Friday, 27 December 2019


Single, is a different experience as retirement nears
Sorrows without solace, none to wipe your tears
Stirring in the night, no warm body do you find
Life, shared with no one, you can lose your mind

Good fortune blessed me one fine spring day
I spied my dearest in the home aisle at The Bay
Bedazzled by her beauty, I was helpless to adore
Her name Sealy, friends knew her as ... Twenty Four

Quickly, my lady proved a celebrity about town
Casting a spectacle in her bright red gown
People's obvious stars made my heart soar
How I love my sweet darling ... Twenty Four

Gliding across the dance floor, we caused a stir
Dapper was my tux, dazzling she was in fur 
The Cabernet chilled, two glasses I did pour
How I am falling for my dear ... Twenty Four

Pastor Bill cautioned it was too soon for us to wed
The church replete, no space for another head
With vows exchanged, our eternal love we swore
My beautiful bride, the adorable ... Twenty Four

Honeymoon travel tickets required a full name
Raising our eyebrows, we played their game 
Sealy / 24 Ounce / Down Filled / Machine Washable
Of course, everyone knows her as ... Twenty Four