Often I find myself pondering these questions?
Is there one single illustration we could conjure up to explain the mess we see or are there a multitude of social, environmental, psychological, and intellectual factors joining together to form the perfect storm?
Having spent a fair bit of time observing our world, I believe there exists a single overarching component to the mayhem we are all forced to experience. The quintessential wrench, clanging about in the mechanical gears of society, wreaking heart-wrenching devastation and mind-numbing ignorance is, in my humble opinion, the structure of elite domination as dictated by the psychopathy of fascist rule.
The three questions that beg to be answered are as follows.
1. Can we assume the human species is sane?
2. If we consider ourselves insane, how did we get this way?
3. Is our collective insanity a function of the human condition, or is it a manufactured phenomenon?
Are We Sane?
Are We Sane?
If we are to speak of insanity it is essential to first define the parameters of what one would consider insane. We may all think we have a grip on such a simple definition, however, we serve ourselves well to establish some solid benchmarks that can assist in navigating toward a clear consensus. With a little assistance from the Oxford Dictionary, we can define some loose boundaries. With the foundation poured, we will then have to forge the balance of our definition by observing the actions and belief structures of society.
Oxford Dictionary:
1: a deranged state of the mind usually occurring as a specific disorder (as schizophrenia)
2: such unsoundness of mind or lack of understanding as prevents one from having the mental capacity required by law to enter into a particular relationship, status, or transaction or as removes one from criminal or civil responsibility
3 a: extreme folly or unreasonableness
b: something utterly foolish or unreasonable
1: a deranged state of the mind usually occurring as a specific disorder (as schizophrenia)
2: such unsoundness of mind or lack of understanding as prevents one from having the mental capacity required by law to enter into a particular relationship, status, or transaction or as removes one from criminal or civil responsibility
3 a: extreme folly or unreasonableness
b: something utterly foolish or unreasonable
4: Latin root in = not; sanus = healthy
To determine if I am insane, the questions I may entertain are as follows:
1. Am I deranged in my mind?
To determine if I am insane, the questions I may entertain are as follows:
1. Am I deranged in my mind?
2. Does this unsoundness of mind prevent me from entering into relations, affecting transactions, or behaving in such a way that removes me from criminal or civil responsibilities?
3. Does my behaviour exhibit unreasonableness or foolishness?
4. Simply stated; am I unhealthy in my mind?
Without dragging you, Joe Q public, into this messy assessment let me focus on my mental well-being. Would you not concur that I do not serve myself well by lying or hiding from the truth. I must be honest with you and myself if I have any prayer of determining the true state of my mental health. Also, I must proceed slowly and with grave caution while defining the proper meaning of the terms I use as descriptors of my behaviour.
1. The first question: Are my mental meanderings deranged, whereas the definition of deranged is established as an abnormal or sick state of mind?
Abnormal can be defined as deviating from the societal average or what one would consider as normally accepted behaviour. Herein lies the rub, it would appear that the Oxford dictionary, by using my peers as a benchmark for normalcy, has trapped me in a box. If I swim in a sea of ubiquitous insanity throughout society, then do I proudly hold myself up as sane merely because all my brethren have equally adulterated minds? Or do I evaluate my sanity with a higher function whereas I covet truth, beyond all illusion, as the sole benchmark used to assess the purity of my mind? Insofar as I can unequivocally state my mental meanderings are scientifically, spiritually, and socially sound am I then advocating sanity beyond all reasonable reprehension?
To hell with Oxford, I will not judge my sanity against the bell curve of humanity. I choose the latter position of scientific rigour, for it does not seem proper to state that I am not sick merely because all of my brethren are just as sick as I appear to be. When discussing mental health, indeed there are very foggy lines being drawn.
For example, if I were suffering from the flu while the majority of humanity also suffered from the same ailment, then would it be proper for me to suggest my health was perfect just because the flu was prevalent throughout society? Obviously, this rationale would not make much sense, especially as I would still be dealing with the symptoms of a runny nose, achy body, and all-around feelings of poor health. If I were a sensible man of logic, I would admit I am not well. Accordingly, I would likely attempt to convince my brethren that something should be done so that we may collectively determine a path toward good health.
Having illustrated my point I will continue with my mental assessment. Without any doubt, I must admit my thoughts are deranged. However, relative to my brethren's behaviour, I would considered of sound mind. Nonetheless, using logic as currency, I must emphatically point to my sickness of the mind. Your interest may be piqued. What deranged thoughts are running through Christopher's mind? There are many levels of mental derangement I can point at to aid in developing my prognosis. However, if asked to cite a few areas of ill health I would start with some basics.
Even though I understand the role of higher learning played by ego inviting chaos into my reality I often find myself getting trapped in cycles of past and future. Knowing that the past and future exist only as an illusion offers me little to no solace when I trespass into insanity by fretting over what may come to pass or lamenting over past opportunities that I never realised.
Another common mental deviation from sanity occurs when I find myself projecting personal failures or grievances upon external circumstances. The blame game can easily manifest when I falsely identify with this person, or that event, as an impetus behind a perceived assault upon myself or the desires I covet. The insanity of the aforementioned mental illness stands firmly against sanity which assures me that, without exception, I am the true master and creator of all events that occur in my reality.
Conjuring up yet one more very debilitating aspect of my personal illusory insanity one can remark upon the mind-numbing captivation I have with death. Insane people, just like you and I, have a devil of a time coming to grips with our perceived demise. One need only confront death face to face to discover how desperately one wants to live.
The passing on of our friends and relatives also represents peak insanity experiences. We may feel we are well-grounded in spiritual truths then whammy someone close to us dies and we discover all sense of spiritual reason flies out the door. There are many more illusions that form the composite of non-clinical insanity, some we see as mental health issues and other points of insanity are nearly indiscernible. In conclusion, I do not believe I can honestly state that I am completely free of mental derangement. Although my derangement may not be abnormal, nor debilitating, it surely does represent a sickness affecting my rationale.
2. Turning to the second part of the definition. Does this unsoundness of mind prevent me from entering into relations, affecting transactions, or behaving in such a way that leads me toward criminal or civil irresponsibility?
Pointing my ship in this direction causes me to pause. In all honesty; I do stand guilty of abdicating my criminal and civil responsibility to those I consider brothers and sisters. If I may expand a little upon how this heinous crime manifests. The best segue for the description of my course of insanity as it relates to discretion against my brethren may be highlighted by a 1917 quote from Charles F. Aked.
"It has been said that for evil men to accomplish their purpose it is only necessary that good men should do nothing."
This subtle point of accusation carries with it a tacit understanding that each and every individual is responsible for their brethren. Individually we are weak, collectively we are an unstoppable force. None of us can escape the fact that, if we are not part of the solution, then we have become a willing party to fascism and the wanton destruction it wreaks upon humanity.
Each night I sleep in comfort while more than 40% of the global population have no adequate housing, yet I do nothing to ensure my brothers are housed. For every meal I consume, I must remember over 18% of the global population is starving to death. What have I done to raise the alarm? Should a sane person not feel more outrage? The freedom I have to travel, as afforded by my income, is enjoyed by less than 40% of the global population, the next trip I take it is worth remembering most of my brethren do not enjoy such luxury. Proper education afforded my children is not available to the majority of children, yet still, I remain quiet. If one person should go hungry, one brother sleeps under a bridge, one sister goes without education or if any of my brethren should live in squalor without hope, without love, am I not also culpable?
Does my silence not tacitly speak to an assault upon my brethren?
The fascist train is racing down the track out of control, presently almost half the population of this world live a significantly poorer lifestyle than my pussy cat Mr Spot. When will we break through the fog of mind programming and collectively recapture our sanity? If not now, when is a good time to take control of this screaming demonic ride of madness? We consider ourselves to be sane, however, are we not abdicating our civil responsibilities to those less fortunate? Beyond any stretch of the imagination, I cannot see a way for you to convince me my behaviour is not to be considered criminal, disheartening, and grossly insane?
3. Does my behaviour exhibit unreasonable foolishness?
What can be said of such a loaded question? One-third of the global population starves. One-half the population have inadequate housing and clean water. The majority of humans live a lifestyle that we, under current laws, would consider inhumane to animals.
You tell me, is this what you would call sanity?
Do you think I am wrong?
I have a friend who is an animal health inspector and I know all too well what he would do if I showed him a pig farm where the animals are starving to death, have no proper shelter, and have filthy drinking water. Undoubtedly, the farmer would be criminally charged, and the animals would be taken away in favour of acceptable animal husbandry practices. Our laws care for the animals we eat better than the people the animals are meant to nourish. Is this upsidedown state of affairs not foolish?
Using any free and loose definition of unreasonable, can you say my behaviour as a silent witness exhibits reason? I am just covering the most basic assaults on our brethren, what about all the other atrocities too many to mention? What about our planet on the brink of environmental collapse? What do I do about evil deviants trading children for sex shop services? Would sane people agree to kill off the majority of the planet's animal and plant species? Of course not! They poison our food, our air and water, then package the poison for our consumption.
Are these the acts of a civilized and sane populous?
In the face of the many obscene revelations, how do I react?
If honest, I admit to finding myself conversing about silliness like who killed Nicole Simpson. I concern myself more with the results of sporting matches than the state of global poverty. I watch big stock investors speculate on the price of food goods at the expense of my brothers' ability to eat. My actions suggest that I am placing the value of paper notes higher than the value of life itself, Is this sanity?
The world spins out of control and, if I am honest, I care more about toys, cars, gadgets and widgets than the state of our world. To hell with my sister, this life is about ME ME ME! I consider myself part of an advanced race of intelligent sane individuals, yet, I look around to observe us all living in a so-called democratic world that looks far more like a Hell than the Heaven we all say is desired. Are these the actions of a sane man, I think not!
I tend to look at our world the same way I would entertain a speeding train; who, in their right mind, would stand in front of a runaway train in hopes of stopping it in its tracks? Not I!
The global corporate fascist regimes responsible for programming my mind have all but convinced me real change is impossible, I must remember these are the same people who have a vested interest in my abeyance. Observe my willingness to comply with corporate global leaders, can you honestly say I am not programmed? In the light of my wee diatribe, surely you can't argue for my sanity, can you? I think we must both admit my actions exhibit unreasonable foolishness.
4. Am I healthy in my mind? Honestly, what do you think? Seriously, take a moment and ask yourself, am I insane? The stage is yours to try and convince me we are not a composite race of lunatics.
The Look of Insanity:
When the sun sets upon another day there is one thing we all have in common, we are all insane. I believe there are four archetypes of insane people. First, there are those who we all readily identify as clinically insane. Having absolutely no grip on reality this group possibly makes up 3-4% of the populous (just a made-up statistic from my well of nonsense). These people, having been marginalised by society, will for the most part end up in an asylum.
The second group of insane individuals are those who are to be considered psychopathic. Ponerological deviants are those who have no capacity for compassion. These deprived souls must navigate through their lives never having the ability to experience the emotional triggers which keep humans on the track to unity, love and peaceful cohabitation. It is estimated by professionals that between 4% and 5% of the population suffers from this malady. When considering all forms of insanity, it is this group of afflicted individuals I empathise with the most for they can never come to terms with how to express and enjoy love. To me, an existence absent of love must be a dreadful manifestation of reality. Nothing can be done for these people. Like the clinically insane their capacity to heal and live a complete life is, for the most part, non-existent.
The third group of insane candidates make up the majority of the populous, possibly as much as 90% of our brethren (another fabricated statistic). This brain-addled group are certainly insane. However mad as hatters they are, they will never develop an appreciation for their insanity. In their minds, they represent Oxford-approved normalcy so they believe themselves perfectly sane. This group of 'average citizens' function quite well in society. Even though they are trapped by illusions, they will go on believing in the many illogical trappings of their material reality. Accceptably insane, they never grasp the true extent of their collective insanity. Having no reference for living beyond the illusion of the ego self, they become incapable of embracing the Godliness of unity consciousness. These individuals we consider 'normal' are virtually incapable of understanding the nature of the true self. Invariably they tumble through life failing to understand the synchronicity of love and unity that can be shared among all living beings.
The final group worthy of note are those who spend most of their life being insane yet miraculously, these blessed humans have somehow developed a sense of their Godself reality. Part and parcel to their newfound spiritual connection to unity consciousness, they find pockets of safe harbour which they rely upon during stormy egoic weather. This part of spiritually tuned humanity likely represents less than 1% of the population. Our group of semi-conscious souls finds they must navigate through the material whilst being completely aware of the illusory nature of their existence.
The partially sane manage to hang on tight to their little niche of sanity as they attempt to rally against the incessant brutality and mind control forced upon the masses by elite psychopathic societal manipulators.
Assuming we can agree to properly diagnose our insanity as a collective malady the next question is how did this happen?
Whenever I consider this subject I am compelled by personal observation to unequivocally state that the prime derivative of insanity is not a natural state of the human condition. The life experiences that lead me to believe insanity is not entirely a natural phenomenon come from my time in Africa, as well as from observing my family life. Small African villagers, free from electricity, media, Western influence, and corporate manipulation live a completely different lifestyle than us. Their viewpoint is that of a community family where all adults believe all children are their offspring and conversely, all village children believe all adults are their parents.
The concept of family includes all peoples within their realm, and all peoples visiting their community. They believe no one should have more or less, all must be given the same level of respect, dignity, love, and courtesy. They may not have a firm grasp of their spiritual nature or understand concepts of the GodSelf yet they choose to always live in societal harmony whereby all members are considered equal.
Another fine example of sanity is found within the unified expression of nuclear families who, most often, conduct themselves in a manner of mutual love, respect and care. I would never charge my child for food, one child does not get more than another. In the nuclear family, we give freely to each other. Without exception, we make sure all within our family are provided for equally. The nuclear family chooses to transcend the dog-eat-dog battle for survival. Familial choice finds us acting as a united group, loving unconditionally, always giving without reservation, and never selecting one over the other. No one would let one of their children go to school and not another, no one would allow one child to starve while another is fed. Nuclear families living in a state of love are humans expressing sanity.
Why do we feel it necessary to transcend these common-sense rules of family living just because the starving child is not of our clan?
Is it human nature to only care for our own children?
I do not believe living absent of love to be our true identity. Times of crisis prove that communities can bond, they can offer each other love, and individuals can care for and love those they are not personally acquainted with. Possibly we have become separate from our brethren merely because we have been conditioned to act in such a callous manner. Think about Darwinism and the core of its ethos. Ponder the role sport plays to separate our affiliations. Observe the impact of nationalism, the disastrous reality of borders real and perceived dividing our peoples.
Elicit from your memories the effects education has played in dividing you from your brethren. The strong are regarded highly whilst the less skilled suffer insult under the colossal hammer of comparative evaluation. Think about religion, the constant divisiveness and violence it continues to promote throughout the charted history of civilisation. Note how class division is used to isolate the rich from the needs of their impoverished brethren.
Look about your workplace, and be aware of the friction between those with and without power. Make a mental note of how multi-media portals create subtle or gross modalities of divisiveness. Sandpaper grating away at the expression of compassion, slowly eroding the real unifier of human character. See how societal memes fill our thoughts with avarice, contempt, or rampant insensitive violence. Take a moment, right now, to contemplate your role in this abhorrent charade we call democratically approved sanity.
DIVIDE, DIVIDE, DIVIDE, conquer your brother... CONSUME, CONSUME, CONSUME, think not of your sister... FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, your brethren will take from you...
The Road to Sanity, Standing Tall:
Without dragging you, Joe Q public, into this messy assessment let me focus on my mental well-being. Would you not concur that I do not serve myself well by lying or hiding from the truth. I must be honest with you and myself if I have any prayer of determining the true state of my mental health. Also, I must proceed slowly and with grave caution while defining the proper meaning of the terms I use as descriptors of my behaviour.

1. The first question: Are my mental meanderings deranged, whereas the definition of deranged is established as an abnormal or sick state of mind?
Abnormal can be defined as deviating from the societal average or what one would consider as normally accepted behaviour. Herein lies the rub, it would appear that the Oxford dictionary, by using my peers as a benchmark for normalcy, has trapped me in a box. If I swim in a sea of ubiquitous insanity throughout society, then do I proudly hold myself up as sane merely because all my brethren have equally adulterated minds? Or do I evaluate my sanity with a higher function whereas I covet truth, beyond all illusion, as the sole benchmark used to assess the purity of my mind? Insofar as I can unequivocally state my mental meanderings are scientifically, spiritually, and socially sound am I then advocating sanity beyond all reasonable reprehension?
To hell with Oxford, I will not judge my sanity against the bell curve of humanity. I choose the latter position of scientific rigour, for it does not seem proper to state that I am not sick merely because all of my brethren are just as sick as I appear to be. When discussing mental health, indeed there are very foggy lines being drawn.
For example, if I were suffering from the flu while the majority of humanity also suffered from the same ailment, then would it be proper for me to suggest my health was perfect just because the flu was prevalent throughout society? Obviously, this rationale would not make much sense, especially as I would still be dealing with the symptoms of a runny nose, achy body, and all-around feelings of poor health. If I were a sensible man of logic, I would admit I am not well. Accordingly, I would likely attempt to convince my brethren that something should be done so that we may collectively determine a path toward good health.
Having illustrated my point I will continue with my mental assessment. Without any doubt, I must admit my thoughts are deranged. However, relative to my brethren's behaviour, I would considered of sound mind. Nonetheless, using logic as currency, I must emphatically point to my sickness of the mind. Your interest may be piqued. What deranged thoughts are running through Christopher's mind? There are many levels of mental derangement I can point at to aid in developing my prognosis. However, if asked to cite a few areas of ill health I would start with some basics.
Even though I understand the role of higher learning played by ego inviting chaos into my reality I often find myself getting trapped in cycles of past and future. Knowing that the past and future exist only as an illusion offers me little to no solace when I trespass into insanity by fretting over what may come to pass or lamenting over past opportunities that I never realised.
Another common mental deviation from sanity occurs when I find myself projecting personal failures or grievances upon external circumstances. The blame game can easily manifest when I falsely identify with this person, or that event, as an impetus behind a perceived assault upon myself or the desires I covet. The insanity of the aforementioned mental illness stands firmly against sanity which assures me that, without exception, I am the true master and creator of all events that occur in my reality.
Conjuring up yet one more very debilitating aspect of my personal illusory insanity one can remark upon the mind-numbing captivation I have with death. Insane people, just like you and I, have a devil of a time coming to grips with our perceived demise. One need only confront death face to face to discover how desperately one wants to live.
The passing on of our friends and relatives also represents peak insanity experiences. We may feel we are well-grounded in spiritual truths then whammy someone close to us dies and we discover all sense of spiritual reason flies out the door. There are many more illusions that form the composite of non-clinical insanity, some we see as mental health issues and other points of insanity are nearly indiscernible. In conclusion, I do not believe I can honestly state that I am completely free of mental derangement. Although my derangement may not be abnormal, nor debilitating, it surely does represent a sickness affecting my rationale.
2. Turning to the second part of the definition. Does this unsoundness of mind prevent me from entering into relations, affecting transactions, or behaving in such a way that leads me toward criminal or civil irresponsibility?
Pointing my ship in this direction causes me to pause. In all honesty; I do stand guilty of abdicating my criminal and civil responsibility to those I consider brothers and sisters. If I may expand a little upon how this heinous crime manifests. The best segue for the description of my course of insanity as it relates to discretion against my brethren may be highlighted by a 1917 quote from Charles F. Aked.
"It has been said that for evil men to accomplish their purpose it is only necessary that good men should do nothing."

This subtle point of accusation carries with it a tacit understanding that each and every individual is responsible for their brethren. Individually we are weak, collectively we are an unstoppable force. None of us can escape the fact that, if we are not part of the solution, then we have become a willing party to fascism and the wanton destruction it wreaks upon humanity.
Each night I sleep in comfort while more than 40% of the global population have no adequate housing, yet I do nothing to ensure my brothers are housed. For every meal I consume, I must remember over 18% of the global population is starving to death. What have I done to raise the alarm? Should a sane person not feel more outrage? The freedom I have to travel, as afforded by my income, is enjoyed by less than 40% of the global population, the next trip I take it is worth remembering most of my brethren do not enjoy such luxury. Proper education afforded my children is not available to the majority of children, yet still, I remain quiet. If one person should go hungry, one brother sleeps under a bridge, one sister goes without education or if any of my brethren should live in squalor without hope, without love, am I not also culpable?
Does my silence not tacitly speak to an assault upon my brethren?
The fascist train is racing down the track out of control, presently almost half the population of this world live a significantly poorer lifestyle than my pussy cat Mr Spot. When will we break through the fog of mind programming and collectively recapture our sanity? If not now, when is a good time to take control of this screaming demonic ride of madness? We consider ourselves to be sane, however, are we not abdicating our civil responsibilities to those less fortunate? Beyond any stretch of the imagination, I cannot see a way for you to convince me my behaviour is not to be considered criminal, disheartening, and grossly insane?
3. Does my behaviour exhibit unreasonable foolishness?
What can be said of such a loaded question? One-third of the global population starves. One-half the population have inadequate housing and clean water. The majority of humans live a lifestyle that we, under current laws, would consider inhumane to animals.
You tell me, is this what you would call sanity?
Do you think I am wrong?
I have a friend who is an animal health inspector and I know all too well what he would do if I showed him a pig farm where the animals are starving to death, have no proper shelter, and have filthy drinking water. Undoubtedly, the farmer would be criminally charged, and the animals would be taken away in favour of acceptable animal husbandry practices. Our laws care for the animals we eat better than the people the animals are meant to nourish. Is this upsidedown state of affairs not foolish?
Using any free and loose definition of unreasonable, can you say my behaviour as a silent witness exhibits reason? I am just covering the most basic assaults on our brethren, what about all the other atrocities too many to mention? What about our planet on the brink of environmental collapse? What do I do about evil deviants trading children for sex shop services? Would sane people agree to kill off the majority of the planet's animal and plant species? Of course not! They poison our food, our air and water, then package the poison for our consumption.
Are these the acts of a civilized and sane populous?
In the face of the many obscene revelations, how do I react?
If honest, I admit to finding myself conversing about silliness like who killed Nicole Simpson. I concern myself more with the results of sporting matches than the state of global poverty. I watch big stock investors speculate on the price of food goods at the expense of my brothers' ability to eat. My actions suggest that I am placing the value of paper notes higher than the value of life itself, Is this sanity?
The world spins out of control and, if I am honest, I care more about toys, cars, gadgets and widgets than the state of our world. To hell with my sister, this life is about ME ME ME! I consider myself part of an advanced race of intelligent sane individuals, yet, I look around to observe us all living in a so-called democratic world that looks far more like a Hell than the Heaven we all say is desired. Are these the actions of a sane man, I think not!

I tend to look at our world the same way I would entertain a speeding train; who, in their right mind, would stand in front of a runaway train in hopes of stopping it in its tracks? Not I!
The global corporate fascist regimes responsible for programming my mind have all but convinced me real change is impossible, I must remember these are the same people who have a vested interest in my abeyance. Observe my willingness to comply with corporate global leaders, can you honestly say I am not programmed? In the light of my wee diatribe, surely you can't argue for my sanity, can you? I think we must both admit my actions exhibit unreasonable foolishness.
4. Am I healthy in my mind? Honestly, what do you think? Seriously, take a moment and ask yourself, am I insane? The stage is yours to try and convince me we are not a composite race of lunatics.
The Look of Insanity:
When the sun sets upon another day there is one thing we all have in common, we are all insane. I believe there are four archetypes of insane people. First, there are those who we all readily identify as clinically insane. Having absolutely no grip on reality this group possibly makes up 3-4% of the populous (just a made-up statistic from my well of nonsense). These people, having been marginalised by society, will for the most part end up in an asylum.
The second group of insane individuals are those who are to be considered psychopathic. Ponerological deviants are those who have no capacity for compassion. These deprived souls must navigate through their lives never having the ability to experience the emotional triggers which keep humans on the track to unity, love and peaceful cohabitation. It is estimated by professionals that between 4% and 5% of the population suffers from this malady. When considering all forms of insanity, it is this group of afflicted individuals I empathise with the most for they can never come to terms with how to express and enjoy love. To me, an existence absent of love must be a dreadful manifestation of reality. Nothing can be done for these people. Like the clinically insane their capacity to heal and live a complete life is, for the most part, non-existent.
The third group of insane candidates make up the majority of the populous, possibly as much as 90% of our brethren (another fabricated statistic). This brain-addled group are certainly insane. However mad as hatters they are, they will never develop an appreciation for their insanity. In their minds, they represent Oxford-approved normalcy so they believe themselves perfectly sane. This group of 'average citizens' function quite well in society. Even though they are trapped by illusions, they will go on believing in the many illogical trappings of their material reality. Accceptably insane, they never grasp the true extent of their collective insanity. Having no reference for living beyond the illusion of the ego self, they become incapable of embracing the Godliness of unity consciousness. These individuals we consider 'normal' are virtually incapable of understanding the nature of the true self. Invariably they tumble through life failing to understand the synchronicity of love and unity that can be shared among all living beings.
The final group worthy of note are those who spend most of their life being insane yet miraculously, these blessed humans have somehow developed a sense of their Godself reality. Part and parcel to their newfound spiritual connection to unity consciousness, they find pockets of safe harbour which they rely upon during stormy egoic weather. This part of spiritually tuned humanity likely represents less than 1% of the population. Our group of semi-conscious souls finds they must navigate through the material whilst being completely aware of the illusory nature of their existence.
The partially sane manage to hang on tight to their little niche of sanity as they attempt to rally against the incessant brutality and mind control forced upon the masses by elite psychopathic societal manipulators.

Insanity and 'The Corporate Message'! How Did This Come to Pass?
Assuming we can agree to properly diagnose our insanity as a collective malady the next question is how did this happen?
Whenever I consider this subject I am compelled by personal observation to unequivocally state that the prime derivative of insanity is not a natural state of the human condition. The life experiences that lead me to believe insanity is not entirely a natural phenomenon come from my time in Africa, as well as from observing my family life. Small African villagers, free from electricity, media, Western influence, and corporate manipulation live a completely different lifestyle than us. Their viewpoint is that of a community family where all adults believe all children are their offspring and conversely, all village children believe all adults are their parents.
The concept of family includes all peoples within their realm, and all peoples visiting their community. They believe no one should have more or less, all must be given the same level of respect, dignity, love, and courtesy. They may not have a firm grasp of their spiritual nature or understand concepts of the GodSelf yet they choose to always live in societal harmony whereby all members are considered equal.
Another fine example of sanity is found within the unified expression of nuclear families who, most often, conduct themselves in a manner of mutual love, respect and care. I would never charge my child for food, one child does not get more than another. In the nuclear family, we give freely to each other. Without exception, we make sure all within our family are provided for equally. The nuclear family chooses to transcend the dog-eat-dog battle for survival. Familial choice finds us acting as a united group, loving unconditionally, always giving without reservation, and never selecting one over the other. No one would let one of their children go to school and not another, no one would allow one child to starve while another is fed. Nuclear families living in a state of love are humans expressing sanity.
Why do we feel it necessary to transcend these common-sense rules of family living just because the starving child is not of our clan?
Is it human nature to only care for our own children?
I do not believe living absent of love to be our true identity. Times of crisis prove that communities can bond, they can offer each other love, and individuals can care for and love those they are not personally acquainted with. Possibly we have become separate from our brethren merely because we have been conditioned to act in such a callous manner. Think about Darwinism and the core of its ethos. Ponder the role sport plays to separate our affiliations. Observe the impact of nationalism, the disastrous reality of borders real and perceived dividing our peoples.
Elicit from your memories the effects education has played in dividing you from your brethren. The strong are regarded highly whilst the less skilled suffer insult under the colossal hammer of comparative evaluation. Think about religion, the constant divisiveness and violence it continues to promote throughout the charted history of civilisation. Note how class division is used to isolate the rich from the needs of their impoverished brethren.
Look about your workplace, and be aware of the friction between those with and without power. Make a mental note of how multi-media portals create subtle or gross modalities of divisiveness. Sandpaper grating away at the expression of compassion, slowly eroding the real unifier of human character. See how societal memes fill our thoughts with avarice, contempt, or rampant insensitive violence. Take a moment, right now, to contemplate your role in this abhorrent charade we call democratically approved sanity.
DIVIDE, DIVIDE, DIVIDE, conquer your brother... CONSUME, CONSUME, CONSUME, think not of your sister... FEAR, FEAR, FEAR, your brethren will take from you...
The Road to Sanity, Standing Tall:
Do not believe for a moment this train is unstoppable! Resistance is the key to reacquiring our mental health. Presently we are compliant sheep trained by our masters. Nipped at the heels we are by their dogs of war, programmed by their media lackeys, ruled by their ubiquitous forceful domination. The human race has been trapped, duped, and cajoled to enter freely into our cage. Our minds have become putty in the hands of socially deviant elitist monsters. Peaceful non-compliance, embracing unconditional love, educating the ignorant, and raising the status of the weak are tickets we can covet leading us toward a semblance of mental freedom and a shot at real sanity.
Turn off the TV now and then, eliminate all forms of social media, and drag yourself off the wheel of materialism. Stand tall in love, be aware of global suffering, and reach out to those in need. Hold the hand of the frail, care for the poor, feed the hungry, love the enemy, resist competition, unite with your brothers and live humbly with compassion.
Open your heart to all who stand in your path, and seek to discover your weaknesses. Search your heart regularly to learn how to love without condition. Know that all that appears to not be love is corrupted programming of the ego, a disassociation from sanity, and the will of your elite masters. Educate yourselves, and be aware of the machinations of government and corporations. Seek peace, and harmony then balance your life in the bosom of love which is your true identity. Search to enhance aspects of your sanity, and create pathways of logic that guide you toward a healthy mind. Reach out to your brethren with solutions instead of grievances. Love instead of resistance, unity instead of separation, tenderness instead of aggression, compassion instead of heartlessness.
LOVE LOVE LOVE is the only way to heal your mind, it is the only path toward a future you presently can only imagine as possible.
Our minds are the vehicles of solidarity which is why we need to take back our sanity and remould a new reality. The power of fascist rule acts upon society as mental cancer. Egregious is the condition promulgated by our elitist masters. Elitism carries a big hammer but we can greatly limit its effects by realising a sane populous can be the tail wagging the rabid dog. Know that change is up to us, one act of kindness, one decision, one moment of grace, one step toward love performed one person at a time.
To quote the lackey Obama; YES WE CAN! We can take back our sanity. We can live in harmony. We can love unconditionally. It's up to each of us to learn how to become sane, loving, giving and compassionate human beings! Together, we can take back our reality. Each of us can be the social warriors our children can be proud to emulate.
Turn off the TV now and then, eliminate all forms of social media, and drag yourself off the wheel of materialism. Stand tall in love, be aware of global suffering, and reach out to those in need. Hold the hand of the frail, care for the poor, feed the hungry, love the enemy, resist competition, unite with your brothers and live humbly with compassion.
Open your heart to all who stand in your path, and seek to discover your weaknesses. Search your heart regularly to learn how to love without condition. Know that all that appears to not be love is corrupted programming of the ego, a disassociation from sanity, and the will of your elite masters. Educate yourselves, and be aware of the machinations of government and corporations. Seek peace, and harmony then balance your life in the bosom of love which is your true identity. Search to enhance aspects of your sanity, and create pathways of logic that guide you toward a healthy mind. Reach out to your brethren with solutions instead of grievances. Love instead of resistance, unity instead of separation, tenderness instead of aggression, compassion instead of heartlessness.
LOVE LOVE LOVE is the only way to heal your mind, it is the only path toward a future you presently can only imagine as possible.
Our minds are the vehicles of solidarity which is why we need to take back our sanity and remould a new reality. The power of fascist rule acts upon society as mental cancer. Egregious is the condition promulgated by our elitist masters. Elitism carries a big hammer but we can greatly limit its effects by realising a sane populous can be the tail wagging the rabid dog. Know that change is up to us, one act of kindness, one decision, one moment of grace, one step toward love performed one person at a time.
To quote the lackey Obama; YES WE CAN! We can take back our sanity. We can live in harmony. We can love unconditionally. It's up to each of us to learn how to become sane, loving, giving and compassionate human beings! Together, we can take back our reality. Each of us can be the social warriors our children can be proud to emulate.