How would you feel, if Antonio promised to unveil for you the
mysterious, dark, underbelly of consciousness, would you be afraid?
I was!
In my estimation, fear seems a
normal reaction. After all, imagination begs us consider the realm of influence
to which we would ascribe the title, Master of Darkness.
What form of Ogre, or Devil incarnate, must be powerful enough to
successfully derail, what one would expect should be, the GodSelf ability
to express a life of Eden?
Time and again, Antonio's
revelations had unequivocally proved my true identity to be the totality of all
manifest reality.
I don't mean to appear ungrateful, however, the bla bla bla how
big "I AM" can get long in the tooth when circumstance bears such a striking
physical contrast to the obvious truth of day to day life.
Knowing myself to be eternal
LOVE, GOD, or LIGHT if a less theatrical title were selected, is truly a
wonderful realisation. Warm and fuzzy as the GodSelf makes
me feel, I would be remiss if I failed to redress the most oft refrain I hear.
Why am I, or any of us for that
matter, living in this stinking mess of a world?
You don't have to be a deep
thinker to trespass upon the obvious disconnect between the vision of love,
juxtaposed, to the fear primed reality we daily experience. Antonio suggests
our true identity is love; is it not then reasonable to enquire,
How in the hell did we end up
here in this continual state of fear?
Given the choice between bliss
and suffering, is it not fair to assume the vast majority would choose bliss?
Who can explain the catastrophe
we have created?
Hey, it's not like we got
things a little bit wrong!
We can't say we nearly hit the
mark of experiencing our world from our GodSelf voice!
Things are seriously messed up here on Earth.
Our state of existence is so
far removed from an expression of love, I suggest, with a little more focus
sweat and tears, we humans could have created the perfect antithesis of love!
Similar lines of thought, only
serve to enforce my belief, any evil manifestation powerful enough to
circumvent my desires as a magnificent GodSelf being must be something to
To this end; I expected my
final journey with Antonio to embody darkness, snakes, slitherings of
all sorts, In the absence of the dramatic, Surely, at the very least, a good
deal of pain and tragedy must exist. Assuming a unique flavour of horribleness
awaited, I felt something grotesquely feeding in the darkest recesses of my
Maybe everything in our reality
is love and we 'consciousness' represents the evil villain?
I jest of course; but only
because I have experienced my identity. Thanks to Antonio, I knew whatever
would approach in the moments ahead would be an aspect of the GodSelf.
Truly, nothing exists which is NOT the GodSelf. Antonio would never hurt me, I am
My eyes helplessly closed just
as his fingers neared my temple.
Departing once again into
Antonio's world, caused me to realise how I had come to love the moment his
fingers touch my forehead. The very instant contact occurs, a new version of
reality bathes my consciousness in a tub full of warm singularity goo.
Whether investigating
historical events, assuming the spirit of another being, peeking into
timelessness, or touching the essence of my own totality, a common element of
oneness always prevailed.
This occasion of Antonio
allowing me to peek into darkness I knew would prove no different.
The tapestry of my final
journey commenced in a hospital room. The equipment seemed dated, possibly as far
back as the mid 80's. On the bed was a young woman, on second glance, she
looked a lot like me.
Whoa, hold on, the woman on the
bed was my mother!
My mind began spinning, I
remember thinking, this can't be true. Faint, but discernible, my dad's voice
echoed in the background. His voice had a distinctively younger tenor than I
could ever remember.
Oh my God, from a third person
perspective, I was witnessing my birth.
No sooner had the realisation
hit me, focus had turned directly to my infant self. Without warning, I
discovered myself enveloped in the conscious mind of my prenatal self.
Moreover, I was approaching the moment of birth.
Touching my prenatal mind proved
eerily like the experience I had when Antonio first showed me I was God. You
may suspect the womb to be dark place. Yet, for lack of a better description, I
experienced an impression of light. If asked to describe the experience, I
would say the womb is a warm loving and remarkably bright existence.
What a mind trip! Holy cow;
Antonio never ceases to amaze, but this trip was a real lulu!
Shortly after assuming the
consciousness of my birth, I discovered Antonio was altering my perspective of
'self" by reeling my prenatal self back in time. Like a movie projector stuck
on rewind, my sense of consciousness was cast backward. One frame at a time, I
was closing in on my personal big bang, the moment my mother's egg was fertilised.
The most compelling aspect of
this incredible journey was the realisation, my destination, my entire
identity, was GodSelf singularity.
To be perfectly succinct.
The process of developing
the physical body initiates the death of the metaphysical body.
In time, the pantomime
will reverse as the physical, once again, yields to the metaphysical.
The conscious prenatal human on
the journey into physical 'being' passes many bright neon road signs informing
the prenatal
infant physicality and separation lie ahead.
The first sign, indicating the
trip to the material has commenced in earnest, is the loving energetic bond the
two life forces have with each other. Soon after inception; a strong physical
connection between mother and child is forged.
The prenatal child learns to
relate to mother as a 'second' being. This realisation develops within the
psyche newly formed concepts of physicality and separation. The separate 'self'
is the first real shock wave landed upon to the GodSelf being.
Part and parcel of realising a separate self exists, is a diminishing sense of
oneness the prenatal child sees as its ultimate truth.
Mere cracks in the GodSelf dam,
yet worthy of note.
Each minute closer to one’s
birth represents a minute farther removed from the divinity of self.
Late first and early second
trimester, the prenatal me began to sense sounds from the 'Outer World'. This
is the stage where 'self' defined as two separate beings now evolves into the
acceptance. 'self' be represented by an ever-expanding stream of 'others'.
Speeding away from heaven,
divinity was shrinking fast in the mirror. The third trimester was much like
much like riding on the edge of an avalanche. Development of the physical and
neurological network supporting the illusion of reality came at me like a video
game designer hooked on Ritalin. Sensations of all kinds pummelled, then
moulded, my psyche into a state of total submission.
Yes, there is a world! Yes, it
is physical! Yes, I am that, I am!
Moments before my birth; I felt
as if I were walking a razors edge between my GodSelf identity
and the illusory identity I was about to assume. Just prior to birth, I still
related to 'self' as a singularity, the totality of all this 'apparent'
separation. Yet, even though the truth of my GodSelf remained intact, I could
tell my connection with Oneness was being bombarded. Soon, any sense of oneness
would forever be eternally replaced by an EgoSelf veil of illusion.
To be clear with you dear
reader, I feel I should expand a little on what it means when I say "I
knew myself as a singularity".
When I use a word like 'know' I
must anticipate you will attach a framework of reason. By example, I would use
reason to illustrate to you, I am a woman and not a man. There are however, two
very different types of 'knowledge'; experiential and innate.
Experiential knowledge is
derived from the collective rewards of experience and reason. Whilst, innate
knowledge is a deep seated knowing which defines itself in the absence of
physical reality. Another attribute of innate knowledge is found in its
representation of a state of 'being'. Whereas, experiential knowledge is
derived from a state of 'doing'.
It is important you comprehend
my prenatal self existed in a state of 'being'. Accordingly, my sense of
knowledge at time of birth was almost entirely innate in nature.
Little do I understand of such
complex metaphysical amusements. However, I would venture to say, I can only
truly know 'self' by entering a state of 'being'. For it is the very nature of
the illusion of physical separation which tricks us into believing my 'self' is
somehow separate from your 'self'.
Let us take a moment to consider the awesomeness of how
significantly your identity changes at child birth. You, a magnificent
GodSelf being, are acting in the guise of dreamlike 'consciousness'.
This dream, a fabulous
amusement park where you have become your world. Jumping on the dream train is
as simple as handing the conductor the tattered stub.
The stub offers a one-way pass
to EgoSelf ignorance. One pass per person, go ahead be brave, leave
perfection behind, then see what it is like to be immersed in a world of
illusion and maya.
Having accepted this pseudo
reality as a playground, I jumped head first into the woods. Wolves barking at
my heels. Fare paid in full; the ride commences with me becoming a unique spark
of divine consciousness who has chosen to not know its identity.
How do you think we should
usher in such splendour?
One would assume a description
of birthing events would include adjectives like; reverence, love, caring,
honour. Failing a spectacular, loving beginning to the birth process, one would
think doctors and nurses would avoid subjecting the newborn child and mother to
brutality, horror or mayhem.
Describing my trek into our
precious five sense material worlds, I would have to say the experience
involved a brutish giant unceremoniously dragging me into a nightmare. There is
no point mincing words; the physical trip from the blissful GodSelf peace
of my mother's womb to a cold operating room table, was a hard ride!
However insensitive, antiseptic
and brutal the introduction to the illusion of separation was on the physical
plane, there was also a metaphysical release of the spirit body which was
equally taxing. When my mothers water broke, the transition from a state of
perfect singularity to the illusion of physical separation began in earnest, Unceremoniously,
it was the doctor’s hands and cold instruments which first firmly cajoled my
body from the womb.
From the moment the doctor
clasped onto me, everything went to hell in a hand basket. With bitter tasting
irony, the smack on my ass, merely served to punctuate the heinous ride.
The implicit message; there is
no honey to be found here child, a nasty world awaits!
We will slice this little cord,
tear you from mother, then commence with our clinical examination. My peaceful
world had somehow, without warning, become apocalyptic. Seemingly, an eternity
passed before the familiar beat of mother’s heart gave brief, but very welcome,
pause to the onslaught of clinical insanity.
This was my beginning, what
about yours, your grandchildren?
Do you think we, aided by the
collective intelligence of twenty first century science, could somehow manage a
few improvements to the birthing process?
As the experience unfolded, the
smack in the ass proved multi-purpose. Apropos was its greeting to
this crazy ride, as well, it also served to knock me out of my prenatal
consciousness. Moreover, the smack on the butt caused me to escape the first
person experience.
Plunked into a third person
view, I presently found myself being an observer to the event of my
Realising Antonio had
transformed my consciousness into that a fly on the operating room wall, I now
found myself flitting about as an observer directly above my infant self. With
a keen fly like acumen, I established a fresh accounting of my surroundings.
Looking around the room, I
noted my mother, father, for that matter, all living beings, were constructed
of light. Each vestige of life appeared to cast a separate and distinctive
outline of light. Similarities of appearance were noticeable. By example, the
brightest light seemed to bulge out around the heart. Tentacle like appendages
of light sprung forth from the torso, head, and limbs.
Further observance indicated
inanimate objects in the room, even the room itself, shimmered and glowed. Hard
edges normally found on physical objects had disappeared. Everything seemed to
gel into everything else; I found it near impossible to define one object as
being separate or distinct from another.
Surely you are having a hard
time imagining my description!
Let me steer you toward the
movie "The Matrix". Remember the scene where Neo was
This world as portrayed in the
movie was very close to the hospital experience.
The only exception I would
make is that you observe living entities as being significantly brighter than
inanimate objects.
Further to this enigma, one
would note humans shone more gloriously than other animals, who, in turn,
glowed with a more subdued light pallet than did the grass, trees, or plants.
The impression left by this experience clearly illustrated a correlation
between consciousness and light. What I found shocking was the brightness with
which my newborn self shone.
There I was, lying on a cotton
terrycloth bath towel, little feet and hands reaching out to nowhere and everywhere
all at the same time.
Wow did I shine!
The brightness emanating from
my little body was so intense I had to avert my eight fly like eyes. The glory
of the moment was captivating, magnificent, blissful beyond description.
Looking around the room, my mother and father were both radiant, adding
animation to the celebration. Excitement and joy permeated throughout. Never
have I seen my mother so beautiful, nor my father so proud.
Looking down on this most
joyous scene left me breathless.
Suddenly, amidst this merriest
of events, a pique of intuition, lingering in the corner of my mind, bespoke
disaster. Moments after processing this strange sense of dread, a distinctive
cool breeze traced across my back, making camp at the nape of my neck.
Like an elastic band viciously
recoiling to its point of origin, my mind zeroed in on the stated purpose of
this journey.
Antonio had promised to
illuminate darkness!
Dazzled and transfixed by the
splendour of my prenatal
trek, I had completely forgotten the objective of this exercise. Fear raced at
me like a freight train wildly careening along an alpine pass. My mind fretted
to puzzle out a logical conclusion to this ominous revelation.
Befuddled by the exercise of
ferreting reason from insanity, I nearly missed the villains grand entrance.
Luckily, it had teased enough attention from the corner of my eye to enable a
warning. I knew my GodSelf infant body was about to be
horrifically violated.
Neon signs, banners and buglers
were not needed to assure me the Master of Darkness had arrived. The beast
approached, slowly edging toward the examination table upon which my infant
self squirmed and cooed.
Seeing the drama unfold below,
I was taken aback to note the Master of Darkness, at least in its dealings with
me, chose to inauspiciously appear as a shadow. Relief was felt by the absence
of great beasts, slithering creatures or countless other fears I had previously
envisioned would materialise at this auspicious moment.
Aside from the
phenomenal dark energy this beast commanded; its appearance proved no more
odious, nor troublesome, than the shadow cast by a big old Oak late on a sunny
Benign as the evil appeared, my
apprehension escalated significantly as I observed the shadow slowly close the
distance to the glowing baby below. Relegated to the role of observer, I
helplessly stared with bated breath as slowly this beastly shadow engulfed the
tiny body, my tiny body.
Without fanfare, apparently
unnoticed by anyone but myself, the shadow consumed the glowing infant. To say
my infant body was consumed may represent a confusing image to many readers.
Yet, I can settle upon no better qualified adjective with which to hang this
Content you can be to know, in
my heart of hearts, I was assured this shadow’s ominous presence had forever
changed how I would define my 'self'. No longer would I be a babe bathing in
the bliss of singularity. Quietly, without resistance nor concern, the Master
of Darkness had consumed my GodSelf identity.
Illusion instantly replaced
truth; whereas my world was now a dualistic playground. EgoSelf division now
ruled my consciousness. Metaphysical consciousness, had bathed me in tub of GodSelf love
for nine months. Now, the GodSelf had entirely abandoned its hold upon my
consciousness. Yielding to the Master of Darkness, my sense of consciousness
would forevermore reflect a tapestry of physicality.
Leaving my GodSelf behind, I
was given one last glance at perfect love before the devilish EgoSelf,
awakened within me a state of fear.
Grabbing a bucketful of air
into my tiny lungs, I wailed!
The moment of EgoSelf birth
still stings my memory. Tears of sorrow push forth as I pen these words in
recollection of my infant GodSelf spirit being consumed. For lack
of a better description, I would have to say the event catapulted my infant
self into a state of shock.
Clearly, I can recall observing
my helpless infant self. Wishing, beyond all reason, the cloud of darkness
would somehow disappear to reveal anew the awesome, glorious, glow of my GodSelf body.
Surely, I thought, the GodSelf consciousness
must shake itself free from the clutch of Darkness. Alas, I knew the shadow
would never leave. Moreover, I now know the shadow, covering my infant self,
was the platform upon which the Master of Darkness peddles his great showcase
of illusion.
Antonio is a genius; this epic
journey was exactly what I had needed. His aim was to disclose the root of
evil. Tasked with such a challenge, where else should Antonio begin other than
the origin of evil, nay, its very birth.
Never, in a million years, had I
thought to perceive evil in the light of something which could be born. Yet,
plain as the nose on my face, I had just witnessed the birth of evil. Antonio,
in allowing me to experience the scope of my own prenatal consciousness,
illustrated what my reality looked like in the absence of illusion.
The purity and singularity of
'self' as a prenatal blob. The path toward separation, culminating with the
birth of my EgoSelf and
the very moment my GodSelf identity was consumed.
Wow, what a bizarre, mind twisting,
plunge into the rabbit hole!
The message I took from this
freaky ride left me utterly convinced the root of all evil is not represented
by a great beast.
Contrary to the extravagance of
my collective fears; there appears to be no hideous villains, smelly aliens,
snakes, nor reptilian perpetrators of chaos. The seed of Evil, it would appear,
sprouts forth, then bears fruit from the fertile loins of illusion.
Evil, with ominous labels like
Satan, Beelzebub, Ego, Archons or the Devil are used. Like monsters in a
child's closet, these labels scare us into believing there is good reason for
the chaos we see in our world. Flip Wilson, an olden-time comic, used to often
spout out the refrain,
"The devil made me do
Perhaps, all renditions of evil
are nothing more than derivatives of fear. Humbly, I suggest evil to be the
flip side of Godself love consciousness. Evil plays an essential role in
reflecting the state of duality. In my mind, I see love as the essence of GodSelf,
fear as the essence of EgoSelf.
Is EgoSelf bad?
Is EgoSelf evil?
Hell no! The Master of Darkness
reflects the choices and preferences we humans make when we lose sight of our
true GodSelf nature. The farther we find our collective selves from the GodSelf
light, the more our world will unravel in a state of chaos, maya, fear biased
Ultimately, the golden key
Antonio provided me was the knowledge all manifest reality is GodSelf reality.
Choices, experiences borne of fear, clouded by the EgoSelf, are no less
renditions of GodSelf than are choices borne of love.
Seats on the bus I
Duality means an equal
portion of fear will balance and equal portion of love.
We can label all the fear
we see as evil manifestations.
However, I prefer to
identify with these moments as God dancing with fear in the darkened hallways
of madness.
Our lexicons define the word
illusion as representing that which does not have a legitimate home within
societies concept of reality. Bombastic, proud and careless, we paint the
borders of our reality with the assurance of a steady hand.
Thinking our philosophy beyond
reproach, we fail to heed the near invisible, complex web of illusion
constructed by what many would call Evil. The Master of Darkness has hidden
within the collective psyche of humanity.
The Master of Darkness is the EgoSelf, a
trickster who convinces us it does not exist. This beast I like to call the
monkey mind. The little monkey preys upon your attempt at a peaceful existence.
You know the critter well, it talks to you every hour of every day, it spreads
fear, uncertainty, dis ease.
Can you imagine a more covert
hiding place than within the mind of your adversary?
Another very interesting entry Christopher. I enjoyed it very much. Here's wishing you and yours a terrific new week ahead.
ReplyDeleteNamaste brother Ron, glad you enjoyed the story, as always, thanks for taking the time to follow along. I should have the final instalment completed next weekend. I Hope you and your family have a fantastic week ahead as well Ron.
ReplyDeleteIn Lak' ech, prosper with love..... live with peace....
Interesting stuff Chris - the darkness is in our minds. All the best to you and yours.
ReplyDeleteNamaste brother Ian; thanks for the visit. Yes, the darkness is within our minds. I hope you and family enjoy a wonderful autumn.
ReplyDeleteIn Lak' ech, prosper with love... live with philosophy...
love this post .. for the sheer like-mindedness i share about the pre and post natal experience, of Being and Doing. Not an easy ride indeed.. but eventually i guess we all are moving towards our womb experience, once again playing in the law of eternal return. :)
ReplyDeleteMatrix is a wonderful movie. always something new to catch everytime i see it again.
Love and Light
Namaste sister Bani, always a pleasure to enjoy your company. I never thought about such things as the pre natal experience, writing is great for taking ones mind into all kinds of fun places.
ReplyDeleteIn Lak' ech, prosper with love.... live with joy...
Another excellent entry in this series Chris. Thoroughly enjoyable and enlightening. Looking forward to the final part. Keep up the great work and all the best to you and Amanda.
Namaste brother, I am happy you are enjoying the series. Take care and have a wonderful week my friend.
ReplyDeleteIn Lak' ech prosper with love.... love with peace....