Wednesday, 3 April 2024

Blind Rabbit

'Blind Rabbit'

Daybreak invites an inquisitive mind

Misted mirror clouds faithful identity

Who animates this befogged apparition?

Blind geezer grasping spectral Atomic 

Noontide respires in phantasmagorical art

Ego bends the knee to unfurled reality

What must be this atypical luminary? 

Rabbit bounds towards cosmic Quark

Twilight visions synaptically dance 

Warren Turnpike exacts a cerebral toll

Where ends the labyrinth maze?

Searching for truth, confusion Unleashed

Midnight shadows restlessly flitter

Fire affixes light upon dreamy halfwit

When do sparks frisk an empty mind?

Wisdom streaks athwart Wormhole 

Pedagogue Moon contemplates self

Cosmic fragments are scattered afoot

Verily, beingness unburdens the mist 

Within the Blind Rabbit lies Divinity

Cockcrow hour excites the dilated psyche

Dewy perspectives bark at idle intellect

Who gnaws crumbled osseous matter?

Discovers gospel, foolishness Animates

Midday Philosophy naps in the sun

Conjecture roils over an iron cauldron

What magic splashes this weary cook?

Singularity, universe ultimately Integrated

Dusk calms this spirited interrogation

Peace lounges upon a single white sheet

Where two is found, is a lie not born?  

Champions of the cause, arenas for the Blind 

Witching hour harkens consolidation

Tasty brew concocted from ignorance

When can this Jester rest for the night? 

Love acknowledges the fractured Rabbit

Blind Rabbit Searching Wisdom Within, Discovers Singularity Champions Love

          Atomic Quark Unleashed Wormhole, Divinity Animates Integrated Blind Rabbit  

This poem speaks to my search for knowledge and the inevitability of my perpetual ignorance. 

The first stanza asks the ultimate question, who am I? Believing that I have seen beyond illusion, the second stanza pokes fun at the extent of my egotism. The third stanza speaks of the chaos and endless rabbit holes I found through scientific and shamanic searches. 

Within stanzas four to six, I reference a specific shamanic ritual where the experience of GodSelf singularity unveiled occulted knowledge. I speak of being the moon, holding the GodSelf while blowing on an amber picked up from the fire. The fog of separation clears as, in stanza six, I experience myself as the rising sun. 

Stanzas seven and eight offer ruminations and reflections I considered the day after the event. Within the seventh stanza, I realise that conjectural arguments of philosophy, science, and logic have been knit into my heart. Spiritual and philosophic stances, once held together by logic and faith alone, became an embodiment of unconditional love. 

Truth was tasted only when I surrendered to the inevitability my journey would only yield mental constructs. Dedicated spiritualists hope for a day when the light turns on in their hearts, but we all accept the moment is unattainable. Yet, miraculously, the magic of shamanism provided me a brief glimpse into the singularity.

Stanza nine, I step back from the shamanic experience. Then, after a pause, ask again... what is truth? Has the rabbit truly travelled through the hole? If so, were the lessons real, or has the rabbit been tricked? 

Woven within the poem are two messages. Each message offers an appreciation of the two primary vehicles for learning, shamanism and science. Science and philosophy are the foundations embraced by the mind. Shamanism is the journey of stimulating the heart. 

Blind Rabbit Searching Wisdom Within, Discovers Singularity Champions Love

I am the blind rabbit. Seeking wisdom, I discover singularity. If my search leads me to unconditional love, does it really matter if the philosophy I embrace is flawed?

Atomic Quark Unleashed Wormhole, Divinity Animates Integrated Blind Rabbit      

Our quantum reality is a scientific road leading to the GodSelf truth. Within the sciences, we logically confirm that an eternal, indivisible, singularity does exist. Synthesising science, philosophy, and shamanism into our belief structure, we integrate with our divine self.  

Perhaps the journey is false and the Rabbit remains blind. Seeing manifest reality as a state of eternal perfection is the ultimate non-dual rabbit hole. The warren might provide false pathways, nonetheless, it leads to a loving playpen. 

We are divine, eternal, and perfect in every way. The world does not need to heal. There may be nothing for anyone to do but choose gratitude while surrendering entirely to the singularity of divine consciousness.   

In Lak ech, dearest brethren. I love you all without condition. I am another point of you. 

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