Monday, 31 August 2015

Science and Spirituality Meet "In Lak' ech"

Namaste brothers and sisters; it has been quite some time since I had the pleasure to sit down and spend some time writing. I have missed your company and look forward to catching up with each of your blogs. The past few months have been crazy hectic, we moved back to the big smoke (Vancouver) and I have been run ragged getting the wheels under my new job. Unfortunately, the demands of my position will mean I have much less time for my book and blog; however, I am confident adjustments can be made to reincorporate writing into my weekly routine.

Today, I take great pleasure in speaking to the illusion of separation as it pertains to our self-perception and deeds. Hoping to effectively delve into this most sublime point of esoterism; we will gain footing by observing lessons from the spiritual and scientific community. The purpose of this essay is to act as a reminder our collective path can be lit with joy, harmony, peace, unity, and unbound love.

What is the ultimate function promoting humanities idiocy?

Why have we failed to incorporate scientific lessons learned well over one hundred and fifty years past?

What role does knowledge play in our personal movement toward unconditional love?

Alas, we seem content to exist in the twenty-first century incomprehensibly incapable of grasping the simple ABC's of who we are, or how our universe physically manifests. These integral components of our self-identity appear incapable of puncturing our consciousness. Like ghost ships on a foggy night, self-identity exists like a mirage; an unassailable quantity one desires to know, but can never truly understand. The irony is that our true esoteric identity remains veiled behind a very convincing physical representation of self and environment. 

We believe our physical body represents who we are, when in fact, the body is no more than a vehicle used by consciousness to express our true eternal reality as light beings. The lack of self-awareness in society today urges one to reflect on the great Shakespearean quote; "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy".

Each decade brings forth new proselytizers of truth. For the most part, daises of the past are replaced by virtual pulpits; irrespective of the format, the messages remain intact. Freedom from the tyranny of one's ignorance can easily be accomplished by embracing the knowledge that has, for ages, been the irrefutable domain of philosophy, science, and good old-fashioned common sense. The aforementioned roads toward truth, so clearly etched into the realm of our virtual world, are rarely traveled. 

Instead of gaining philosophical, or scientific ground, we discover our brethren choose to covet less ideological pursuits; sports, games, pornography violence, and every sort of banal television programming one could imagine. For those countless lost souls actually looking to discover truth, or peace of mind, they realise on the internet an oasis of knowledge. However appealing this array of knowledge may be, said information arrives on our plate so disjointed and unsubstantiated it is nigh on impossible to discern fact from fiction.

Without exception, yours truly included, each of us positing philosophical, scientific, or psychological meanderings are so convinced of our assertions that the tone, and flavour, of the essays, leave little room for the reader to impose a questioning demeanor. Our reticence to accept that we are being deliberately, or accidentally deceived, causes many of us to check our sense of reason at the door.

What draws forth our lack of discernment?

Is it laziness in not wanting to affect the necessary research which would confirm, or deny, our investigation?

Do we lack the tools needed to separate fact from fiction?

Have our lives become too pressed to allow us the time to embrace due diligence?

Possibly the pie we call ignorance is a melange of many such ingredients; deficiencies hammered into us by a devious education system, learned apathy, lies, deceit, and one hell of a great deal of distracting stimuli.

Whatever the cause for one's inability to gain a sense of spiritual acumen; there are easy-to-follow paths that will, at the very least, excite one's curiosity. One of the easiest roads followed that invites one to see beyond illusion is the scientific description of our physical reality. Seriously ponder upon the one simple fact that the atom is 99.9999999999999 % nothingness. Only an infinitival amount of everything you see today, including yourself, actually exists as matter. The vast majority of your beingness is light energy; technically speaking, you are much more of a light being than a physical being. 

My favorite description of the human form is from the great don Juan Matus who characterised humans as light eggs. Don Juan suggested that the physical world we see is a construct of an illusion that we, as individuals, "agree" to create. Seeing beyond the illusion of physicality, as don Juan did, we find our world is a symphony of light energy pulsating and manifesting according to our personal demands as creator beings.        

If I exist as energy and not matter, what does this say of my true identity?

Separated from my illusion; what am I?

If, in the face of scientific proof, I continue to embrace my illusion of being a physical body then, I might ask myself, what insecurities keep me trapped in this foggy nightmare?

Another fascinating, and very exciting, aspect of the atom is that, up to the point where it is observed by human consciousness, it remains nonlocal. Think about this one scientific truism; nothing exists until the observer is present to initiate creation. Without a point of observation; nothing exists! Without a participant, light energy remains in stasis, never taking form, never actually existing in the physical realm. In the absence of a feedback loop; the entire universe would remain as unrealised potential, a dance of electric light in the form of a wave. You partake in the representation, your mere presence becomes an essential ingredient from which all of creation springs forth. Reality creates you just as you create reality. 

Science and spirituality both make the exact same assessment of reality; you are a creator being, you are Divinity.

In the wake of knowing one's true identity as co-creator of universes; how can anybody feel small and insignificant?

How often have you felt like a tiny, useless, unimportant cog in a massive unyielding universe?

Taking a moment to breathe in the creative power of your beingness; do you still deem it appropriate to see yourself as merely a weak and unsuspecting participant a landscape of greatness?

Would it not be more self-serving to simply accept scientific and spiritual truth?

Waking in the morning, can you find it within yourself to take a deep bow and offer self-congratulations for manifesting such brilliance?

Why not?

Beyond the atomic physics of beingness; we can discover harbingers of our own greatness by using mathematics and geometry to illuminate the physical construction of the universe. When scientists geometrically evaluate our world they suggest our universe is fractally constructed, in so much as the smallest portion contains within it the entirety of the universe. The Fibonacci sequence proves there is only one single geometric template for the creation of all matter. Conclusively speaking; scientists assess all physical matter as an illusion. In a collective effort to nail the matter down; scientists prefer to define the realm of physicality as a hologram.

Think about that for a moment! Our world as we know it; teeming with a vast array of life, is scientifically no more physical than our dreams, no more real than the holodeck on a Star Trek film set.

What is real?

If "real" is a collection of neural responses to light and sound waves, then is it not fair to say "real" is whatever one can program into the mind's eye?

If, in the future, government, or corporate, intrusiveness co-opts one's ability to process light and sound, who then is experiencing life, the end-user, or the programmer?

When will HD television be morphed into a reality programming machine?

Is it already?

Isn't that why the elite like to call it television programming?

Can we be programmed?

Are we being programmed to believe in things that are not "REAL"?

Anyone who has had the uneasy pleasure of being hypnotised can certainly confirm consciousness, and the associated life experiences can unequivocally be circumvented by one with a penchant for such trickery. I personally have eaten a potato that, at the time, I was convinced was a delicious apple. Moreover; the illusionist was more than competent at making me, and the other participants, look like quite the fools as we meandered in and out of a wide variety of pseudo realities.

If we are to make an argument that humanity is being mind-controlled; then what evidence can we amass to verify our hypothesis?

Firstly we can look to our inability to see beyond the illusion. Ponder this; if, in the light of scientific advancements into the understanding of materialism, we cling to the false belief that we are physical beings in a physically manifest reality then what excuse can we give which accounts for our inability to see ourselves as light beings?

Is it not reasonable to assume we are being deliberately conned into buying a lie no less ridiculous than the flat earth theory?

How about fundamental concepts like life and death?

We are convinced that we will die, in doing so, our personal experience of life will end. The prize, we are told by religious authority, is the possibility of an Edenic afterlife in the house of our saviour. Such childlike concepts are clearly inane in the light of understanding the role consciousness plays in the expression of this holographic dream. Life does not end, consciousness does not take a break, we are eternal light beings. Anything short of understanding self as an eternal GodSelf creator is nonsense.

Is it not fair to suggest there does exist a conspiracy to undermine the reality of our beingness?

The illusion of separation is no less mind-boggling than the other aforementioned misconceptions of reality. We see ourselves as separate physical entities, 6-7 billion souls struggling to survive in a competitive dog-eat-dog environment. Nothing could be further from the truth! 

We are a singularity of beingness, separation is an illusion of manifest consciousness. 

The experience of separation serves a multitude of purposes; by example, the expression of duality could not be realised in the absence of separateness. Living under the false impression of individuality, we are handcuffed into believing the great lie. We fight each other and covet each other's belongings. We strive to outperform our neighbour, when we should focus on unity consciousness and unconditional love. From the perspective of elite domination, separation is essential.

Divide and conquer, isn't that the Napoleonic truism which presently guides our belief constructs?

Are you on the same page now?

Do you see the advantages our elite masters gain by insuring humanity remains trapped in a world of illusion?

If, in the face of scientific and spiritual proof, elite promulgated illusionists prove incapable of maintaining humanity's collective ignorance, what would happen?

Do you believe we would allow over one-fifth of the world's population to starve to death if we understood concepts like unity consciousness, eternal beingness, and DivineSelf reality?

Would an intelligent, awake and aware species stand idly by while the corpulent avarice of a few elite masters relegates billions into poverty?

Without exception; each successful adept at spiritualism must incorporate in their ideology a path toward defining and comprehending the meaning of consciousness singularity. Having captured, and bottled, one's creator brilliance, it is not too far a leap to incite new paradigms of unity which, of course, lead one to unconditional love. 

Standing in the light of unity, we understand the significance of knowing our true identity can never be underestimated.

Peace is derived when one begins to realise that we do not need to change our world, we just need to change the way we look out our window. Having eliminated the illusionist's smoke and mirrors, we will discover our true identity is love. Looking out my window this beautiful spring morning, I see you, my sister, walk by. In my heart, I know you are me, as I am you, we are consciousness, we are a singularity, we are a singular DivineSelf eternal beings.

In Lak' ech, I see the divinity within you.


  1. Very apt to what i have been studying lately too. Indeed science(esp physics) and spirituality is working towards the same goal of understanding Pure Consciousness, of which we are a manifestation. 'Being' Light of unconditional love is all we have to realize. =)

  2. Namaste sister Bani; nice to enjoy your visit. I hope all is well in your world. I look forward to stopping by your site a little later in the week, take care.

    In Lak'ech, prosper with love live with peace...

  3. Another terrific post Christopher! Man, I've been really missing you on here lately. Your words of wisdom flow from you to me and the oneness is absolute! Don Juan was one of my favorite characters and I loved the books by Carlos Castaneda. Thank you my friend for all the wisdom you share with all of us. And good luck with the new job! I wish you and yours the very best of everything

  4. Namaste Brother Ron; thanks for your kind words and the visit as well. It is also very much a pleasure to enjoy your posts, I wish there were more hours in a day. I hope you and your family are well; best wishes for the year ahead.

    In Lak'ech, prosper with love live with joy...

  5. Glad to see you back, in your usual enlightening and uplifting form :)

    all the best

  6. Namaste brother Ian; thank you for stopping by, it is always my pleasure to share with you all my thoughts and feelings. In a world gone mad we few with a sense of reason need to stick together. Now that I have settled in I hope to keep track of my friends blogs and hopefully get back to writing at least one essay per month. May peace and love fill your world.

    In Lak'ech, brother Ian; prosper with knowledge live with a thirst for truth...

  7. Hey Chris, it's Riley from OK. Checked your blog by happenstance today and was very glad to see you had just written a new post. Anyway, good to see you still writing the blog and good luck at your new job!

    We should catch up sometime soon.


    1. Namaste brother Riley; very nice to enjoy your visit. Thank you for your well wishes, the new job is a challenge but very interesting. I hope you are well and prospering with love, peace and happiness.

      In Lak'ech, live with love grow with knowledge...

  8. Hello Chris,

    Another fine post my brother. Some comments to share.

    "When referring to “WE” it must be understood, that this “WE” is only referring to the 3D “ME” that “WE” tend to believe “WE” are. This “WE” is the illusion, the mystery, the lie, the joke of the luciferian Mind. Who and What “WE” really are is the All Knowing Eternal Wisdom State. The Wisdom State is Eternal as is the Ego Thought Process State. Neither have a beginning or an end, for Time does not exist.

    However, when focused and controlled emotionally by the Thought Process, Time and Space both appear to be real, just as everything that’s been conjured up by Thought, also appears to be real."

    "In our original state of awareness, there is no light or energy. There is NO SPIRIT and NO SOUL. Each man and woman, is without form, without division, and are not man and woman. This differs from the 3D state in that there are no physical forms to deceive, causing the ecstasy to end. Simply put, we are complete in awareness in the wisdom state, and the ecstasy of being one in union is constant and eternal. There is no division, no individuality, no male or female in the Paradise State. We are not WE, which denotes individuals, or division, but we are WISDOM and the ultimate state of being, and we are that WISDOM ALREADY. We just have to reconnect to who we already are."


    1. Namaste brother Ian; very much a pleasure to enjoy your visit. I noticed you have been idle for quite some time as well. I hope everything in your live is going swimmingly. Thank you for taking the time to share your views, always very welcome.

      In Lak'ech, prosper with love live with truth...

  9. Very thought provoking as usual, Chris.
    I often compare the existential paradox with a computer program. How can it "become" when it is defined by it's core dictates. The analogy with humanity ends when one realises that we were "programmed" after "birth". The core of consciousness comes from the spark of it's creation, not the subsequent programming.
    Overcome that and we are that much closer to "being".
    I do wonder what prompted our physicality though. What dictated consciousness/energy to break itself apart/amalgamate and "create" physical shells? Why was a finite amount of "time" (if such a thing exists!) allocated to these shells?
    Philosophical questions are the worst kind, if you want quick, easy answers!!
    Hope all has gone well with the move and you're settling in nicely.
    All the best!
    Carl (The 'Guide)

  10. Namaste brother Carl; good to see you back in the mix. Thank you for your visit and interesting reply. Time, physicality, birth, death, eternal non locality, and the realm of consciousness, these philosophical conundrums which clash with the world as we see it are certainly not to be entertained by those who have not decades to pursue the answers.

    With that said; step into the philosophical breach and one is lost in an amazingly beautiful wonderland.

    In Lak'ech, brother Carl, prosper with health live with knowledge....

  11. Excellent Post and Welcome Back Christopher!

    Always great to see your words my friend...

    Once again, you've spelled it out, plain as day...

    Be well, Spring is here...! :)

  12. Namaste brother Brad; always a pleasure to enjoy your visit. Spring is here and I can envision the beautiful garden and back yard you and Kiki have prepared for the family. All the very best my friend be well and prosper.

    In Lak'ech, live with love grow with knowledge...
