Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Earth Girls Are Easy; Discovering the self Part 1

Hello, my name is Karen Mulner. welcome to the Seattle book signing of 'Earth Girls are Easy'! This presentation and complimentary book are meant to highlight an extraordinary event which forever changed my life.

Prior to signing your books, the city library has asked I say a few words. 

In attendance to their request, I invite you to share with me a special story revealing my date with an alien. So incredible is this tale your imagination will be challenged to believe it real.

Some maintain my experience was a dream. Others suggest, I am stark raving mad. Perhaps, most people believe the entire episode to be a well contrived scam. Surprisingly, this story has caused quite an unwelcome stir in my community. Many have labelled me liar, con, even heretic. Close friends, whom I was sure would support me, remain convinced the entire experience, as recorded in my book, cannot possibly be true.

Yet, I tell you this, not one-word deviates in any detail from what I recall happened that fateful night. To substantiate my claim of the events, when you buy my book, you will note a video CD which the publisher has cleverly affixed to the back cover. Assess for yourself the validity of my tale. 

The video is a comprehensive rendition of the events. However, I did edit out some personal parts. Hopefully you can understand, there were events that evening of which I am reluctant to share with the world at large. When choosing to edit the video I never thought of how the missing portions would arm countless skeptics who paint me a liar. Undoubtedly, you would agree, I was naive to expect everyone would believe my story.

Often, I imagine what I would think if it were a close friend of mine who concocted such an extravagant tale. Seated in the chair of my readers, I must admit there are many arguable points of contention with can be positioned in contrast to my rendition of the events. 

Firstly, there is the questionable video you will discover included with the book. The 'experts' agreed, in its doctored state, it is impossible to prove my story true or false. Second problem you will undoubtedly make note of is how the, now famous, 'Banderas pants' must have been stolen. 

Everyone asks me. How did I end up with his pants, if I didn't steal them? 

When I can offer no reasonable explanation other than the 'Alien' made them. Well, let's just say you can hear the air rushing out of the balloon of trust. Accusations of theft always hang heavy over interviews and books signings. 


According to main stream media, the most compelling accusation was the video evidence proving, beyond any doubt, the pants worn by the 'Antonio impersonator' were the exact same pair the real Antonio wore in the 1992 movie Mambo Kings. Apparently, as the story goes, a friend of Antonio had designed the pants as a one off original. The craftsman, Pierre De Ville, is reported to have stated the following in a CNN interview.

"This is the same pants! Anyone who knows my work can see it's mine. But for me, the real evidence is the red silk. You see, I ran out of red silk for a small part of the embroidered star, so I used this chartreuse instead (Seen in the interview showing star on bottom of pant leg)

No one would ever notice the change but me, it bothered me. When I visit Antonio, those pants hang on the wall of his office, giving me great pride. Even Antonio said he remembers me telling him about the star. This girl Karen is a liar, she is a thief and a fraud. 

It's terrible to witness the torture stars, like Antonio, have to endure. We should give them respect! People, like Antonio, make the world a better place for us all, we should not be invading his home like thieves in the night!" 

Antonio is convinced, while he was on vacation, I must have broken into his home office to steal the pants. He maintains how I obviously filmed the CD video of his double wearing the pants in question. Further to my subterfuge Antonio suggests, after finishing my video, I then broke back into his house to replace the storied pants. 

The whole affair turned into a media circus. 

My best friend Kelly, is the only one who believes my story. She insisted; the global attention over Antonio's pants would give me ample attention to tell my story. Once my story was told, Kelly was certain people would embrace the truth. Alas, her prediction seems past due. The reality I now face is, in the light of the story of Antonio's pants, no one wanted to hear about spiritual philosophy or the meaning of life. 

Having been run through the main stream grinder, I have just about given up on any hope of expanding peoples sense of self. To be honest, when I first decided to share my story, I thought I would become famous. Convinced I was, this one story would completely shake the foundation of people’s world view. 

My imagination swirled with images of spiritual groups starting up everywhere. In my minds eye, people would be excited about a new beginning, they would literally be dancing in the streets. Everyone, I thought, would naturally jump at the chance to finally love each other, to shed the weight of ignorance, live free like birds in the sky.

Maybe there is a good reason for my hubris to bite me in the butt?

I can't say.

Whatever may come of this, I can't help thinking I did something wrong.

How could I have done a better job of presenting my story?

What if I had not doctored the video CD I released?

Kelly suggested I write a short rendition of events to lightly illustrate what happened. What a wonderful friend I have in Kelly. Undoubtedly, she has paid a hefty price by publicly standing by my side. Times like this, have a way of taking friendship to a new level. I am not big on writing but, the way I see it, I owed Kelly this one. 

What you are about to read is a tale of unity. I dedicate this book to Kelly Fraser, my pal. Being frank, but hopefully not offensive, I really don't care if you believe me!

         Reality: The Tale of One Spirit

By. Karen L. Mulner

The story you are about to read is a direct account of an alien encounter which occurred on the outskirts of Crestview, Alabama. The night of August the 9th 2013, an event which lasted exactly two hours, commencing approximately 11:25 PM. 

This appeal to your senses appears as a tall, fanciful, tale about the unbridled beauty of the self as seen through the eyes of unity consciousness. Alas, I believe it to be a simple story about truth. Irony is so delicious; beyond the illusions you covet, this story may represent your best chance at tasting the sweet truth of your own identity.

          The Alabama night proved sultry, it seemed a perfect evening for entertaining a space alien. Fending off the humidity of late August, my bedroom window had been left ajar. Just enough it seemed to enable a light breeze to tease the sheer lace curtains into an inviting dance.

Hoping to gain a little respite from the stifling weather; I found myself sitting atop the old Cedar chest strategically placed, by my uncle Jim, to double as a convenient window seat. 

Elbows propped upon the sill, I could feel years of cracked peeling paint etch, what I knew would soon be, tiny red marks into my soft skin.

The night air flowed with just enough audacity to offer welcome relief from the relentless summer heat. My attention was somewhat distracted by an old Barred Owl. Cutting quite a handsome figure, he perched perfectly upon a tree branch adjacent to the old barn in our courtyard. 

Usually an Owl would roost on the end of the barn joist whose mainstay was to serve support for the stately roof gable. On this evening, his choice of the tree branch proved a boon allowing for the moon to back light his every reaction to evening clamour. 

Like a judge on Quaalude, his feathered grey head nervously bobbed to and fro paying service to the demands of his inquisitive nature. Hyper vigilant, ever the predator, nature had trained the old bird to respond to every squeak, wheedle or peep courageous enough to invade the silent night. With prideful resplendence, he commanded the night air with a ghostly hoot.

Who knows what he intended to say, or to whom? Possibly, he was trying to stir some prey. Just maybe, he too had a few misgivings about the oppressive weather. So much so, he felt obliged to share his thoughts with the local Cicadas.

Our courtyard, lightly aglow, gave thanks to a bright languorous full moon. Not to be outdone, a zillion sparkling diamonds painted the night sky capturing my attention. Describing the moonlit visage with broader brush strokes; seduction was the word to better describe the evening landscape.

Looking back, it seemed to me every feature of the homestead had left me utterly captivated. Rarely do I spend time gazing at the night sky. As well, I really have no interest in fancy feathered friends, cute as they may be. Yet, I remember thinking how odd it was to find myself standing agape in reverent observation of the beautiful natural tapestry. 

It almost felt like it was not me, looking through my eyes, but someone else. 

Someone, who was processing information from a vastly altered perspective than I. Different values, likes, an entirely alien demeanour. Most would consider my typical evening entertainment rather banal. Television, or a busy computer screen, often keeps me well distracted until the heaviness of my eyes demand I trundle off to the bathroom in preparation for bed. Rarely would I give a second thought to the moon, stars, or find myself preoccupied by a whip of an owl. Cute as he might be.

Beyond any sensible rationale, I knew there was more to my landscape of odd feelings. Deep in my bones, a poignant anticipation filled the empty, quiet, space in my mind. Sadness, regret, were the best adjectives I could attribute to those strangely impersonal emanations? Thoughts, feelings or emotions such as these are well beyond the scope of what I would normally consider habitual.

But, if I am not the derivative of these thoughts, then who?

Tear drops moistened my cheek, further giving credence to my betrayed feelings. Whilst, at the same time, the tears accented the emotional hijack of the moment. The mental charade was intensifying. I seemed unable to find origin to my own thoughts. Fear gripped me, the indescribable experience proved most unpleasant.

What the hell was going on?

My first instinct was to run. But how do you run from something which has taken over your mind?

From the corner of my eye, I spied a slash of light originating from the field below the homestead. My first thought was, it could have been lightning. Remembering it was a cloudless starry night, I quickly rebuffed the idea. Moreover, in the depth of my heart, I knew it was a 'Visitor'.

'Visitor', what a strangely enigmatic word to associate with a flash of light.

The hair on the back of my neck stood up, I felt an uncomfortable tingle throughout my body. Fearful anticipation was punctuated by a short peel from the doorbell, 'Visitor'. There was that word again, 

'Visitor', this time, it was followed by a warm, calming feeling, accompanied by another equally strange descriptor 'Friend'. 

Looking back on the event, it was amazing how wonderful the word 'Friend' made me feel. Kind of like the word itself was magically dipped in a hot bubble bath. You know, the perfectly relaxed sensation you get when soaking in a tub at a high-end spa like Gigi's on the strip downtown. All previous fear and concern had been cleansed from my mind. 

If in fact, it was still my mind. 

Anticipation and excitement would best describe how I felt as I pranced down the old Oaken stairs to welcome my unexpected 'Visitor / Friend'.

Upon opening the door, I found myself completely gob smacked. My jaw was literally hanging agape. Shock, bewilderment, confusion, settled in as I stood face to face with a perfect clone of myself.

Slowly, as if in a trance, I began checking off a mental identification list; the tiny mole in exactly the right spot on my cheek, that nose of mine which I never liked, was, unfortunately, an exact replica. 

My hair, a little oily from missing this mornings shower, the scar under my chin, received by falling off my bicycle when I was five. Holding my hand to my face, I realised even the annoying Zit on my left nostril had persisted in the visage of this bizarre duplicate.

How could this be?

What the hell was going on?

Her clothes were also a perfect copy of what I was wearing at the time, even down to the small threadbare tears just beginning to show a hole in the knees of my favourite knockabout jeans. My God, the blueberry stain, which taunts me so, is also on the right sleeve of my sweatshirt. I never could get that clean. 

I looked myself up and down, gazed agape at my clone, then at myself again. 

Having processed all this information in a matter of a few seconds, I promptly fainted. The next thing I remember, I was laying on my sofa with my animated clone asking me if I was okay. Her voice, was my voice, her face was mine, I thought to myself, am I dead. I guess I said that aloud as she answered,

Alien: "No you are alive, in fact, you seem just fine to me. Oh, to answer to your last thought, you are not losing your mind Karen. This is real, it is happening right, now. First, let me assure you that you are in no danger, I am your friend Karen. In fact, as you are slowly coming to realised, I am 'another you'." 

"Before you loose consciousness again Karen, let me explain." 

"Earlier, when you were sitting by the window looking at the stars, moon, and the beautiful little owl, you had the feeling your thoughts were not your own. You puzzled over what was happening, you surmised the emotional responses were somewhat alien, am I right."  

Karen: "How do you know about all of that? Have you been spying on me? Where are you from?"

Alien: "No I have not been spying, at least not in the sense you are thinking of. What you were experiencing Karen was me slowly showing you that you and I are a singularity, we only appear to be separate beings Karen. 

My planet of origin is in the Alturian constellation. The specific name of my world does not translate into your language, my home lies far beyond the vision of your Hubble telescope. I chose to appear before you this evening as a perfect reflection of yourself. My erroneous thinking supposed, your reflection might just be the most non-confrontational, pleasant, way to introduce myself."

Karen: "I hope you don't mind me saying this. You are a real idiot. You scared the shit out of me. I was convinced, am convinced, I am losing my mind. To top it all off, you ring my bell appearing as a bloody clone. When I opened the door to see myself standing there, I, well you experienced the results. What is with you copying my voice, this must stop, you are making me nuts. Is this all real? Are you sure I haven't gone over the deep end?"

Alien: "Like I said before Karen; this is very real, touch me, I don't bite. (Karen tentatively reaches to touch the alien clone) The voice and cloned appearance can go. I can be anyone you want me to be Karen, your father, mother, friend, lover, celebrity, politician, even a historical figure or cartoon character." As you can hear, my imitation of John Lennon is pretty good, I know you are a big fan of his music. Would you rather I was John, how does this look."

Karen: "Holy cow, this is wild, why didn't you pick John in the first place?"

Alien: "Would you have been less freaked out.?"

Karen: "Hell yes! But I guess I still would have thought I lost my nuts. You seem to know everything about me, are you God?"

Alien: "As it stands, I am God, but then again, so are you."

Karen: "Say what! You think I am God! Sure, I am, it's your story so you can tell it any way you wish. Hey what do I call you? John, God, or do you have another name?"

Alien: "You would not be able to pronounce my real name Karen. However, let's make this easy, you pick any character, then I will play the part."

Karen: "All right; I can warm up to the idea, I want you to be Antonio Banderas. Not today's' Antonio, but the 1992 ‘The Mambo Kings’ version. Oh, and take off the shirt if you don't mind Antonio darling."

Alien: "How is this Karen."

Karen: (Blushing with a wide grin) "That works for me Antonio. Let’s go up to my bedroom."

Antonio: "Remember Karen, I am you, so while we are together, your mind is mine. Do you really think a sexual romp is what you want most from our experience tonight? I should tell you, we only have one hour, and 43 minutes left together. The portal you saw flash earlier only stays open for two hours."

Karen: "Are you kidding me Antonio? (deep guttural growl) Take off your pants tiger, there will be plenty of time to talk later."

Karen: (Smoking a cigarette, Karen the Cheshire cat) "Damn Antonio, I have wanted you ever since I was a teenager. Thanks, you are a real sweetheart."

Antonio: "I had never thought it could be so amazing. I read about the mating protocols of other species. I thought I had a good idea of what it would be like. Given the chance to personally experience the feelings and emotions of love making is truly an entirely different matter. I would not have chosen a mating ritual as a good use of our time. However, in retrospect, I must admit I was wrong. Truly Karen, thank you, there could have been no better place to start."

Karen: "Damn, I should have video taped this crazy adventure"

Antonio: "Your wish was my command Karen. This entire experience, including your thoughts recorded in text, has already been digitally etched in HD with Dolby sound. There are two discs on the coffee table. I made sure to include all your thoughts as text, I used those cute cartoon bubbles just like in the comics." 

"For a point of reference, I even added the text of your thoughts from ten minutes prior to my first impression upon your mind, up to, and including, your thoughts the ten minutes after I leave. Which reminds me, we only have 56 minutes left Karen. The second disc you see on the table is a duplicate of the first with the text of your thoughts edited out. Our meeting Karen is meant to be a mutual education."

Karen: "Hold on Antonio; how can you have recorded and edited, my thoughts, our meeting, before it has even concluded? Correct me if I am wrong, but you haven't left yet, have you?"

Antonio: "I am glad you asked me that question Karen. Time, as experienced as a function of the human condition is illusory. To answer your question, yes, I have already left. You see Karen, time is not linear, it only appears that way to the EgoSelf. There is no collection of separate events Karen, your EgoSelf mind tricks you into believing a false reality." 

"Time as perceived by your GodSelf identity, expresses itself devoid of past, present, or future. The GodSelf perceives only the moment of NOW. Encapsulated within this NOW moment are all expressions, all events which have ever, or will ever, occur." 

"Let me try to frame this in a physical context Karen. Think of time as a record album which has been infinitely expanded to include the totality of all consciousness. This NOW moment we share together is just one point where the stylus touches the album. The song, our song Karen, has already been recorded, the play has already been performed. 

"We don't create our destiny Karen, we are the actors who enable it to manifest. Imagine yourself to be the writer, actor, stage and audience all wrapped up into one. You are the eternal totality of all manifest reality. From the Alpha to the Omega, you are nothingness, as well, you are the great expanse of the multiverse along with all it contains. Whatever you can imagine, you can always verily state, I AM THAT."

Karen: "This is crazy Antonio, my life has not been preordained, I am not reading from a script. I make choices every waking moment, I chose to answer the door, I chose to let you in my home Antonio. I could have just as easily chosen to go to bed, or watch some T.V. You say that CD over there on the table has me talking to you for another 50 minutes or so." 

"What if I kicked you out of my house right now?"

"What if I put the CD in my player this very moment and fast forwarded it to the end, would it terminate in the present, or one hour from now after you have left?"

Antonio: "I experience reality from a different perspective Karen, I see your past, and have already lived your future. When your world is filtered by the EgoSelf, the subject of time is very difficult to comprehend. Yes, you do experience choice Karen. Each choice you make is an integral part, albeit infinitesimal, of the path consciousness takes. Consciousness is the GodSelf experiencing beingness. Beingness, although appearing as a physical, separate compilation, is in actuality an eternal singularity." 

"This thing we call life, or consciousness, incorporates dualism as its prime function Karen. The rendition of dualism is what affords you the experience of self, the illusion of choice. What you fail to realise is how your true identity is the totality not the slice you call Karen. Therefore, beyond the veil of illusion, the world which appears to be 'out there' is really (touching Karen's heart) in here."

Karen: "Antonio, you seem to be separating me into two parts, my EgoSelf and my GodSelf. Which am I, or am I both? I don’t think I have a big Ego Antonio, I am a real down to earth type of lady. I don't think too highly of myself, as well, I care a good deal for what happens to others. Many friends and family tell me I should think more of myself and less of others."

Antonio: "Very astute assertion Karen, however, you are not both." 

"There is only one true you, as I mentioned before, the real you is God." You seem to be mixing up the definition of the EgoSelf Karen. EgoSelf is not about you having a big head, or thinking you are the best at everything. Nor is EgoSelf about solely identifying with the needs of the self above the needs of others." 

"EgoSelf is a filter, every human is 100% afflicted by the EgoSelf filter Karen. Again, let's use a real-world example to describe how the EgoSelf works. Think of EgoSelf as a filter on a camera lens Karen." 

"If you imagine your eyes to be the camera, then, everything you experience will be altered by the EgoSelf filter. Now, with the image of a filter in mind, imagine if the filter were to sully all of your senses in the same manner, whereas, everything you see, hear, smell, taste and touch is altered by the EgoSelf filter." 

"Your entire perception of reality, every thought, feeling, emotion, you experience in your life percolates through, and is altered by, the filter. Ii would be awesome if the EgoSelf filter were like a rose-coloured lens bathing your reality in a soft, loving, expression. Or, if the filter accentuated your vision of reality, thereby making your world a more beautiful place, then EgoSelf would serve as an obvious benefit." 

"The truth is Karen, EgoSelf is a deceiver, it casts upon your sense of consciousness an inverted perspective of true reality. Moreover, EgoSelf is a purveyor of illusion. EgoSelf has you believe you are separate entity from all other aspects of reality. The truth is, you are unified with all you experience."

"Let's be clear on this Karen; everything you perceive in this reality is you, therefore, the world you see out there is 'another you'. EgoSelf has you believe in linear time which, in turn, convinces you death is imminent, as a result, you perceive you have an expiry date. Under the illusion of EgoSelf you fail to see yourself as God. Karen, you are infinite, omnipotent, omnipresent. Truly, you are the totality of all conscious expression. You are the divine creator of worlds, the personification of divinity."  

Karen: "Let me get this straight Antonio, firstly, I have to say, you are a sweet man. But, with due respect, what you are telling me is absolute nonsense. If what you say is true, I am you, I am my mother and my father. I am Adolph Hitler, Obama, I am even the poop that falls out my butt each morning." 

"Your version of reality means I am also the sun, moon, the trillions of stars in the countless galaxies. According to you, I am everything which has ever been or ever will be! As much as I find your story telling to be intriguing Antonio, you must understand, from my perspective, there are only three possibilities for me to consider. You are either trying to make me crazy, you are yourself crazy, or this is an alien spaceman game."

"Which is the truth Antonio?"

Antonio: "Think about what you have experienced thus far Karen. I entered your mind, then experienced your reality through my eyes. Although you have yet to assimilate the vision, you saw me appear from a flash of blue light. You experienced me change form at will. I have proven to you time is not linear, once you have viewed the disc on the desk over there this lesson will become apparent." 

"Additionally, I have read your mind, as well, I appear capable of knowing your entire past. Do you not concede, my powers of observation might just be a little more advanced than yours? Furthermore Karen, this very moment, I can feel in the depth of your heart, you already know all I have said to be truth. As the Earthly expression goes Karen, you can feel it in your bones."

Karen: "I grant you this much Antonio, everything you say appears to be truth. What about mind control, this could all be happening in my mind? Is it not possible, Antonio, none of the things you say happened are real? Could it not be true, you are an alien capable of messing with my head. Possibly, you are no different than a stage personality who tricks the audience into believing they are eating an apple, when it is a potato." 

"As you already claim to know Antonio, I was hypnotised by a stage magician a few years past. If your skills are as you suggest, you know someone has already successfully twisted my sense of reality. Let’s keep some perspective Antonio, after all, I just had sex with Antonio Banderas, the Mambo Kings version at that. How can you think I could believe all of this is real?"


Antonio: "What is reality Karen?"  

"Humans inadvertently agree to believe the world is a physical place, even though your scientists have proven long ago reality is a matrix of energy. The illusion of a physical world, with physical people persists, even though you should know better. Your mere existence makes reality happen Karen. Again, science has long since proven the 'real' world can not exist in the absence of 'you' the conscious observer." 

"The mass of humanity is convinced time is a linear expression, even though logic defines time to be anything but. Your concern I am a trickster responsible for twisting reality into false perception is intriguing Karen. Especially flavourful is this conversation, as every moment of your existence thus far has been an experience of EgoSelf trickery, which by the way, is the exact opposite of the 'real' reality." 

"My visit this fine evening allows you, for the first time in your life, to dispel the trickery of EgoSelf. Within our dialogue is the exposure of your true GodSelf, yet, you label me the charlatan. Presently, you can't see the sweet irony of our encounter Karen."

"However, if you wish, with a few more illustrations I can change your sense of self."

Karen: "What do you mean Antonio, I see an impasse here. You are trying to convince me of the veracity of this meeting, whereas, I maintain it to be some form of mental trickery. It stands to reason, whatever you do to further convince me of your assertions, will inevitably fall prey to my overarching assessment of your most obvious capacity to deceive." 

"I find this entire experience to be exhilarating, but, at the same time tiresome, even unsettling. I don't mind saying, you are scaring me Antonio. I am still not sure if I am losing my mind. This all seems so real, but it just can't be, it's impossible." 

"Part of me wants our time together to end so that I can experience being sane again. Another part of me wants this to go on forever, it all seems so fanciful." 

"With your help, I could experience whatever I wanted, anything could seem real. Like a fairy tale of my own design, I feel like you could give me anything I want. This reminds me of the holodeck on Star Trek Antonio. With your help, I could be a movie star, beautiful, rich. One flick of your fingers and I could have partnered with whoever I wanted, living a dream life forever without care." 

"Yet, none of it would be, could be, real!"

Antonio: "From my perspective Karen, I was hoping our time together would leave you with a foundation to model your life beyond the illusions which presently plague your experience of day to day life. To a certain extent, I believe I have let you down. We seem to have focused on trivial fancies which promote material and Egoic gratification." 

"Your vision of how my presence could benefit you is stymied by fanciful desires of wealth, fame or fanciful hubris. Conversely Karen; I know the ultimate gift our relationship could realise has no material value, rather, it is a bestowal of ultimate knowledge. Happiness can never be chained to wealth Karen; true happiness is solely a function of a person's ability to see beyond illusion." 

"The funny thing about knowledge is, one never misses what they do not know. Hence, the expression, ignorance is bliss. Turning the coin over; ignorance is far from blissful if one cannot, at the very least, determine one’s identity as a GodSelf being. We have such a little time together Karen, words seem to have failed us. Therefore, I believe we would make significantly more headway if I were to show you what it truly means to be God."

"If you desire Karen, I can show you what it is like to be me. The act of transferring consciousness from one being to another is rather easy. Earlier on, when you were looking at the owl hooting at the night sky, I had almost complete control of your consciousness. The reason you felt the thoughts feeling and emotions were not your own Karen is because they were mine." 

"During the time I embraced your consciousness, I diverted much of your emotional sensors leaving you with only your primary motor skills and the essence of your R complex. It is essential to leave the reptilian complex of EgoSelf driven beings intact if one is to prevent the possibility of the exercise resulting in the human suffering from multiple personality disorder."

Karen: "This all sounds a bit scary Antonio. I consider myself to be a very sane, rational person, I wouldn't want to end up in a loony bin after this evenings adventures. So far it has been extraordinary meeting you Antonio, you seem to wish me well. Tell me what you have in mind, how would it work. Most importantly Antonio, inform me of the risks so I can make a sound decision."

Antonio: "Think of it like Alice in Wonderland, or Neo from the movie 'The Matrix'. I simply would take your hands and place them on my temples, within a few seconds images of my reality would begin flickering in your mind. The overall feeling is somewhat like disjointed frames of a movie. If you embrace my though patterns, then openly accept the transition, the assimilation of my sensory and emotional experiences would heighten. If all goes well; you will assimilate my brains messaging centre as if were your own."

"Karen, you will see the world through my eyes. It is important to note; just like I cannot totally take over your mind, you cannot entirely control mine. Therefore, you would experience about 80% of my mind. Excluded from your purview would be the GodSelf essence of who I am, which is the equivalent of your R complex, as well, my primary motor skills will of course remain with me."

"This exercise only works if you accept the data stream Karen. Simply stated, the less resistance from you, the more you see through my eyes. Moreover, the closer we come to a full mind meld, the more of my emotional make up you will access. The keys to a successful mind meld Karen is trust and relaxation. The entire experience normally lasts as long as you wish. However, we are limited by the fifteen or so minutes we have left before I must leave. Unfortunately, having finished, we will have little time but to offer each other a quick farewell." 

"It is unfortunate we will have no opportunity to discuss your journey into my mind Karen, with that said, I doubt you will be left disappointed. The most important thing you need to know Karen is there is absolutely no risk to your physical or mental well being. In my homeland, it is common for family, friends and acquaintances to meld minds. We enjoy the process as it affords both parties the chance to love each other with a clearer understanding of how best to serve the emotional needs of others."

Karen: "Okay Antonio, I trust you, let's do this." 

(Antonio places Karen's hands on his temples, soon thereafter, tears begin gushing from Karen).

*** The following represents, as best I can describe, what the experience was like in Antonio's mind. You must appreciate, many of the things I saw, thought, and felt were so foreign, it is almost impossible to give you even a taste of how impactful is the overarching message of unity consciousness. This will be like trying to describe ice cream to someone, all the words in the world could never replace the tiniest of tastes, none the less, I will do my best to impart upon you the spirit of love.

to be continued.....


  1. hi Christopher I have been wondering where you were and now I see you been real busy. Thanks for all your hard work in getting the videos out there for us folks to enjoy. Hope all is well with you and yours these days!

    1. Namaste brother Ron; nice to see you stop by. The videos have been available for over 5 years :)

      Everything is just fine, I wish you and yours all the very best my friend.

      In Lak' ech, prosper with love.... live with joy....

  2. Hi Christopher. interesting post. It will get humans thinking a little about who and what we really are? I have posted information on Aliens on my blog. I will again share information to help augment your post. Take care my Brother. Peace

    "All of the Old and New Testaments of the Judeo-Christian Bible is luciferian thought. Here we see grand imagery meant to shock and awe the population. The purpose of the UFO phenomenon is to cause well-intentioned people to believe the ridiculous. Many people will concede that, yes, ultimately everything we see is an illusion. Yet these same people give credence to the idea that UFO’s are an advanced civilization from another planet, who have come to earth, interbred with humanity, and formed a hybrid reptilian race that now runs the planet. This belief is the result of intense subliminal suggestion over decades of mass media manipulation. Having achieved this belief within this illusory body of humanity, many well intentioned communicators are now spanning the globe, and have made a business out of perpetuating this ALIEN ASPECT of the luciferian agenda. This particular part of the luciferian agenda creates an incredible distraction, and assists in establishing the 3D illusory cataclysm that the luciferian group egregore hope to bring to pass.

    ALIEN = A LION = AL-ION = the Electrified ION

    There’s no such thing as time and space. Our own 3 dimensional bodies are not real. This is mentioned just under the Green Reality Sign above. Why then, this insistent belief that there are alien life forms who have existed for millions of years? The answer, quite simply, is to, once and for all, convince us that the 3 dimensional reality of TIME and SPACE is a valid concept. It is difficult to break free of the hypnotic state that keeps us believing everything we see is real. We have our 5 senses to convince us everything is real because we can feel, taste, touch, hear and see it.

    When we consider our galaxy so vast that it takes hundreds and thousands of light years for distant starlight to reach us, it is very hard to believe that space is an illusion. UFO’s and their little pilots are a manifestation of deception. Yes, they do exist in this 3 dimensional experience, but they are not what they tell us they are – which is life from other planets. To believe that, then you must believe space is real, and therefore, time is real.

    UFO’s and the Greys are conjured up to deceive. They have told us (as in the story just related) they can take us on a long journey or change shapes, etc. Why do we assume they’re speaking truthfully?"...Cont..

  3. ...."
    So how do we know these are luciferian egregore conjured up thought forms? Simply because all 3 dimensional illusory forms are manifest as a result of the egregore group of Thinking Entities exercise the combining of shape/sound and colour. This is the work of the luciferian Mindset. The universe and everything in it is created by this luciferian Mind, the Mind that said “LET THERE BE LIGHT”. This includes the UFO/GREY phenomena.

    Believing that the UFO events are orchestrated by a life form, on a far away planet, in some distant galaxy, may be fine. Except for one thing. This perpetuates the myth that poses a real danger to grasping Reality. If these are just alien life forms from another planet who present themselves as the greys and reptilian bloodlines then perhaps there’s a chance they’re not cruelly seeking our enslavement and submission to their agenda. In other words, maybe they’ll play nice. However, this is not the case. These are much more dangerous than a life form from another planet. These entities are creatures straight from the Mind of the luciferian light bearing group of Thinkers. The only desire of this egregore Mind is to destroy many of us, (under the pretext of the Judgment of God cleansing the earth), and to enslave the rest of us within the Trance state, which forms this 3 dimensional life experience. This is nothing more than the establishment of the New World Order, the Kingdom of God on Earth, and the New Age of Enlightenment. It should be noted that the new age movement is a strong promoter of the alien life from other planets concept." NUFF SAID!

    1. Namaste brother Ian; glad you enjoyed the first installment. This is just a bit of fun working with fiction as a vehicle for delivering the message of spirituality. I hope all is well and wish you and yours a wonderful summer.

      In Lak' ech; prosper with love.... live beyond illusion...

  4. Awesome Chris!

    Great story!

    Goodness Knows our World needs more positive imagery...

    Can't wait to see the next installment!

    It's always amazing to see someone elses artwork...!

    Be well mi amigo...!


    1. Namaste brother Brad; thanks for stopping by, glad you enjoyed the story. Wishing you and your family the very best of a wonderful 2014 summer.

      In Lak' ech, prosper with love... live with unity...

  5. Excellent piece, Chris. Very well thought out and with an important message. Looking forward to the follow-on. All the best my friend!

    1. Namaste brother Carl; thank for the visit, always a pleasure. I am trying to make the time to read your latest book. Congratulations once again on a fine piece of work. Wishing you and family all the very best for a wonderful summer.

      In Lak' ech, prosper with love..... live with peace....

      In Lak' ech; prosper with love.... live for unity...

  6. "My original viewpoint was, if sharing my experience could encourage even one person to seek a life of unity, beyond Ego, then it would be so wonderful to have made a difference."

    That's the goal. One at a time. And just the fact your eyes are opened is infinitely more powerful than the sum total of the darkness that surrounds you.

  7. Namaste Paul; Earth Girls was a small project in using fiction to introduce spiritual truth. From a writers perspective, the effort was sub par. However, the experience was very interesting and often rather fun.

    The beauty of using fiction is in not having to qualify ones premises. As well, the reader can buy in, or out, of the content at will, after all, it's just fiction.

    Compared to the book I am writing on spiritual philosophy, where everything has to be bang on, it's nice to enjoy the freedom of writing without being hand cuffed by the need to 'support' ones philosophy.

    At the end of the day Paul, we are all just guessing as we formulate our own belief structure. Other than the fact that we 'exist', there is very little we can hang our hat on as absolute, verifiable, truth. Ergo, the joy and freedom of fiction.

    In Lak' ech, prosper with truth... live with knowledge...
