Friday, 25 December 2020

Psyche Prevails

Psyche Prevails

Standing upon the cusp of tomorrow

You see Zeus nibble an ebony sky

Golden chains adorn his fiery neck

Held out a gilded basket of riches


Standing upon the cusp of tomorrow

You see Eros tumble from a metal steed

Pricked by his mystic arrow he swoons

Charmingly he casts an amatory gaze 

Standing upon the cusp of tomorrow

You see Psyche bathe in a locus amoenus

Unwittingly she is nicked by Eros's bolt

Magic weaves the venery of a lover lost

Reeling into the chasm of tomorrow

You witness Venus holding a cup of bile

 Aglaura and Cidippe devilishly scheme

Forlorn the piqued lovers tied to strings

Reeling into the chasm of tomorrow

You witness Eros in unabated slumber

Enchanted he is by the will of spheres

Knowing not his mind he wanders lost

Reeling in the chasm of tomorrow

You witness the damnation of Psyche

Tribulations afoot lovers are forestalled

Decades of tragedy she must now endure

Surviving the riptide of tomorrow

You beseech aid from motherly Ceres

Weigh she must the lover's hearts

White glove falls upon a stone floor

Surviving the riptide of tomorrow

You beseech the idle Eros to awake

Bestirred he flees in bewilderment

Agony in witness to a shattered vase

Surviving the riptide of tomorrow

You beseech Charon to accept payment

Dreams unfettered Psyche gives chase

Entreaty to Ceres the glove returned

Lovers embrace the dawn of tomorrow 

You cheer Ceres's release of provocation

Hermes convokes the Gods to rejoice 

Resplendent is the gala in praise of love

Lovers embrace the dawn of tomorrow

You cheer Eros his defiance of Venus

Quiver tossed aside he interlaces Psyche

Resplendent is the gala in praise of love

Lovers embrace the dawn of tomorrow

You cheer Psyche resilient determined

Arms outstretched she consumes her Eros

Resplendent is the gala in praise of love