./ Create a pandemic which will eliminate more than 30% of the global population.
6./ Direct the media to fully support the obviously unjust governmental tyranny. Instruct the media in the clever use of Orwellian new speak and doublespeak tactics which will clearly identify the media as a corrupt agent of elite banking paymasters.
7./ Use psychological operations like Wiki leaks, to make it painstakingly obvious to the masses that all government leaders have been purchased by banking elite many decades past.
8./ Surreptitiously use media agent provocateurs to expose government, media and corporations as corrupt, murderous, leeches on humanity which, as a point of social survival, must be countered at all cost.  

Phase Two; "Let The Sheep Bleat":

1./ When all resistance has been silenced, and it has become apparent the masses have no recourse but to submit, release all nations from martial law.
2./ Instruct agent provocateurs to initiate Facebook and Twitter global revolutionary movements.
3./ Create the illusion of revolutionary resistance pressuring government rule to point of collapse.
4./ Establish a powerful alternative faux media which will appear to be run by anarchists.
5./ Empower the masses to riot whilst using agent provocateurs to fan the fire of anarchy.
6./ Enhance the agent provocateur program to bomb banks, media outlets, universities and government offices.
7./ Affect a cleansing campaign by having main stream media scapegoat many corrupt bankers, government officials and politicians.
8./ Make it appear the masses are gaining ground at the expense of a crumbling elite banking empire.

Phase Three; "Wolf In Sheepskin":

1./ Utilise alternative media to raise, from the ranks of the revolution, a great leader hailed as saviour of the people.
2./ Utilise faux media, and main stream media, to raise our great leader to a NWO senate position.
3./ Create the illusion rioting masses have forced the NWO to extend the only NWO veto senate seat to the peoples new revolutionary leader.
4./ Destroy all main stream media outlets and replace them with alternative media streams.
5./ Give the peoples revolutionary leader the power to head the NWO, whereby, all nations can unite in the common goal of creating freedom and equality throughout the globe.
6./ Have the NWO announce an end to war, absolution from debt, as well as, a commitment to feed house and clothe all starving peoples of the world.
7./ Affect a massive campaign of jailing bankers, traders, government officials and all peoples who stand in the path of freedom in the new world.
8./ Eliminate money, in it's place, issue citizenry of the free world a NWO "Citizen Entitlement Card" (CEC).

Phase Four; "Living With The Wolf":

1./ Eliminate national sovereignty in favour of centralised NWO rule.
2./ Eliminate corporate entitlement, all goods and services to be provided by the NWO.
3./ Replace all military, security and policing forces with NWO employees.
4./ Establish all media under centralised NWO control.
5./ Expose organised religion for the fraud it so clearly represents.
6./ Establish a NWO "Global Declaration of Rights and Freedoms" (GDRF)
7./ Part and parcel to the GDRF, create a new system of NWO common law.
8./ Ensure all citizenry enjoy an enhancement of their standard of living, as well, ensure no one wants for food, clothing, housing and education.

Phase Five; "Sustainable Sheep Management":  

1./ Continually pare down the number of languages, as well, reduce vocabulary.
2./ NWO mandates all private manufacturing and service corporations be converted into Corporation Government Approved operations (CGA's).
3./ Religious assembly is outlawed as anti state.
4./ Establish a NWO identity card for citizenry.
5./ Tag the entire population with mandated RFID nano flu vaccines.
6./ Establish a compulsory and uniform NWO education system from the age 1-14.
7./ Establish a Green Earth Living (GEL) policy and convert the CEC card into an optically activated Carbon Credit card (CC).
8./ GEL mandates urban centralisation of 95% of the population into Production Center Wards (PCW's).
9./ GEL mandates citizen carbon footprints, travel restrictions, travel applications, blackouts and curfews.
10./ GEL mandates population control initiatives including; approved only child bearing, euthanasia centers, eugenics programs, mandated birth control.
11./ GEL outlines health and nutrition manufacturing guidelines.
12./ GEL program restricts all farming practices to Corp World Firms (CW's) only.
13./ Implement nano tech "flea drones" to maintain audio and visual surveillance of entire globe.
14./ Establish state approved accommodation program, whereas, all citizens are assigned their residences.
15./ Steadily reduce population I.Q., implement state program to replace print with audio.
16./ Regulate and censor all media, internet and advertising, enhance all mind control programs.
17./ Establish an overwhelming NWO police force throughout the globe.
18./ Introduce free energy and all other hidden technologies.
19./ WOW the globe with state approved technology, entertainment, sport and celebration.
20./ Never release the population from fear!      

Rolling Out Opossum:

The Plan to introduce the NWO would use an iteration of the U.N administrative program, whereas, the scope and range of the U.N. merely be extended to introduce a "Global Senate". Touting the fairness of a "one nation, one representative" vote policy, the senate will be seen as a last chance to consolidate the interests of all nations in hopes that world peace could be brokered. Many leaders will appose the one vote concept on the grounds of balancing representative presence to better reflect wealth, environmental, land mass, population or many such physical ingredients. Arguments will be made that wealthy nations like Germany, larger populations as in India, or even more powerful nations as represented by America should warrant more voting power than a poorly heeled country like Niger or Kenya. Leaders of the world will appear to be forced by public unrest to define solutions which will bridge the gap between rich and poor, be it individuals or nations. In the end, it will be agreed that all nations big or small, rich and poor should be endowed with equal voting representation. Behind the scenes, just as they do now, corporate elite paymasters will ensure their puppets always remain in full control of the newly formed NWO senate.

"Humanity can easily be controlled by those who have learned to wield fear as a weapon."

The rise of the NWO will happen against the backdrop of war, rampant poverty, starvation, homeless and unsustainable debt. Great blocks of nations will have fallen under the strain of economic collapse which will force NWO senate to declare the debt based monetary system unjust, immoral and illegal. Senate announcements will confirm the expected debt clemency for all banks and governments of the NWO. Elite masters, failing to absolve the debt obligation of citizens, will anger the peoples of the new world forcing mass rioting with special focus paid to burning banks and government offices. Global governance will become tenable, whereas, most leaders will be forced to declare a national state of emergency.

Martial law will be imposed by all governments enabling millions of dissidents and black listed targets to be rounded up for detention center internment camps littered throughout the globe. Society will become unbearably chaotic, forcing an Orwellian style of military domination as the only viable option for stressed governments to maintain control of rampaging masses. Amidst the elite manufactured chaos, a great woman (we will call her Sally) will appear to rise from roots of poverty. Sally will quickly be recognised by mass media as global spokesperson for the rights and freedom of impoverished people. Media will spin the story so that her rise to power will be reluctantly embraced by the NWO as the only realistic solution to quell global rioting. Concessions made to restore global order will involve our heroin leader to be given the only veto seat in the NWO senate. Speaking with new age platitudes of unity, unconditional love and peace, our new global leader will pledge to eliminate all money and the debt slavery it endorses. NWO mandates will include debt forgiveness for all citizens. Laws will be enacted to ensure all peoples of the world are fed, housed, educated, vaccinated and cared for. Housing projects will immediately commence with media fanfare relentlessly promoting the urgent need to house 1.5 billion homeless. Sally will move quickly to draft and enact a new "Global Declaration of Rights and Freedoms (GDRF)". Applying the newly created charter, our magnificent leader will use her powers to strip all nations of their military weaponry. All nuclear and military assets will be dismantled or permanently decommissioned. Laws will be passed to disarm all citizenry, with stiff jail penalties for anyone found to illegally possess a firearm. People will dance in the streets celebrating what they believe is the answer to all their prayers. Money burning ceremonies, hailing emancipation and the coming of a new age, will be held in towns and cities across the globe.

Part and parcel of the new GDRF will be a senate mandate aimed at saving our fragile environment. Senate will introduce an extremely aggressive green living vision under the popular moniker GEL. The focus of green living will clearly illustrate the mantra  "save the planet from ourselves". Senate leaders will implement a new system of carbon credits designed to replace the dismantled monetary system. Carbon credits (CC's) will be issued as a function of the citizens productivity whereas $1.00USD will be equivalent to 1.00CC. Each citizen of the NWO who cannot afford a home will be issued a state apartment, 1000CC's per month allowance and an employment facilitator mandated to ensure each person meets the 50 hour minimum labour needed to qualify for state welfare. Chinese socialism will be hailed as the model best suited for managing the state, corporate, personal and environmental needs of the NWO. Senate will agree population control must be implemented if there is any hope of turning back the ballooning global carbon footprint. Population control will be tied to productivity, whereas, a family may have one child. Parents who wish more children, will have to earn 100,000 additional annual income per child unit, whereas, a three child family will have to be supported by an annual income of 300,000CC's or more.

Corporate productivity will escalate as the building, infrastructure, and manufacturing industries boom in answer to the global effort of raising the living standards of 1.5 billion NWO citizens from homeless starvation to NWO welfare status. Retail maintains the status quo as each NWO citizen will have a state approved CC card to facilitate the norm of retail purchasing. Corporations will be assessed a CC penalty and bonus system designed to reduce their carbon footprint (CFP). Smaller companies, unable to achieve minimum CFP's, will be forced to close their doors or suffer hostile takeovers from larger eco friendly manufacturers. Banks will continue to function, however, interest and debt will be illegal therefore all banks will be state run institutions providing basic CC transactions and safety deposit services.

Governance of the NWO will super-cede nation status thereby relegating national, state and municipal  authority to the menial role of regional administration of infrastructure, services and detention management. Electoral processes will remain intact, however due to the displacement of power, most citizen will abstain from voting. Social unrest will be handled by local militia as most countries maintain martial law during the breadth of the transitional years. Safety in the midst of change will become the accepted mantra as big brother is encouraged by the masses to lead us toward a security rife Orwellian rule. Millions of interned freedom fighters quietly dying in NWO detention centers will tacitly represent the caution needed to keep dissidents firmly in check. Advances in mass mind programming allow for total domination of our species, manufactured fear becomes the staple consumed by the enslaved mind. People around the globe will hail the amasing success of the NWO. Sally will be hailed as global saviour, her visage will permeate all aspects of society.

Living with the wolf today teaches us to trust and embrace all that is the New World Order. Tomorrow, having become better acquainted, we may very well say.... "Oh my what very big teeth you have Sally"...

In Lak' ech, brethren, part 3 of this essay will introduce "Emancipation Through Riotous Non Compliance"...

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Money Enough to suffer Part 3...

My Dearest Elizabeth,

I miss you so very much, wishing beyond all reason that somehow this letter will in fact make it's way to your heart. It has now been seven months, eighteen days and eleven hours since you were literally ripped from my embrace. The Jackboots thought they had killed me, after all, plugging me with two lead slugs and cracking the shit out of my skull, should have done the job.

Ricky saved my life! From across the courtyard he saw me do a back-ender out our bedroom window. He never hesitate Elizabeth, he just acted with a courage I know I could not have mustered. One night, a month or so after that fateful day, Joey told me the entire story over a coffee. Joey said he looked over to our apartment as soon as the shots rang out. He saw me bust through the window and assumed I was a goner. Joey said he would never forget the bravery he saw next. Within ten or so seconds, he noticed Ricky making his way across the open courtyard. Joey said it was nothing short of a miracle the countless motion drones never picked up Ricky's image. The way Joey tells it; Ricky was like this super Rambo man, invisible to the enemy, a deadly viper. Yeah, you read it right Elizabeth, I know, it's really a very funny thing to imagine, a lovable 300 pound couch potato like our pal Ricky acting like Rambo.

Hold your breath, the story is about to get really weird. Joey admits he couldn't quite see ground level, so he was not altogether sure what Ricky was doing when he reached me. None the less, Joey figures it must have been a good fifteen minutes before he saw Ricky stand up with me draped across his back. Joey said he was so shocked he shit himself. Joey had naturally assumed a drone had killed Ricky, so when we popped up out of the blue, it all seemed surreal. Just imagine that Elizabeth, fifteen minutes in the open, whilst in the middle of a sweep team raid. There must have been at least 100 drones working the raid that night. I have seen a lot of shit in the last couple of years, however, I am sure you would agree Elizabeth, not many people would expect to last fifteen seconds in the open during a sweep team maneuver, let alone fifteen minutes. The story doesn't end there. Joey said he saw Ricky make his way over to the old Cedar tree that sits in front of Jenna's apartment. I know you won't believe this Elizabeth; with me draped across his back, Joey climbed the Cedar and completely disappeared. Shit, before this happened Elizabeth, I would have bet everything I owned Ricky could never get himself up that tree, let alone carry me up at the same time.

In any regard, Joey mentioned he watched the tree with binoculars steady until the 2 hour clear bell signified the drones to leave. Joey said he didn't know whether to head over to the tree or stay put. You know how sneaky those bastards are when they shut down a raid. In any event, Joey quietly watched the tree for a good hour more, then, he slowly sidled over to it fully expecting to find Ricky and I tucked away under a branch. Neither of us were there, Joey swears he never took his eye off that tree Elizabeth. We both know, with the tree in the open as it is, no one could leave it unnoticed, it must have been a miracle. To make a long story short, three days had passed until I finally woke. I realised I was in Ricky's bedroom, Angela's face was hovering over me as she changed my dressings. The entire scene was so discombobulated and surreal it scared the shit out of me Elizabeth. I jumped up sending spasms of pain throughout my body. It took a good week before I could move about without considerable pain. Things were real crazy then Elizabeth, the internet was painted red with global strife. Rioting, fires, blood and mayhem endlessly pulsated forth from the small square screen. Protests were rampant, it appeared to us all that victory was at hand. Anyone who could stand carried their signs to protest marches throughout the city. All healthy rioters were expected to join the "damage crews", hell bent saboteurs focused on destroying the elite infrastructure of NWO domination. Ricky was a team leader for our local damage crew, Angela was so very proud of him Elizabeth. Ricky knew I was too banged up to join his team, but at the same time, he also knew I was more than healthy to join Angela in the marches. Ricky and I argued daily Elizabeth, I cowered to his position, but could not articulate what exactly kept me frozen to his couch. I will never forget the look on Ricky's face the moment he heard the news Angela had been murdered by a police bullet to the head.

He blamed me for not being by her side, for not protecting the people who saved my life. His anger was very scary Elizabeth, I thought he was going to kill me right then and there. Beads of sweat fell from his brow dripping onto my face, as he was meaningfully strangling the life from me, time seemed to slow to a crawl. His crimson visage was a sight which still causes me to wake most nights in a cold sweat. Why he let go and walked away Elizabeth, I will never know. If the world were a righteous place, I should be dead. The way things stand now, Ricky refuses to speak to me, He thinks my cowardice  reprehensible, the worst thing is Elizabeth, I feel the same way. I don't know where fear comes from, but one thing I do know, it grips you like a vice and holds on like no tomorrow. Just the thought of being in the streets under the glaring eyes of the drones made me apoplectic. For no apparent reason, I would find myself trembling in the corner of their tiny flat crying like a little child. Each day, Angela would make sure I was fed and cared for. She never pushed me to participate, she knew I needed time to heal more than the scars. Ricky didn't have to kick me out, I left as soon as his fingers released their grip. For the last six months or so, I have been living with five others in this small apartment on Queen street. I am falling apart without you and the children, my life is like a nightmare which never ends.

This morning, I found myself blindly hovering over our stove deeply inhaling the rich aromatic salute to what portends to be another dreary morning . Bearing the role of casual witness, I observed a melange of black spotted foamy liquid belching forth in it's hurried exit from the darkened spout. My morning coffee danced and sizzled on the red hot burner below, helplessly, I swam trance like in it's wild torment. Of late, and with regularity, small tremors seem to form in my back, stomach, or somewhere in my lower extremities. The tremors course unimpeded up my torso, then down my arms, whereby, they always exit my hands exposing, what I have now become inured to as a signature tremble. Presently, in my semi conscious state, I can feel my fingers pulsate with release, much like I felt as I observed the coffee this morning discover it's true course along the glistening white porcelain. Friends of mine believe these bouts of trembling, and zoning out, are a result of the accumulated radiation, however, I am convinced they manifest from post traumatic stress. In any event, I know you understand my pain, you feel my grief, you too are doing your level best to survive. Like myself, you are probably suffering symptoms of war fatigue, bouts of semi conscious delirium, or at the very least, uncontrollable grief and angst.

It's like we are all living in a dream, isn't it?

Each morning, I plug my brain into what is left of the internet, only to discover our world has unraveled yet a little more. Thankfully, I can reach out to you in this letter, mere words that still my anxiety, give me hope, bring love to my world. Yesterday, marked the one month anniversary since the start of WWIII which, as I am sure you don't need me to remind, resulted in limited nuclear strikes against Tehran, Moscow, L.A., New York, Jerusalem, Netanya, London, Bandar-e Abbas, Tabriz, and Tel Aviv. Main stream media casually suggest the 84 nuclear arms killing over 36 million people was tragic but an unavoidable path to peace. What the hell does that mean? More and more, I find the media's caustic blathering bespeak to our good fortune. Yesterday, I heard a reporter eagerly maintain, "if things really got out of hand it could have been much worse, we could all be dead or underground by now, think about that!" I guess you could say it was a miracle humanity averted a massive planetary thermo-nuclear showdown. None the less, I find little solace can be gleaned amongst this rampant devastation, especially in the absence of you and the children. Aside from the nuclear arsenal, what the heck were those atom destabilising ray guns all about. Every day, stories fill the internet about some new fangled, avant guard, war toy. They must have been sitting on all this technology for quite some time. It appears to me, my darling Elizabeth, population earth precariously sits on a razor's edge, waiting, wondering, hoping beyond all reasonable hope, that the negotiated cease fires of three weeks ago will somehow be miraculously sustained.

It truly is unfathomable to even conceive how world leaders could find the stomach for war, especially after the devastation wreaked by the Canada Goose Flu Epidemic last summer. The other month, I heard the final death toll from the flu eclipsed 2 billion. The internet is constantly abuzz with rumors of government conspiracy. I honestly don't know what to make of it all, it seems almost impossible to dispute the epidemic was created in a CIA lab, as well, all indicators suggest it was designed as the ultimate killing machine. The official story, as per usual, has more holes than Swiss cheese. We know they are deliberately killing us, but, with the ban on assembly, there seems little we can do. Estimates now suggest, the global population to be less than 4.5 billion. However, over the next year or so, food shortages, rampant cancer, war and disease are expected to cull another one billion from the ranks of humanity. Total it all up my darling, half the world population will have disappeared within a 2 year period.

Riots, protests and marches around the world are seldom now, everyone knows resistance is futile. For the most part, the plethora of  NWO nano drones keep the streets clear during curfew hours which, if you have not heard, are still globally maintained at 18:00 hours. The internet rumor mill is rife with sites trying to establish just how many dissidents are imprisoned globally. Some estimates suggest more than 1.5 billion souls are captive, many of which are children separated from their parents. Whatever you may have heard in the camp, the last wave of seriously overt protesting was six months ago, about one month after you and the boys were taken by CSIS. It took me a few months to come to terms with my narrow escape. I felt terribly guilty I did not manage to protect you and the children from the sweep team raid of our apartment complex last Christmas eve. I know the children have been taken from you. I wish I could give you hope by saying I have found their location, alas, all my efforts have been in vain. There are so many rumors about what the elite have done at the children's camps, I won't speak to these atrocities as I am sure, like me, you are more than inundated with speculative drivel.

I laid low for a month after leaving Ricky's place. Most my food still is derived from forays on dark nights to risk raiding garbage bins for leftover food scraps. The drones are very dangerous, but if you are clever, attentive, and lucky, you can avoid detection. The day time is much safer from big brother, they retract the drones at 8:00 am, less than a minute later, the streets are filled with grubbers fighting for crumbs. All that is left now are workers and grubbers, you don't need me to tell you what category I have fallen into. The workers do their level best to avoid us grubbers, society is truly cast into two very separate experiences of reality. I don't speak to workers, they are the worst of traitors. Without their support, the elite would never have gained victory, the NWO would already have become an historical footnote. The workers don't use money, society is completely cashless now Elizabeth. We always dreamed of a cashless society you and I, but on very different terms. Unconditional love was to represent humanities ticket to freedom from the tyranny of debt slavery, not this nightmare. Each bona fide worker resident has been issued an entitlement card. All cards are controlled by the NWO central finance hub. Travel is greatly restricted, exit visas allowing a citizen to leave the city are probably the hottest commodity on today's worker black market. It is weird surviving without money. Grubbers are not authorised to use entitlement cards, therefore, we must scavenge for the right to survive. The irony is, I always wished people could realise one third of humanity lives worse off than the pets we own. Now, you, the children and I are part of that group! I can honestly say the average worker dog or cat lives a much better quality of life than all us sub worker beings. I will never get a work visa because I am related to a detainee, In addition, I am pretty darn sure they know I survived the raid, which would mean they have me tagged as an escaped convict.

I can't seem to shake the shame of my cowardice of January past. I know Ricky was right Elizabeth, we needed everyone on the battlefield. We needed people of courage like Ricky and Angela. If we all pulled together, we may have uprooted the elite, everyone agrees it was painfully close. Many of our friends will still not speak with me, I understand their anger, I shrink under their cold stares. I live with unbearable shame daily, most of us can't help but bump into each other whilst we comb the streets in the daylight hours looking for what we collectively call "opportunity". None of us know what or how opportunity may manifest, it could be a good afternoon scrounging the bins and alleys, or a successful day foraging, hunting or fishing.    

I miss you and the children far more than words could ever convey. Often, as I walk the streets of opportunity, I find myself in a peaceful dream where everything goes back to normal. You are cooking a wonderful evening meal, the children are tussling over one of their action figures whilst I quietly enjoy a cigar and read the newspaper. John Lennon plays imagine on the CD. Although I wish we could be together, it gives me great peace to know you are alive and reasonably well. Soon, I hope to offer you good news of Christopher and little Brandon. I have a friend who found his children in Alberta of all places, he sent them a letter by "resistance mail". He has yet to hear reply, but lives with immutable confidence. I hope to use the same resistance channels Elizabeth, but it won't be easy. You probably know I have been marked by the resistance as yellow. I accept my yellow tag, it is righteous, none the less, it burns my ass to know the children and you must suffer due to my inability to confront fear. What good is a father or husband who cannot muster the will to protect his own family. This letter I pen to you is being sent via Betty, who I understand is in your block. Mike agreed to send it through the resistance as one of his own. Now he must wait an additional month before he can send Betty another. I must admit my shock that Mike agreed with this hair brained scheme. Not many people help yellows, especially not those who were their friends. Mike did make it very clear he was doing this for you and not me. He told me to tell you this, as he intends to be very forthright with Betty about my status. I heard last month some camp women who have, or had, yellow husbands are often abused by fellow block mates and detainee guards alike. For the longest time, I thought it best if I just let you believe I was dead, at least you would not have to live with the stigma of having a living yellow husband. I guess the deciding factor was that I know the resistance has already tagged you a yellow lover.

The entire yellow paradigm is insane at best, yellow lovers, yellow children, yellow relations. Last week, I was speaking to a fellow yellow who was branded because his cousin, who he had never met, was identified as the resistance leader of a Halifax sect. How is it the resistance cannot see the similarities of abuse between the elite and themselves? They tarnish you, Christopher and Brandon with a yellow brush, never once considering it unjust to heap the sins of a man upon his innocent family. I pray every day that you and the children do not have to suffer too much at the hands of those bigots who cannot find love in their heart.

I must close this letter my darling, I hope what I have written will fall within the 5 gram limit, if not, this last page will be missing. Please thank Betty for me, let her know how much I appreciate her and Mike's kindness in forwarding this letter. Knowing it may be my only chance to convey my love, I pray it reaches you safely. I look forward to your reply, at least if Betty remains in accord with the deception. You must know her and Mike are taking a massive risk Elizabeth. If by chance this letter were to be intercepted, all four of us will be hanged for sedition against the NWO.

My darling, dearest, Elizabeth, I love you and love you and love you more. I pray you and the boys find it in your hearts to forgive my weakness. Stay strong, live with unconditional love, may compassion fill your heart today and forever more.

Love and strength, vive la resistance, shine on dearest Elizabeth shine on, you will always be in my heart.

Faithfully yours, Thomas.   xoxoxoxoxox.