Standing tall, boulder-like shoulders
Dynamic energy, a genuine smile
The love I find in his eyes
Light, for me to see
Oaken arms lift me in the air
Feet dangling, his exuberant joy
The love I find in his embrace
Light, for me to hold
Gentle spirit. warm as bathwater
A soft voice caresses my heart
The love I find in his words
Light, for me to hear
Cherishing my beloved mother
Entwined, their essence dancing
The love I find in his gifts
Light, for me to appreciate
Capricious cracks in a flawless mirror
Joy to experience his imperfection
The love I find in his blemish
Light, for me to revere
How wonderful, this beautiful man
Admiration, jubilance, limitless thanks
The love I find in his impeccability
Light, for me to follow