Saturday, 30 January 2010

Grace Under Pressure...

Do you feel like your world is falling apart? It is! Homo Sapiens are preparing to evolve. The race must release it's hold on the past, thus allowing the Phoenix to rise from the ashes.
We are witnessing the burning of mankind's playground. Old world structures must be leveled before a new amusement park can be prepared for Homo Luminous.
The Illuminati " New World Order ", conspiracy dictates including; soft kill, mind control, HAARP, weather modification, GMO, Codex, 2012, planet X, ad infinite are merely resistance to inevitable change. Their grand plan is to use fear as a tool to promote a dis connect to the power which lies within each being. Their capacity to dominate Homo Sapiens has been phenomenal. Look around, how many truly illuminated individuals do you see?

The fact remains Homo Sapiens was not meant to carry the torch of truth. The role of our generation is to transition into Homo Luminous. Thus paving the road for love. Our further evolved brethren will, in the near future, enjoy the privilege of living free of illusion and maya.

When we superimpose the strength of the Illuminati resistance in contrast to the will of God's divine evolutionary plan we obviously find the Illuminati lacking in punching power. Remember, they want you to forget you are God. As we touch the GodSelf within, their power quickly wanes. Hold firm to reality, seek to free yourself from illusion.

It is very easy for us to falter under such trying conditions. Many of us, who seek to discover the true nature of the Illuminati construct, leave ourselves open to feelings of despair. How difficult it is to piece together this gruesome puzzle of deceit, murder and mayhem without feeling helpless in the onslaught. Understanding the puzzle often makes us feel like we are standing in a mine field while bombs are dropping all around. The trick to retaining our sanity lies in the ability to see past fear biased illusions, and by doing so, use unconditional love to become free.

Grace is the ability to see beyond illusion. When we embrace the ONE, we find unconditional love. If we understand our true essence as eternal GodSelf beings then we can release all fear associated with what the Illuminati may impose. Furthermore, we then see no need to concern ourselves over what our future may hold. From the ONE we can extrapolate that each Illuminati member is another beautiful ( albeit confused ) GodSelf being. Don't you all agree we must love all Godly expression, without exception? Fear is hidden in many corners of our mind, only with love and acceptance can we eradicate this cancer. When all is said and done one fact will remain; you are the eternal God being, this can never be undone.

Roaming through the internet we find a vast amount of material dedicated to unveiling the bleak reality of our enslavement. Very seldom do we find any informative material which offers up solutions. When solutions do crop up, they are usually biased toward " fighting " the system. Their desire is to somehow take back control of our sovereignty. I prefer a solution dedicated to expanding the awareness of Oneness. It is only in comprehending the reality of singularity that we can ever expect to love unconditionally. The solution to the troubles of our world can never be found without love and unity.

Yea, as I walk through the shadows of darkness I fear not evil, for I am God. The essence of my eternal divinity will shine through all darkness in every perfect moment of my being. In times of strife I need only reach out to this divine power to steady the keel with grace under pressure.

Namaste, my brethren, seek only truth and find only love...

Saturday, 16 January 2010

The Truth of Conspiracy, know your world...

Now is the time for all good people to come to the aide of the ignorant. Lets face facts, most people are not aware of the true nature of their reality. Main stream media use the term " conspiracy theory " as a rod to beat down free thinkers. Somehow the task of enlightening the sheeple has become perceived as unsavory or at the very least unpatriotic.

Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of the ignorant. We are involved in the greatest war mankind has ever known. This war is about your right to eat food and drink water which is free of contaminants. This is a war to prevent the mass depopulation of the globe. This battle is about your ability to maintain the integrity of your neurological and nervous system. They are attempting to enslave you, it is a war for your personal rights and freedoms. You are being programmed. Essentially your thoughts and actions are a direct result of decisions they make seated at round tables.


Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of the ignorant. If we wait for 2012 or hope some great leader will come to solve our problems we will become complicit in the disregard for life and freedom. Too often is the case where I have been ridiculed for trying to make others aware of the true nature of their reality. Most people don't want to know there is a conspiracy afoot trying to kill or enslave them. It is time for each of us to take more responsibility in spreading the truth about the Illuminati cabal.

Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of the ignorant. Are you prepared to fight? Will you close your eyes to truth? What do you do to stop their destructive plan of enslavement? Have you even taken the time to discover what is happening around you? Are you prepared to become and information warrior? Will you shrink in the lines of battle? Or will you lead the charge to victory? You can make a difference! You can come to the aid of the ignorant!

As long as we are prepared to continue acting like children they will continue to treat us like children. They have no power other than the power we give them. They fear our strength. They don't want us to know how powerful we really are.


CONSPIRACY 101, Spread this gospel, use these weapons. Be brave, fight the good fight.

In conspiracy 101 you can learn about the overall structure of the Illuminati cabal. This cabal is often reported to have begun in the late 1800's with the emergence of the Bilderberg Society. However, truth be known the Illuminati have been in existence since the time of the Egyptian Pharaohs. For over 5,000 years this cabal has defined the future of mankind. This group of miscreants have a disturbing hand in the manipulation of most major world events. If you need more convincing my blog site has another twenty or so such videos. Share this information, become a freedom fighter.

1./ Esoteric Agenda, 12 part video which outlines the Illuminati structure in excellent detail. This video will allow you to have a framework for the motive behind the soft kill enslavement agenda of the Illuminati group.

2./ Confessions of an economic hit man, 2 parts. This is a quick video which highlights the methods used by the Illuminati to gain control over a government. Although this video represents usurping the governments of smaller countries it is worth noting America and all first world countries were taken in the much same way. David Icke, dark forces behind the NWO. 10 parts. David is one of the worlds foremost revealer of conspiracy. This video with Alex Jones is very well done.

3./ NWO solutions, 12 parts. This is a look at how we can overcome the conspiracy by taking control back. We must all become freedom fighters, sharing information is the new weapon of war.

4./ Wake up to the NWO, 16 parts. A compilation of many issues which are inflicted on the American public by the Obama regime.

5./ David Icke, opening the lid on the global awakening. This five part video is heartening as David exposes the soft side of the snakes belly.

6./ Max Igan, The big picture, 9 parts. Max is my favorite warrior against the Illuminati cabal. His calm voice and authoritative presence is a great vehicle for his work as a freedom fighter.

7./ Black Nobility and the Jesuit Order, 5 parts. Vatican & the Jesuits / Black Nobility occults control the world. A look in to the groups and secret societies that control the world. Also a look at religion, symbolism, occult and Luciferianism.

8./ Aaron Russo, reflections and warnings, 9 parts. In an historic final interview, filmmaker and music promoter Aaron Russo goes in depth on the insider-knowledge given to him by a member of the Rothchild family. Very disturbing revelations into depopulation of the planet.

9./ America, Freedom to Fascism Income Tax is Illegal. 11 parts. This reflects on how the Illuminati have created the financing for their control structure. Aaron Russo created a masterpiece here, shortly after he was assassinated.

10./ New world order is watching you. 10 parts. In this video we learn how they are very interested in keeping tabs on us. If we only knew how much they fear our waking up. Are you ready to help others wake up?

Conspiracy 201, spread this gospel, use these weapons. Be brave, fight the good fight.

In this segment of the course we will look at " soft kill " issues. The Illuminati are hell bent on reducing the world population by more than 85%. Let us look at just a few of the tools they use against you, your family and the people of our world.

1./ Bio terrorism swine flu evidence against the NWO, WHO and the UN. 5 parts. As the July release date for Baxter's A/H1N1 flu pandemic vaccine passes an Austrian investigative journalist is warning the world that the greatest crime in the history of humanity. As everyone knows they have backed off the swine flu for now. This was a great victory by the freedom fighters. Many lawsuits were filed and the world raged against the machine. Swine flu will be back in 2010 their agenda will be fulfilled. Many of the ignorant will die, are you prepared to be a freedom fighter?

2./ Chem trails and your health, 5 parts. Chem trails are not, I repeat, NOT a part of weather modification, or a part of repairing Global Warming! This is too important to ignore.

3./ Codex Alimentarius, control of our food and health, 9 parts Never heard of Codex Alimentarius? That's exactly what they want! The UN plan to eradicate organic farming & to destroy the Natural Health Industry. With biting political ruthlessness they plan to destroy our food. It is anticipated over 3 billion will die in the first four years.

4./ Global Vaccine Agenda, mercury and your health. In this ten part video David Ayoub, M.D. Explains the relations of Mercury to Autism and the connections to National Security Study Memorandum 200 for population control. Excellent Vid.

5./ Millions of FEMA coffins around America. This is a warning sign people, are you ready to be a freedom fighter yet?

6./ The Melamine conspiracy and GMO foods, 4 parts. In this four part Alex Jones interview Health Ranger Mike Adams exposes death at our door.

7./ Eugenics, population control, 3 parts. Has eugenics faded away with time, or has the pseudo science morphed and cloaked itself under new auspices? Were some of the original founders of population control efforts themselves eugenicists?

8./ Aspartame and MSG are killing you, 8 parts. Aspartame and mono sodium glutamate (MSG) are food additives that simply shouldn't have been allowed to enter our food supply. But they're there thanks to sinister plans.

9./ The Fluoride Deception, 3 parts. Hailed as a harmless chemical that would prevent tooth decay, new evidence shows how fluoride could be linked to serious health problems. Fluoride is a deadly bi product of aluminum smelting, why then is it the water supply of most first world countries?

10./ The Genetic Conspiracy, 3 parts. How safe is the so-called "Green Genetic Engineering" really? Monsanto, the world's largest genetic engineering corporation, insists it is safe. Numerous studies claim genetically modified plants are dangerous.

11./ Your food is being poisoned, 2 parts. Our entire food chain has been corrupted, and is now poisonous! Many foods are genetically modified, and our laws state you cannot label food that has been genetically modified (GMO).

12./ Your milk on drugs, just say NO! 2 parts. A film by Jeffrey M. Smith. Dairy products from cows treated with Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH or rBST) may sharply increase cancer risk and other diseases.

13./ Melamine warning, 3 parts. The Keystone To a Global Police State Multi-national corporate agribusiness may be poisoning our food by intentionally adding melamine.

14./ The dangers of using a microwave. It's a known fact that using microwave to heat up food has negative effects on the human body. Listen to Dr. Group explain the dangers of using microwaves to heat up your food.

15./ Nutrition and behaviour, a clinical study, 5 parts. Dr Russell Blaylock Nutrition and Behavior Aspartame MSG and how it affects our population. There is a very convincing and shocking argument made here.

16./ British Government admits spraying public with deadly bio toxins. U.k. government has admitted to spraying British public with deadly toxins. The list of toxins is shocking, you know it is no different in America or Canada.

17./ Using Depleted Uranium as a Weapon, 3 parts. "Using Depleted Uranium as a Weapon" with the subtitle : "Putting our Troops and the Rest of the World at risk." A talk by Dr. Doug Rokke, member of U.S. Army Medical Command's Special Operations.

18./ U.N. Agenda 21, Global Depopulation. They don't mind telling you what their plans are. What are you going to do about it? Are you ready yet to be a freedom fighter?

19./ Bisphenol A, Food Containers and Effects on Humans.Decide for yourself. Bis-Phenol A is an additive in clear, hard plastics. It is used in water bottles, baby bottles, soda can liners, etc. and is known to leach into the foods and liquids which are proven to cause serious health problems.

20./ Cell phones and wireless dangers. The Changing Paradigm show with Dr Patricia Hill. Show is broken down into 7 segments. Segment 1 provides an overview of the issues of electropollution and the evolution of technology.

Conspiracy 301, spread this gospel, use these weapons. Be brave, fight the good fight.

In this segment of the course we look at uncovering the vast array of darkness offered up by the Illuminati cabal. The objective is to dominate the peoples of the earth. Control over our movement, our thoughts and complete enslavement under a one world order. Included in this segment is a small representation of their tactics.

1./ 911 The Ripple Effect, 9 parts. Dave Von Kleist and William Lewis explore and expose the real story and events behind 9/11 -MUST SEE- for non-believers of the truth movement. This is a very important event in world global politics, from this platform our liberties have been taken away.

2./ H.A.A.R.P. Holes in Heaven, 6 parts. The HAARP project represents the next evolution in mind control. Some of it's other tricks include; modification of weather, creation of earthquakes, destroying the ionosphere, creating holograms, destroying any target at any range. This multi billion WATT monster can destroy our world in a matter of hours.

3./ Project Blue Beam, 2 parts. N.A.S.A's project blue beam was revealed to the public in the early 90's by a man named Serge Monast. He and the other reporter working on this subject were both killed. Did you know this little baby of the HAARP project has some nasty abilities directed at controlling your mind?

4./ R.F.I.D. Aaron Russo reveals the truth about the RFID chip and the Elites agenda for the American people. More revealing information from CBS news stating that the implant chip designed for humans use contain lethal virus capsules.

5./ Smart Dust Micro Spy Computers. Future World Micro Computers sprinkled everywhere, tracking and recording our movements. Dreams of a better future, but usher in a Big Brother nightmare with no privacy.

6./ Alex Jones End Game 13 parts. Alex Jones chronicles the history of the global elite's bloody rise to power and reveals their agenda of enslavement.

7./ From the Mouths of the Elite. Don't believe in the New World Order or globalization, one world government? You will now.

8./ Eugenics, Population Control and Global Totalitarianism, 5 parts. Excellent segment on eugenics, social control and the plan for global population reduction taken from Alex Jones' documentary "Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement." New Ethnic Cleansing:

9./ Climate Gate, Lord Monckton, 5 parts. An hour with Lord Christopher Monckton, former science adviser to Margaret Thatcher and a critic of global warming theories. He exposes the scandal and how climate gate is used to fund the NWO movement.

10./ The Money Masters, 22 parts. All you could ever want to know about the global conspiracy of finance. The powers of financial capitalism had a far-reaching plan, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country.

Conspiracy 401, spread this gospel, use these weapons. Be brave, fight the good fight.

In this segment of the course we learn of the most damaging attacks on mankind. For Millenia the Illuminati have diligently erased all information and literature pertaining to the true nature of the GodSelf. Countless tomes of spiritual truths have been eradicated from the planet. Great libraries of gnosis have been put to the fire in a desperate attempt to keep the sheeple sleeping. Further to this fact no corners of the globe have been missed all accessible truth has been stripped from ancient tribal civilizations. In place of truth the illuminati use the main stream media as a weapon in distracting and programming the average human. This attack coupled with the constant dumbing down of mankind has made it extremely difficult to contact the power within. Let us take a quick glance of the power within, let's see what they don't want us to know.

1./ Awakening and Ascension, Drunvalo Melchizedek, 34 minutes. Drunvalo takes us on a journey to discover the truth of inner consciousness.

2./ Fear vrs Love, Burt Harding. This short 10 minute video offers an important link to the Illuminati. Although no mention is made of the Illuminati it must be observed that the Illuminati using news and main stream media to consciously drive human reality toward fear.

3./ Ancient Wisdom and Science, Gregg Braden, 10 parts. Filling in for Art Bell, Lisa Garr welcomed author Gregg Braden, who discussed the relationship between ancient wisdom and modern science, and how people are connected to one another and to the world.

4./ Knew World Order, 2 parts. The World is made of language. The ability to control language imparts another capability, the control of reality itself. We are enslaved by the linguistic assignments of our culture.

5./ Reality as you know it does not exist. This powerful 10 minute video looks closely at the science of reality. The list of great mind contributing to this is impressive. Featuring Noted Experts - Fred Alan Wolf, Peter Russell, Professor Al-Khalili, York Dobyns, Robert Anton Wilson, Dean Radin, Richard Alan Miller, Michael Talbot, Greg Braden. This is a must see blast of fresh air.

6./ The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz. This is a powerful must see video which looks closely at the GodSelf image.

7./ Lucid Living, Timothy Freke, 9 parts. Stand-up philosopher Tim Freke talks about lucid living in Bath 2005. He does a fantastic comic relief sketch on spiritual truth. His connection to reality is fantastic.

8./ Forbidden History, Max Igan, 4 parts. This is a look into the history taken away from us. Max always does an excellent job of uncovering truth.

9./ How you can heal your life, Louise Hay, 12 parts. You Can Heal Your Life will show you how to practice the principles of self-worth and self-esteem taught by Louise L. Hay. Listen as Louise teaches you how to transform negative beliefs and thoughts.

10./ Dr. Eric Pearl, Reconnective Healing, 6 parts. As a doctor, Eric ran a highly successful chiropractic practice for 12 years until one day when patients began reporting that they felt his hands on them even though he hadnt physically touched them. He later went on to expose the power we have to heal ourselves.

11./ Pranic Healing, A Way of Life, 13 parts. Master Choa Kok Sui Blessing. Grand Master Choa Kok Sui always begins his Pranic Healing sessions with a blessing of healing to manifest upon all. Another look at manifesting your own health.

12./ The Wisdom of Your Cells, Dr. Bruce Lipton, 8 parts. This is the only lesson you'll ever need on quantum physics and cellular biology. Lipton's love of teaching, his enthusiastic approach make it a pleasure to view.

13./ The Isiah Effect, Gregg Braden, 11 parts. Gregg takes a close look at what he calls awakening the power of technology. He always does a great jog of combining science with ancient spiritual gnosis.

14./ Fourth Dimension Ascension. So lets discuss Ascension and the God Delusion. Or, lets put it another way: How did God create God-Self? This is the way to become God.

15./ How to Know Who You Are, Burt Harding. You are a Human Being. In other words, you are a Being playing the Human role. Imagine the grace in your life if you recognized that fact?

16./ The Extended Mind, Dr Rupert Sheldrake, 3 parts. Rupert Sheldrake is a British former biochemist and plant physiologist who now researches and writes on parapsychology and other controversial subjects. He looks closely at the relationship between mind and matter.

17./ The Divine Matrix, Gregg Braden, 12 parts. Gregg Braden expounds on the concept of a Divine Matrix, which he defines as a bridge between the inner and outer world, and a mirror of quantum essence. This is classic Braden at his finest.

18./ The Intention Expirements, Dr Lynne Mctaggart, 11 parts. Lynne McTaggart, an investigative journalist, and editor of the newsletter "What Doctors Don't Tell You," began work on "The Field" four years ago as a personal quest. She connects consciousness with reality via intention experiments, fantastic work.

19./ Holographic Universe, 2 parts. The holographic universe proves that the physical world we believe is real is in fact illusion. Energy fields are decoded by our brains into a 3D picture. This speaks volumes to the ability of GodSelf control over reality.

20./ Modern Science Finds God. There was a time when science seemed to be the enemy of religious belief -- that time is no more! Modern physics and cosmology (science of the origin and development of the universe) now provide firm proof of a God.

The Illuminati do not want us to discover the great power within. They fear the awakening of the masses for that day will represent their doom. Think about all the fear they are pumping into society. Why do you think we are a race driven by fear? Who gains when the population of sheeple are distracted by fear? By keeping the masses distracted by debt, television and consumerism they prevent good people from searching for truth. Let us take a quick glance at some questions we should be asking.

1./ Why is our food being deliberately poisoned with an obvious agenda for promoting long term disease?
2./ Why do we see food and water used for continued attacks on our immune system, neurological system and reproductive system?
3./ What role does religion play in destroying the unity of the masses, whilst at the same time use fear as a stick on parishioners?
4./ Why does the education system not reveal the truth of our world so our children may discover the power within?
5./ Why does society not embrace the power of spiritual GodSelf development?
6./ Why do all governments in the world allow private banksters to be the manufacturer of their currency?
7./ Why is it more than 75% of all income tax world wide is paid to private banksters to service national debt?
8./ Who instructs governments to spray deadly toxins on their people?
9./ Who gains when war breaks out?
10./ When will people around the world wake up to the conspiracy of enslavement and eugenics?

It can be very overwhelming to digest the many aspects of Illuminati control. Once digested there is a mourning period where people adjust their perception of reality to include this haenous history. I always advise people who are new to this realm of consideration to learn but not fear. There is truly no need to fear any of this material. We are GodSelf beings, our power supersedes all such scurrilous attacks. Our integrity can never be diluted, we are eternal God beings we are above all their silly ploys. In my blogsite I offer a suggestion for new arrivals to the darkness it is worth including.

" This is a category of unveiling the darkness of being. It reflects some disturbing revelations. We learn of how a powerful group of few have dominated, enslaved and manipulated us whilst destroying our world. I encourage people to not dispair or become angry with what you learn here. It should be enough to know, reflect, accept, love and move on. Many people get caught in the vortex of searching out more and more of this information, thus feeding their indignation and sometimes rage. Remember the irony taught by the sages, that which you resist you procreate. "

Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of the ignorant. It is a time to take up your weapons of information, to be brave and fight the good fight. Yes there is a conspiracy afoot, but we know our enemy and we shall use the power of love and ONENESS to regain control of our destiny. For us, for our children, for our future eden awaits.

Namaste, from fear we find love...