Wednesday, 8 December 2010

The lonely voice of unity...

My wife was mentioning how an American fellow was just imprisoned for three years because he wrote a poem about killing a certain president ( of which discretion suggests I not mention by name ). I thought, I have not written poetry in over 30 years. Such an occasion I feel justifies breaking the dry spell of poetic creativity. I feel penning this tribute speaks to his right to free speech. Let me add that I do not subscribe in any way to his views. I do not believe in violence of any kind. I believe in non compliance with government and living free on the land. It is the power of love that I trust will rid us of fear, judgment and oppression.

The Lonely Voice Of Unity

Spying the mind of humanity,
trapped by a matrix of illusion.
Monkey controlling reality,
creating lives in confusion.

T.V. programs the heart of consciousness,
addicts feeding on material desire.
Education dwindles to nothingness,
while elite relentlessly conspire.

Corporations purchasing government,
constitution torn asunder.
Sleeping masses yield to enslavement,
private banksters count their plunder.

Religion hiding love behind fear,
busily selling lies of separation.
Judgments by masses proudly held dear,
emitting a melody of ignorant dedication.

Brothers we beg of you to wake,
your complete attention is a must.
Our future we cannot forsake,
only in love can we trust.

Silence confirms no reply,
ego maintains perversity.
Fear holds sway I cannot deny,
lonely is the voice of unity.

In Lak' esh, my brothers and sisters, a call to unity and love...


  1. This is great. Shocking that that guy went to prison for creative expression in this country.

  2. brother,

    this is the very reason why blogs such as this are important. people must remember their true identities and escape from the dictates of false ego. but i'm sad to hear that the american harbored thoughts of killing somebody.

  3. Thanks for stopping by Jenny. I get the feeling he was a CIA patsy.

    In Lak' esh, my sister, love wins in the end...

  4. Namaste brother Sito. Very nice to have you visit. I think there is a sign at the end of the birthing tunnel which reads." Leave your true identity at the door."

    I do believe we will all experience a transitional shift within the next two or three years. We will discover our true self.

    In Lak' esh, my brother, we are love...

  5. you may feel lonely but you are not alone :)

  6. Thank you for your kind remarks Deepian. Sorry to say my dear brother, your impression of my poem is a bit off, I am not lonely. Not by any stretch of the imagination. It is the voice of unity which is lonely. Lonely as it echoes silently without response.

    In Lak' esh, my brother Deepian, love unites...

  7. I admire your ability to bring real poignancy to a dark and serious topic - beautifully put. It got me thinking of how Paypal have frozen out Wikileaks, but have no qualms in accomadating the likes of the Ku Klux Klan...

  8. Namaste my sister Annie. Very nice to enjoy your company. Thank you for the kind words. We may all dance and share love together co-existing as the Gods we are.

    In Lak' esh, my sister, freedom from fear...

  9. Dear Shri Christopher Dos Santos, you are highly creative and a very good philosopher. You have mercy, compassion, good writing skill and you are good learner. You are devotional, rational and inquisitive. Thanks for always motivating me.

  10. Namaste my brother Shri Prit Ranjan Jha. I blush at your compliments and thank you for such kind words. Please join in our discussions as I feel your input would be greatly appreciated by all who visit.

    In Lak' esh, my brother, may light guide your way...
