Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back! Few people are unfamiliar with the aforementioned sales slogan. As well, most of us are very familiar with the Rolling Stones lyrics used to entitle this blog. Have you ever asked yourself why we seem so transfixed with satisfaction? Eavesdrop into the average conversation, more than likely you are hearing comments of dissatisfaction. The weather is too hot or too cold, too dry or too rainy. The local hockey team is playing poorly, I hate working here, this chair is uncomfortable, so and so has been a real idiot. The litany of dissatisfaction is played endlessly as an eternal backdrop to the expression of reality. If you have a TV, turn it on; the same meme of expression will confirm the bizarre fixation with a lack of satisfaction. Why does humanity choose to function in such disharmony with its environment.
The answer, I believe, is primarily due to the construct of the ego mind as it relates to the programmed perception of reality we have been fed since birth. The ego mind takes us out of the NOW, thereby depositing us in the past or future. We fail to understand how leaving the NOW, in most cases, represents a departure from sanity. If we think of this transition as a calm sea suddenly becoming wild, we will have earned a much improved perspective. From the gnosis that each individual creates their own reality, we must find ourselves culpably adding to this insanity. However, we may gain added insight into this subject, if we inquire further into the nature of disenchantment. Is it something we have inherited or learned, or is this part and parcel our true nature? Can we restore harmony or must we accept and adjust?
With thoughts, feelings and emotions we create our reality. Our template for reality is a malleable construct, ever changing, as we gain experience, perspective and knowledge. This truism, forces us to conclude, the collective experiential data we receive from our environment forms an integral part of our reality. Essentially our world becomes a function of what we are taught. Much like the adage you are what you eat, we find we act as we are taught. It is not happenstance that humanity reflects disharmony with self and environment. With dark intent, great efforts have been undertaken to carefully craft this matrix of reality. For thousands of years, humanity has suffered under the dedicated construction of a dark pseudo reality. Disharmony, fear and spiritual brevity is the call of the day. The real insult to our intelligence, or lack thereof, is found in their ability to completely convinced us, personal disharmony is our own fault. When looking to understand this enigma of darkness, we are placated by their lies suggesting this is human nature. This is not human nature my friends, this is humans fabricating darkness for personal gain. This is darkness sucking the energy from light. Human nature is light, love, acceptance and the many other GodSelf qualities we are taught to ignore. Ignorant of their true nature, our parents raised us as best they could. Unable to see truth behind the matrix of lies, our parents proliferated the darkness by teaching us to believe. Teachers educate us with knowledge they believe to be true, all the while darkness is peddled by people we trust. Our friends and lovers are drinking of the same fountain so their perception of reality assuages and confirms our belief structure. Overloading with insanity we may turn to religion for balm, instead of relief we find more lies, discontent and illusion. The bankster elite have a few pets, their favorite is ego. Ego is the beast they feed with their advertising machine, encouraging it to rip through the heart of humanity like a chainsaw rendering the family roast.
What if?
Someone sees the matrix...
What if?
We learn who we are...
What if?
We discover what human nature really is...
The horizon offers humanity a rising sun. Archon control of the human mind was the required energy signature leading mankind to the brink of evolution. Now, at evolutions doorstep, we see the control structure collapse under the weight of it's own obsolescence. I believe light will prevail throughout the planet within five years. We will come to understand the true nature of what it means to be human. We will not dwell in the turbulent waters of past and future. We will choose the NOW moment in complete acceptance. We will no longer demand our world
" be " a certain way. We will reflect unconditional love and unity consciousness as the underpinning of a new civilised representation of true human nature. We do not have to wait until this transition completes full initiation of a new reality, We may choose to align with this new energy now. We can search within to determine our true nature beyond the veils of ego. We can transcend the illusions fed to us by ego and society, thereby maintaining a clearer perspective of the NOW moment as it relates to our eternal GodSelf being.
If you find yourself demanding your reality be better, more than likely you are allowing ego to take you into the future. Tomorrow will never be a better day until we lovingly accept what today offers us in every NOW moment. I guess we can make some sense of the statement " I can't get no satisfaction " if we look at it from the perspective of the grammatical double negative, cleverly disguising the illusion most people now accept as truth. Living peacefully in the NOW moment is a choice, why not make it yours!
In Lak' esh, my brethren, only love is human nature...
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Define this thought...
Monday, 7 March 2011
With respect, allow me to offer up this posit. I submit to you, none of us truly know love. We all use this word casually in conversation not really taking the time to grasp the true essence of love. The word love is the most misunderstood word in our language. Our love becomes a dispensed commodity which we offer up to those whom we deem deserving. We believe ourselves capable of offering unconditional love to our children our spouse and nuclear family. Do we really offer this small group unconditional love? By example, if your brother kills your parents would you still offer up love and compassion. In my own life, I had a falling out with my sister whom I perceived at the time to have grievously offended me and my child. Even though I had transcended the affront, it took many more years before I formally reconciled this issue with her. If your wife cheats on you or your husband beats you can you still offer love. Of course it may be necessary to dispatch with the relationship, however, can this be done from a perspective of love. We perceive our love to be true, is it?
How then can we find in our heart true love? Is it possible? The answer to both these questions is an emphatic YES.
Please take a moment, reflect on this issue.
In favour of initiating discourse, if I may offer up consideration of this important query. The first step is to afford " yourself " unconditional love. Stop judging your actions, understand that you are doing your best with the tools you have. Give yourself the same level of compassion you offer children. We never feel anger to the child who attempts to touch the burner of a stove. We happily offer compassion to our children, we know they are learning and in doing so they will have to make mistakes. We fail to see that we too are children, at least from the perspective of gnosis. None of us are so arrogant to believe we know everything. Why is it we are more than prepared to feel guilt and condemnation for our actions which we falsely perceive to be in contrast with a self image of required perfection? Be honest, how often do you allow your ego to make you feel inadequate? The monkey brain plays out the rigors of right and wrong good and bad thus infusing our solace with fear and guilt. I am not rich enough to deserve love. I am not worthy because I am not as good as the neighbor I admire. I am not handsome enough, not smart enough. I am certainly not perfect, therefore I am less deserving than the brother who is more accomplished. Why can't I lose weight? Why do I have to live in misery? Will I ever become the human I want to be?
We must look at such thoughts and see them for the illusion they truly are. Oneness affords us the grace to live a life content that we are the ONE, the everyONE. Truth can only be found in the understanding that we are here to experience exactly that which our soul needs. The beggar, the thief and the undesirables are all here to experience these lessons, lessons from which they are able to truly understand compassion in other incarnations. People, we are the beggar and the king. I am you and you are I, there are no exceptions. From the platform of God SELF we can be gentle and compassionate with ourselves. This gnosis of seeing the child in each soul means that we may release the fear of need and the guilt associated with lack. You are truly rich beyond your wildest dreams, it is only illusion emphasised by ego which keeps peace from your heart.
Once you can truly love yourself as the Atman it is a short step to loving the brother you deem wretched. There is no good or bad, there is no right or wrong, there is only choice and all choice without exception is sacred and valid. Gaia also has her needs, she may offer up earthquakes, tornadoes, floods and all sorts of disaster. We see these events as terrible but again we are mistaken. The victims of tragedy, the victims of atrocity are all self selected endings to souls which have completed their mission. From this perspective we can live our life with grace, we can therefore accept the "isness" of all experience. Ego illusions of death, birth, space and time are the vehicles by which our pain can manifest.
Finally there is the true grasp of the interconnectedness of the universe. Again there is only the ONE the perfect expression of Godly manifestation. When we commune with the all we can release the maya. Fear slips back into the world of illusion locked up where it belongs, the key tossed aside.
I too live in fear, I too fall victim to illusion. However, I have experienced the light which patiently waits for me to wake up. For a short time I have basked in the glory of Oneness, in doing so I have developed a burning desire for gnosis. I am slowly stepping out of darkness and I can tell you the golden dawn is magnificent beyond imagination. The path to light (Oneness) is the only chance we have to truly define LOVE. Love without condition is the only true expression of self, all else is illusion. As the years pass I find myself deeper in love with myself my wife and all others. Moreover I am finding in my heart the capacity to remain compassionate with my child self. True love still waits on the horizon but at least I can define what false love is. In the words of the great Martin Luther King " I have a dream " a dream that one day we may all experience true unconditional love. Please when you find yourself in judgment of self or others stop, Look deep into your heart, see if these feelings and thoughts benefit you. Be kind, accept your child self as the seeker and afford the seeker compassion and love UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
Namaste, love conquers fear.
How then can we find in our heart true love? Is it possible? The answer to both these questions is an emphatic YES.
Please take a moment, reflect on this issue.
In favour of initiating discourse, if I may offer up consideration of this important query. The first step is to afford " yourself " unconditional love. Stop judging your actions, understand that you are doing your best with the tools you have. Give yourself the same level of compassion you offer children. We never feel anger to the child who attempts to touch the burner of a stove. We happily offer compassion to our children, we know they are learning and in doing so they will have to make mistakes. We fail to see that we too are children, at least from the perspective of gnosis. None of us are so arrogant to believe we know everything. Why is it we are more than prepared to feel guilt and condemnation for our actions which we falsely perceive to be in contrast with a self image of required perfection? Be honest, how often do you allow your ego to make you feel inadequate? The monkey brain plays out the rigors of right and wrong good and bad thus infusing our solace with fear and guilt. I am not rich enough to deserve love. I am not worthy because I am not as good as the neighbor I admire. I am not handsome enough, not smart enough. I am certainly not perfect, therefore I am less deserving than the brother who is more accomplished. Why can't I lose weight? Why do I have to live in misery? Will I ever become the human I want to be?
We must look at such thoughts and see them for the illusion they truly are. Oneness affords us the grace to live a life content that we are the ONE, the everyONE. Truth can only be found in the understanding that we are here to experience exactly that which our soul needs. The beggar, the thief and the undesirables are all here to experience these lessons, lessons from which they are able to truly understand compassion in other incarnations. People, we are the beggar and the king. I am you and you are I, there are no exceptions. From the platform of God SELF we can be gentle and compassionate with ourselves. This gnosis of seeing the child in each soul means that we may release the fear of need and the guilt associated with lack. You are truly rich beyond your wildest dreams, it is only illusion emphasised by ego which keeps peace from your heart.
Once you can truly love yourself as the Atman it is a short step to loving the brother you deem wretched. There is no good or bad, there is no right or wrong, there is only choice and all choice without exception is sacred and valid. Gaia also has her needs, she may offer up earthquakes, tornadoes, floods and all sorts of disaster. We see these events as terrible but again we are mistaken. The victims of tragedy, the victims of atrocity are all self selected endings to souls which have completed their mission. From this perspective we can live our life with grace, we can therefore accept the "isness" of all experience. Ego illusions of death, birth, space and time are the vehicles by which our pain can manifest.
Finally there is the true grasp of the interconnectedness of the universe. Again there is only the ONE the perfect expression of Godly manifestation. When we commune with the all we can release the maya. Fear slips back into the world of illusion locked up where it belongs, the key tossed aside.
I too live in fear, I too fall victim to illusion. However, I have experienced the light which patiently waits for me to wake up. For a short time I have basked in the glory of Oneness, in doing so I have developed a burning desire for gnosis. I am slowly stepping out of darkness and I can tell you the golden dawn is magnificent beyond imagination. The path to light (Oneness) is the only chance we have to truly define LOVE. Love without condition is the only true expression of self, all else is illusion. As the years pass I find myself deeper in love with myself my wife and all others. Moreover I am finding in my heart the capacity to remain compassionate with my child self. True love still waits on the horizon but at least I can define what false love is. In the words of the great Martin Luther King " I have a dream " a dream that one day we may all experience true unconditional love. Please when you find yourself in judgment of self or others stop, Look deep into your heart, see if these feelings and thoughts benefit you. Be kind, accept your child self as the seeker and afford the seeker compassion and love UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
Namaste, love conquers fear.
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