Every day we choose a new life, what will your choice be today? If you were informed that essentially your mind was a feeble wonderland of programmed nonsense would you seek a new path? What if your truths turned out to be lies, would you care? Mankind represents the most inquisitive beings on the planet yet we have given over to manipulation by the few, WHY!!! Wake Up Wake Up Wake up Wake Up Wake Up Wake Up Wake up Wake up Wake Up Wake UP psst... is anyone out there? Lets get a few things straight.... For over 5,000 years a malignant cancer has grown in the domain of mankind, this cancer is known publicly as the Illuminati. A covert organization, this group is dedicated to the mandate of a One World Government completely in their grasp. They desire a global depopulation to a level of 500 million. ( 93% reduction in population YES that could mean you ) The elite few will rule, chosen bloodlines will utilize the rest of earths population as dumbed down servants. To this end they are approaching the final solution, within 10 years they expect full control. Do you care? I guarantee that if they succeed your children will care, but it will be too late by then. These are just some of the tools of control given to them by you: ( T.V., mind control, Aspartame, Mercury, chem trails, GMO foods, BGH milk, plastic poisoning, flu shot contamination, vaccine contamination, war, sterilization of natural seeds, sterilization of man, illegal taxation, electromagnetic warfare, food irradiation, excito toxins, Fluoride, heavy metals, HAARP, endocrine disruptor's, eugenics, population control, Bis phenol A, BT toxins) Of that above small list of 25 attack methods how many are you familiar with? I could easily list another 100 attack and control methods. You should be angry, you should want to fight back, knowledge is power, open the box!!! We are in the final few minutes of this game, when do you plan to pick up the ball?????????? You are not going to just let them control your children are you?????????
Lets get a few things straight........ You are GOD, there are not 6.3 Billion people on this planet, there is only ONE. That one is consciousness, we all have the same name, "I". With the use of religions the Illuminati have hidden the "I" and have replaced it with a you. From the God self perspective of "I" you will find the new world order will be bereft of the Illuminati. "I" consciousness will allow you to be free of the illusions they have placed in your mind; time, space, good, bad, birth, death, want, need, fear, separation are just 10 illusions keeping you from bliss. OPEN YOUR EYES.... If you see anything which is not love then you would benefit from greater learning. OPEN YOUR EARS.... if you hear anything which is not love then you would benefit from greater understanding. OPEN YOUR MOUTH.... If you say anything which is not love then you would benefit from greater truth. OPEN YOUR HEART..... If you feel anything which is not love then you would benefit from greater caring. Please, I beg of you all, use this blog site to entice more people to watch the included videos. Lets share love together, lets work toward regaining our identity. Tonight you can watch the box that the Illuminati want you to watch, or you can choose to join the conscious few who will form the resistance. History is being made NOW, in 20 years if you are asked what you did to break free, what will you say? NAMASTE, MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS I LOVE YOU ALL......... The Box.......Get Out........Go.......NOW.

Why is this damn box so hard to get open? Makes me think of clam-shell packaging, tamper-resistant seals, child-proof caps....
ReplyDeleteIt really does make you wonder, thanks for the hello darling Muluc.
ReplyDeleteThhis was great to read